imperial decree arrives

Chapter 10 Famous Scene

Chapter 10 Famous Scene

"After talking about Charlotte, let's talk about yours."

Jiang Hua looked at Zhang Yang with a half-smile, and he really had a unique taste just like in the movie.

Zhang Yang showed his two front teeth in doubt, and said with an awkward smile: "My... my business, boss, what can I do..."

Jiang Hua snorted coldly, then sat on the sofa, stared at Zhang Yang coldly, and said, "I don't care how unique your taste is, but you should know that everything about you is given to you by me, and you should also understand that, Since I can give you wealth beyond your imagination, I can also push you into the abyss with my own hands."

After a pause, Jiang Hua continued: "Charlotte's relatives, you'd better not move, fact, death is a very wonderful thing, and the terrible thing is that life is better than death!"

"Yes yes yes..., I understand."

Zhang Yang nodded quickly, his heart skipped a beat, knowing that the matter between himself and Charlotte's mother had been discovered, he hurriedly repented.At the same time, the inner fear of Jiang Hua deepened.Obviously, the more he contacts and understands, the more Zhang Yang realizes how small he is.

"Money, I have enough, as long as you work hard, you will get something that others can't get in a lifetime."

After intimidating Zhang Yang, Jiang Hua used gentle tactics on the other party. Seeing that Zhang Yang had become a little submissive, Jiang Hua let him back out.


Recently, the large-scale variety show "The Voice of China" organized by Charlotte is in full swing. Once the show was broadcast, it immediately became a sensation throughout Asia.As a Uranus superstar, Charlotte's every move has attracted countless people's attention, not to mention the variety show that she personally planned, which naturally attracted countless attention.

However, on the show today, Charlotte punched a singer. This incident was reported and immediately became the headline of the day, attracting numerous media reports.

When Jiang Hua heard the news, he smiled and said nothing.

Everything is as expected, nothing has changed.

In order to prevent the plot from changing, Jiang Hua did not participate in the main line of the film at all, fearing that his own carelessness would derail the original plot and cause him to lose the opportunity.Even now, I only saw Charlotte once, not what I saw on TV.

Moreover, in order to prevent Charlotte from getting sick, Jiang Hua really took great pains, not only to meet Charlotte's physical needs, but also to check her body without the other party's knowledge.On the surface, there are Charlotte's bodyguards as protectors; in the dark, there are Zhang Yang as intelligence personnel; deep down, Qiu Ya is the contact personnel, three layers of protection, progressively layered.For insurance, Jiang Hua added the last layer of insurance.In short, in order to prevent Charlotte from getting sick, Jiang Hua worked hard and acted as a full-time nanny.

Jiang Hua also wants to directly control Charlotte, but it is obviously impossible. This is Charlotte's dream, and all the rules are constructed by Charlotte. He can be regarded as the rule maker, but Charlotte doesn't know that's all.The most obvious thing is that after Chen Kai was stabbed blind in one eye, he suddenly suffocated to death three days later, and all his younger brothers who had participated in beating Charlotte also died inexplicably.

Some choked to death while eating, some were bumped when going out, some died of sudden air allergies, and some fell asleep...

Although Charlotte didn't show that he wanted to kill the other party, maybe Charlotte had this idea subconsciously, and then... it came true.

Therefore, Jiang Hua didn't dare to be rough on Charlotte, otherwise, once Charlotte had this idea..., she would be really scared.

However, after Jiang Hua carefully analyzed the movie, Jiang Hua also knew some rules.Even if it belongs to Charlotte's dream, it still cannot be separated from reality.This so-called beating on variety shows was the beginning of the chaos in Charlotte's dream.After that, Charlotte will gradually degenerate, or it is more appropriate to say that she wakes up, until she gets sick and dies, and finally wakes up from a dream.

During this period of time, Jiang Hua didn't need to think too much about Charlotte's identity, as long as he was careful, the protagonist would still be at odds.

Of course, in order to complete the mission, Charlotte must not die, and Jiang Hua must protect her. According to the information Jiang Hua currently has, illness is the only physical cause of Charlotte's death. As for the spiritual reason, Jiang Hua has already made perfect arrangements.

Jiang Hua got up, and for the next period of time, Jiang Hua dared not slack off.


a villa.

Looking at the TV report, Qiu Ya became furious and roared loudly: "Is he crazy? How could he do such a mindless thing?!"

At this time, someone next to him explained to Charlotte: "Could Brother Luo be in a bad mood?"

Qiu Ya waved her hand and said, "Don't think about those useless things, quickly contact the company to do image public relations, and minimize the negative comments for me."

After speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and called Charlotte.


Listening to Zhang Yang's report, Jiang Hua also knew about Charlotte's situation at the moment. At present, Charlotte has met Yuan Hua, and several of them are gathering in the villa.

The subsequent story, as arranged by Jiang Hua, Yuan Hua told Xia Luo about Chen Kai's insult to Ma Dongmei, but only concealed the content after Jiang Hua's appearance.


On the other side, after hearing about Ma Dongmei's news, Charlotte was stunned for a moment, and Zhang Yang smoothed things over: "I haven't seen my old classmate for so long, come, come, I'll pour you wine." Zhang Yang was about to pour wine, But suddenly fell to the ground, Charlotte lost her temper and overturned the table.

"Drink...have a fart!" After speaking, Charlotte tore her clothes and left.


Day two.

In a dilapidated residential building, Jiang Hua and Ma Dongmei were sitting in the car, and they had been waiting here for a long time.Jiang Hua was resting with her eyes closed, while Ma Dongmei was a little bored. She sat in the car and looked around. For some reason, she always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity here.At this time, a black car came slowly, and Jiang Hua opened his eyes.

"finally come."

Ma Dongmei was a little strange when she saw Jiang Hua open her eyes. Following Jiang Hua's gaze, Ma Dongmei also looked at the black car in front of her.


The moment the car door opened, Ma Dongmei saw Charlotte and couldn't help but let out a scream.Then, it seemed that Jiang Hua was in front of him again, so he suppressed his surprise.

At this time, Charlotte had already got off the car, and he walked up to an old man.

Seeing this, Jiang Hua in the distance couldn't help smiling.

The famous scene is coming!
"Master, Ma Dongmei's house lives in 322 upstairs, right?"

"Ma Dong what?"

Charlotte had to repeat again: "Ma Dongmei"

The uncle pinched the cigarette in his hand, and asked lightly: "What winter plum?"

Charlotte had no choice but to say loudly: "Ma Dongmei!"

The uncle asked again: "What plum is Ma?"

"Okay, sir, let's cool off first."

The uncle immediately returned: "Okay."

Looking at Charlotte's helplessness from a distance, Jiang Hua also wanted to laugh.Unlike the movie, this uncle really doesn't know who Ma Dongmei is, but there's nothing to say about his funny talent.

About 10 minutes or so, Charlotte came down dejectedly.

"Follow him."

When Charlotte left, Jiang Hua immediately shouted to his subordinates.Then he took out his small notebook and opened several pages.

Ma Dongmei is used to seeing Jiang Hua take out her small notebook.

"If I remember correctly, Charlotte should go to get drunk. According to the plot of the movie, Charlotte probably got sick at this time. However, now that Charlotte has not seen Ma Dongmei, I don't know if she will go to get drunk on a whim."

Jiang Hua made a wave of analysis, but this analysis is not as clear as following directly.

Sure enough, things went in the worst direction.

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Hua has long been prepared.The KTV that Charlotte went to is one of Jianghua's entertainment industries.The beauties inside, Jianghua, have been strictly screened to ensure no pollution.Especially when Charlotte parked the car at the door, Jiang Hua had already called and told the people inside that the person who found Charlotte must be "clean".

Charlotte played until late at night, and Jiang Hua also waited with Charlotte until late at night, until Charlotte left, and Jiang Hua let the driver continue to follow.As for him and Ma Dongmei, they got into another car.


"Mr. Cheng, I...I want to resign."

Ever since Charlotte announced the launch of the entertainment industry, Jiang Hua could see that Ma Dongmei was worried.Early this morning, Ma Dongmei came to Jianghua's office with a resignation letter in his hand, ready to resign.

Jiang Hua got up, poured a glass of water for Ma Dongmei, and asked, "Is it because of Charlotte?"

"Huh...huh?" Ma Dongmei was a little flustered, completely lost her usual calmness, she waved her hand: "How... how is it possible. How could I resign for that guy."

Jiang Hua continued to ask the bottom line: "Then... why?"

Ma Dongmei was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "My mother is getting old, and I'm going back to take care of her."

Jiang Hua nodded and agreed: "Okay, do one last thing for me, and take it as your resignation task. Have you seen the photos on my desk? Give these photos to the propaganda department and let them publish them."

When Ma Dongmei heard this, she walked over to pick up the photo on Jianghua's desk, opened it, and was stunned.

"Mr. Cheng, want to deal with Charlotte?"

What Ma Dongmei held in her hand were all photos of Charlotte's lace scandal, some of which were taken recently.

Jiang Hua nodded: "Why, are you reluctant?"

"" After finishing speaking, he sorted out the photos one by one, bowed to Jiang Hua, exited the office, and said, "I'll do it right away."

Jiang Hua was silent, watched Ma Dongmei leave, thought for a while, and turned on the computer.

Ma Dongmei walked out of the company holding the photo, and took the photo to the car.

Jiang Hua shook his head, smiled wryly, and sighed, "You still say no."

The task assigned by Jiang Hua is actually very simple. You just need to walk out of the office, and within a minute, you can find the relevant department and get things done.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Ma Dongmei, telling her not to see Charlotte during this time, and when the time came, he would take her there.As for whether Ma Dongmei will listen or not, Jiang Hua is still very confident.

(End of this chapter)

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