Chapter 170

Winter and summer alternate, autumn goes and spring comes, and it is another three years.

This year, Zhang Junbao was six years old, Yang Bing was eight years old, Guo Xiang and Guo Polu were nine years old.

A few of them have grown into real children from childhood.

Flower Villa.


Huang Rong sat aside with Guo Fu, and Jiang Hua was at the top.

"Senior Jiang, my husband and I have been busy with the affairs of Xiangyang City these years, thank you for taking care of Xiang'er and the others."

Jiang Hua smiled, took a sip of ginseng antler and ganoderma lucidum tea, and said lightly, "You're welcome."

It has been more than ten years since he came to this world, and Jiang Hua is also a little old. From his hair, it can be seen that the years have left traces on his hair, and the blue hair has turned into white hair.

Not many, but conspicuous.

"You guys are here this time...?"

Don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, Jiang Hua guessed that Huang Rong should have finished her work this time, and was going to take the child back.

Huang Rong smiled, not tactfully: "Oh, Senior Jiang, they have been bothering Senior Jiang's house for a long time, this time we are here, we are here to take Xiang'er and the others back."

Jiang Hua had someone call them out, and after a while, the four of them walked out together.


After many years, Guo Xiang and Guo Polu still knew Huang Rong.

When Huang Rong saw her two children, she couldn't help hugging them, whispering softly.

Suddenly, the scene was a little touching.

Yang Bing on the side was a little lonely, and looked at Zhang Junbao.

Soon, Jiang Hua told the four of Huang Rong's intentions. This time, Huang Rong not only wanted to take away Guo Xiang and Yang Bing, but also Yang Bing.After several people left like this, only Zhang Junbao was left, which made Zhang Junbao very reluctant.

"Jun Bao, we're leaving. You have to take good care of yourself in the future. Write to me if you have something fun to do, and keep something delicious for me."

Several people were reluctant to leave, Guo Xiang, the boss, spoke first.

Zhang Junbao nodded, with a resolute expression on his face, afterward, Zhang Junbao took out a round gadget from his bosom.

"Xiang'er, this is a ring. I made it out of willow branches according to the shape of Master's wife. I heard Master tell Master that this thing represents eternity. Now I will put it on for you. You must always remember Junbao, and Junbao also Will always remember you."

Jiang Hua: "..."

Jiang Hua's face was a little embarrassed, when did this kid get so good at teasing girls! ! !

And even the ring thing has been put to use!

Jiang Hua glanced at Huang Rong beside him. Although Huang Rong was curious, she didn't know the true meaning of the ring, so she didn't think about it, thinking it really represented the friendship between the two children.

Just when Jiang Hua thought it was over, Zhang Junbao just put a ring on Guo Xiang's ring finger, and then took out an identical ring from his chest.

This time, Zhang Junbao looked at Yang Bing.

"Bing'er, this is yours. I'll put it on for you. You can't forget Jun Bao in the future."


Yang Bing said little, and nodded heavily.

Jiang Hua: "...!!"

Jiang Hua on the side was dumbfounded. He is so good at flirting with girls at such a young age. This flirting is still two. The future is limitless, the future is limitless.

Jiang Hua felt that a one-time encounter with Guo Xiang for a hundred years might turn into a one-time encounter with Sanfeng for a lifetime.

Guo Polu was confused when he saw that his elder sister and younger sister both had rings, but he didn't have one, so he stretched out his hand and asked Zhang Junbao for it: "Junbao, where's mine?"

Only then did Zhang Junbao think of Guo Polu, and took out a book from his pocket.

"Polu, these are the martial arts cheats that you haven't memorized every time. I have sorted them out and returned them to you now. You must keep them safe in the future, and don't get hit by Uncle Guo again because you can't memorize them."


Guo Polu moved to look at Junbao, and had a bear hug with Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao let go of Guo Polu, and came with Guo Xiang and Yang Bing.

In the end, under Zhang Junbao's reluctant eyes, several people drifted away.

"Oh, if the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night."

Zhang Junbao muttered seriously, then left with his hands behind his back, leisurely.


"Young Master, Jun Bao is so young, let him go out to practice alone, just in case..."

When the women heard that Jiang Hua wanted to let Zhang Junbao go out to practice alone, they were helpless and unwilling, but they also took into account Jiang Hua, so they could only use Zhang Junbao's age as a breakthrough, and wanted to let Jiang Hua dispel this idea.

"I have made up my mind, Junbao is destined to be different from others."

Jiang Hua said in a deep voice, he seldom speaks out, but if Zhang Junbao is allowed to stay in Jiangfu now, he will be spoiled by a few girls.

Six years old, not too young.

Seeing that Jiang Hua was so decisive, the women knew that it would be fruitless to persuade them, so they nodded in agreement.

a few days later.

Zhang Junbao was very happy when he learned that he was finally able to go out. He pretended to be sad and bid farewell to several teachers and wives, and finally walked out of Huahua Villa under the reluctant eyes of all the girls.

Jiang Hua followed Zhang Junbao all the way, the first thing Zhang Junbao did when he came out of the villa, he didn't do anything, instead he wandered around on the street, looking at and touching everything he saw.

Because Zhang Junbao brought a lot of money, so when he met something he liked, Zhang Junbao was not stingy, and he would buy it when he took out his money, and he was extremely generous, always buying worthless but fun things at a premium several times.

After walking less than a hundred meters, Zhang Junbao had more things on his body. Of course, he also hid the malicious eyes that fell on Zhang Junbao. It's a pity that Zhang Junbao was too playful and didn't understand the dangers of the world, so he didn't have any Realized that he had already been targeted by the local land snake.

Several people followed quietly, not surprised Zhang Junbao, and planned to find a sparsely populated place to rob him.

Look at his appearance, he is either rich or expensive, and he will definitely be able to sell for a good price.

Not to mention, the big bag of money on her body, needless to say, should be all silver, white money.

Tired from walking, Zhang Junbao sat down to rest, thinking that he could have a good meal today.

"What kind of smell, it smells so good!"

Coincidentally, there was a restaurant next to Zhang Junbao, smelling the fragrance, he walked in with a bunch of things.Xiao Er saw that although the man in front of him was a young man, the clothes on his body were quite unique, obviously the silk that can only be worn by wealthy people, so he waved his hand: "Guest officer, please come inside!"

Zhang Junbao was overjoyed when he heard it, stared at Xiao Er for ten seconds, and finally walked in with Xiao Er's puzzled expression.

"This, this, and this, I want it!"

After ordering, Zhang Junbao put down his things and looked around boredly.The scenery on the second floor is unique. Standing on the top, you can glance at the various life conditions below.

Zhang Junbao was watching, and suddenly found a group of people beating people.

"When the road is injustice, let out a roar, and act when it is time to act."

Zhang Junbao remembered Jiang Hua's words, so he stood up immediately, jumped down from the second floor, ran towards the group of people, and shouted: "Stop!"

Four or five adults punched and kicked a child, at this time another child came, the leader stopped the others, and turned his gaze to Zhang Junbao.

(End of this chapter)

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