imperial decree arrives

Chapter 29 What the hell is my soul wearing?

Chapter 29 What the hell is my soul wearing?
"I understand, you are trying to kill me!"

"The last question, is your mission to obliterate the host?"

Imperial decree: "..."

After a long silence, Jiang Hua finally waited for the voice of the imperial decree: "No...yes."

Jiang Hua chuckled, would I believe it?
Two must-do missions, Rau?No matter how stupid the capital is, they will know your ulterior motives.

Of course, such thoughts just passed by in a flash, and Jiang Hua was not sure whether the imperial decree could read the thoughts in his mind, so he didn't dare to think deeply.

"Blessed by heaven, restricted by the saints: Please host, live in the world of "Magic Phone"!"

Well, another mission that must die!

As soon as Jiang Hua saw the new mission, he felt a sense of déjà vu and wanted to change the host.

"Why do I feel that my physical function is declining, and the punishment of the imperial decree has finally come?"

Jiang Hua saw that his hands were aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, his hands were covered with wrinkles.Since his body couldn't move, although he couldn't see the changes in his whole body, Jiang Hua could clearly feel that his breathing became difficult and his heartbeat became slow.

Just when Jiang Hua was frightened by the changes in his body, the countdown on the imperial decree began to display again, and it was still eight hours of preparation time.

No, from Jiang Hua's point of view, that's eight hours of waiting to die.

I can’t move, which means I can’t understand the plot. I’ve only watched one TV series called Magic Phone, and it’s been a long time ago. It's just getting close to the peak.

"Imperial decree, let me ask the last question, what is the punishment for failing the mission this time?"

The imperial decree flashed, indicating that he didn't want to talk to Jiang Hua.

"Is it death?"

"This is the last question!"

Jiang Hua: "..., but you didn't answer the previous question, hurry up, give me a good time, and tell me."

Imperial decree: "..."

The decree was silent.

The silence of the imperial decree surprised Jiang Hua. You must know that he asked the imperial decree what the so-called punishment was. Although the imperial decree hesitated, he would still tell Jiang Hua.

However, this time, the imperial edict said nothing.

Jiang Hua wasn't sure if it was because the rules restrict the decree from revealing the punishment in advance, or if the decree doesn't know what the punishment is, or if the decree doesn't want to say it.

In Jiang Hua's view, all of them are possible, but Jiang Hua prefers the last one. There is no reason, it is pure speculation.

People always have deep malice towards strangers, not to mention acquaintances who often deceive themselves, and they are also acquaintances who are going to kill themselves, and Shengzhi is such a so-called "acquaintance" in his eyes.

After that, no matter what Jiang Hua said, the imperial decree ignored Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua had no choice but to fall into deep thought.

Eight hours, when nothing can be done, has become extremely long in Jiang Hua's view.


I don't know how long it has passed, but I just stared at the countdown in Jianghua, and the eight hours finally ended.

Soon, Jiang Hua fell into a coma, and the room fell into silence.

call out!
Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from Jiang Hua's body. This light surrounded Jiang Hua and at the same time covered the computer in front of Jiang Hua.

The computer was switching screens frantically, strings of codes became streams of data, trying to enter Jiang Hua's mind.

However, at this moment, the mysterious force appeared again.

It is much stronger than before.In less than a second, Guang Guang's attempt was stopped.

The light seemed to have expected it long ago, no matter what the other party stopped, seeing that the other party was about to stop it successfully, the light suddenly pulled out a very weak light from the data, and when the mysterious power could not respond, it rushed to Jiang Hua's mind.



Jiang Hua opened his heavy eyes with difficulty, wanting to know where he is now.

However, no matter how hard Jiang Hua tried, his double eyelids seemed to be sewn with countless thin threads, unable to let in any light.

Just when he was torn apart, Jiang Hua suddenly let out a scream.

Jiang Hua heard his cry, but fell silent.

No, it's not my voice at all.

Jiang Hua knew that the sound he made just now was a natural sound when he was in pain, a simple so-called "ah", but the sound he heard in Jiang Hua was not in this tone.

It was a very strange, very strange voice that Jiang Hua had never heard before.

Jiang Hua didn't know how to describe it.

The eyes that couldn't be opened, the strange voice, and... the body that couldn't be felt, all of these made Jiang Hua feel horrified.

Jiang Hua couldn't see it, but he could feel it, yes, it was as if the brain had replaced the function of the eyes, and the role of sensation was infinitely magnified.

In the words of the novel, it means that the soul is so powerful that one can perceive everything without using eyes.

However, there are also flaws, Jiang Hua can only perceive himself.

Jiang Hua is in this state now, in his perception, he just seems to head, Jiang Hua himself was taken aback by the message, only one head?
This is ridiculous!
But that's what happened.

"What the hell am I reborn?"

"Huh, how could this be?"

Jiang Hua was surprised. Just now, Jiang Hua found that he seemed to have... an extra hair?

This made Jiang Hua wonder if he had an illusion, so Jiang Hua concentrated his attention on the top of his head.

In Jiang Hua's perception, there are not many hairs, but there are also many, but the distribution is very strange and irregular.It is precisely because of this that Jiang Hua was able to notice a hair that suddenly appeared.

Of course, there are reasons for boredom and reasons for curiosity.

"Another one!"

Soon, under Jiang Hua's deliberate observation, Jiang Hua soon discovered the truth.

My own hair is really growing.Jiang Hua "sees" that the hair appeared suddenly, which completely violates the laws of nature, which instead gives the boring Jiang Hua something to do.

He concentrated on observing the top of his head, watching the hair on it grow out one by one, filled with a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Here, unaware of the passage of time, is surrounded by a strange area in a variety of colors.Some are familiar to Jiang Hua, and some Jiang Hua has never seen before.

Moreover, there are some inexplicable creatures, for example, transparent creatures with long tails; irregular creatures without facial features but able to distinguish directions; and a string of colorful creatures that look like necklaces...

"Could it be that the imperial decree has made a mistake, and what I have come to is not the world of magical mobile phones, but other weird worlds?"

Otherwise, Jiang Hua has never seen these creatures.

However, although these creatures are strange, they are not conscious, and seem to be walking along a specific route.

Even if Jiang Hua could perceive the other party, the other party would have no feedback and would not be moved, let alone attack Jiang Hua.

After playing for a while, Jiang Hua continued to observe his hair.

(End of this chapter)

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