Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 158 Continue to Add Money

Chapter 158 Continue to Add Money
After the owner of the current rental shop is settled, the next step is the landlord of this shop. According to the phone number left by the boss, Luo Fan directly called the landlord.

At first, the landlord thought that Luo Fan came to rent a shop, but Balabala said a lot, but missed the point.

After confirming Luo Fan's needs, the boss asked in surprise: "Do you really want to buy this place?"

No wonder the landlord is so surprised, this place is actually not good, the location is good only because it is on the side of the road, it can be said that it is far away from the city center.

The only good thing is the large area. It is precisely because of the large area that the price cannot go down, and it is difficult to sell or rent out.

That is to say, from time to time, you can meet one or two entrepreneurial startups who dream of getting rich. Otherwise, the boss's store may be empty all the time. Of course, these startups basically end in failure.

In fact, the boss secretly tricked Luo Fan in terms of rent. Although his contract stated 12 yuan, it was just the boss's way of raising the value of his shop.

In fact, the boss only spent [-] yuan in rent. No matter how hard he negotiated, he could get it for [-] to [-] yuan, without the [-] yuan rent he said.

There are a lot of tricks in the business world. If you really want to rent a house or buy a house, you still have to look and ask more questions, and you can't be in a hurry like Luo Fan.

It's just that Luo Fan intends to buy it directly, so there is no need to step on this trap.

Luo Fan nodded and said: "Although the location here is average, the site is very large. It's not bad to open a shop just to make do. Please quote a price. I'll take it if it suits you."

The landlord tentatively quoted a price and said, "How about 400 million?"

"300 million, including the land." Luo Fan directly paid back the price.

Although the rent of this store is [-] to [-], it is idle for a lot of time, and there are cases where it cannot be rented out for two or three years, but it cannot be calculated at [-] to [-].

The most expensive part of this set of shops is actually the land. The land of nearly 200 square meters is worth almost [-] million.

But this is compared to the current price. The boss bought this piece of land a long time ago, so the price should be very cheap, maybe not even 50.

Although the boss was a little tempted, he still wanted to raise the price habitually, saying: "My friend, isn't your bargaining too much, or I will give up a little, 380 million."

Luo Fan said: "Boss, you are dishonest like this. The price I gave is already the real price. I have inquired beforehand, and the price you quoted on the agency is only 300 million."

"I didn't even give you a counter-offer. I just wanted to make you feel better. Don't think I'm young so you can fool me."

"Besides, there are still people renting this shop. It will cost me a fortune to settle it. Boss, you'd better be honest. You won't be afraid that the business will go bad, and I don't want you to."

Naturally, Luo Fan couldn't just waste money aimlessly. Without knowing the information that the homeowner intends to sell, he couldn't go and deal with the boss first. If the homeowner didn't sell it, it would be an oolong incident.

The homeowner also gave up struggling and agreed, "Okay, then I will pay the price you said."

"It's just that I'm not in City C right now. If I sign the contract and go through the formalities, I'll have to wait at least five days before I can come back."

"..." Luo Fan was speechless, can't the two of you cheer up?Especially for homeowners, this is a major event in selling a house, and what is more important than a few million.

Luo Fan thought for a while and said, "Boss, I'm in a hurry here, maybe I'm not ready to open or something, otherwise, I'll add 5000 yuan to your travel expenses. If you come back today, we will sign the contract tomorrow." The contract goes through the formalities."

The homeowner hesitated and said, "It's not about money, and I'm not that kind of person."

Naturally, Luo Fan could hear the homeowner's heartbeat, and said boldly: "An extra ten thousand, if you are worried, I can call you as a deposit first."

"Tomorrow is Friday, and if you can't go through the formalities, you have to wait another weekend. How about this, come here early, and I'll give you another five thousand if you can finish the formalities tomorrow."

Naturally, Luo Fan is not afraid that the boss will blackmail his money. This is the property of the boss. If he can run away from a monk, he can also run away from a temple?
When the homeowner heard what Luo Fan said, he was immediately moved, and said, "Okay, I'll come over tonight, let me tell you first, I didn't come here for this money, I'm not this kind of person."

It's just that after hanging up the phone, Luo Fan immediately received a friend request from the homeowner. It took less than five seconds before and after, and his body should not be too honest.

Luo Fan was also amused by the honest behavior of the homeowner, so he directly sent a deposit of 1 yuan through his friends.

When Luo Fan finished talking about things and was about to leave, he found that the waiter at the front desk was still there. Luo Fan asked curiously, "Your boss is gone, why are you still here?"

The waiter was a little dazed, and only then did he react, and said in surprise: "How could the boss run away, he hasn't paid me this half month's salary!"

Naturally, Luo Fan would not care about such things that do not belong to him, and said calmly: "That is between you, I can't manage this matter, you should call him earlier, maybe he will still In City C."

"By the way, I will be the boss here from now on. I just opened a new store. If you don't mind, you can stay and continue working."

"Of course, you can only find him for half a month's salary, and you will definitely not be able to get it from me."

Only then did the waiter come to his senses, and quickly called the original boss. Hearing the background voice, he had already arrived on the high-speed rail.

Maybe it's because Luo Fan is the receiver, the boss is also in a good mood, but he didn't plan to blackmail the waiter's salary, so he quickly transferred 800 yuan, which is pitifully low.

Luo Fan asked in surprise, "Your salary is so low?"

The waiter also looked at Luo Fan in surprise, and said, "Boss, you really don't know the sufferings of the world. 1600 yuan a month is already very high for a part-time job."

"Actually, the former boss was not bad, and even offered to provide me with a meal every day. Unfortunately, he just couldn't continue, and the business was bleak as far as the naked eye could see."

The front desk also rebelled too quickly, and soon became the title of "boss" and "former boss", which made Luo Fan wonder if he would soon become a "good former boss".

Getting rid of this impossible idea from his mind, Luo Fan asked the waiter about the situation again, and after formulating a regulation, he sent her away from here.

The business of this store is really not good. This can be seen from the fact that there is only one front desk, waiter, and orderer. The boss himself is also a chef and serving waiter. If this is the case, this store has also closed down.

Li Siqin, the receptionist, is a student at a nearby university, and his part-time job is from 6:11 to [-]:[-] in the evening. After thinking about it, Luo Fan thought it was enough, so he didn't plan to hire another person.

As for the salary, since she herself thinks it's okay, and also thinks that Luo Fan doesn't understand the sufferings of the world, Luo Fan feels that he doesn't understand the sufferings of the world, so it is necessary for her to raise her salary.

Luo Fan didn't intend to provide her with dinner, so he added an additional 300 yuan to Li Siqin's meal allowance, and the total monthly salary was [-] yuan.

Li Siqin didn't know that just because he said a few words just now, he lost a chance for a big salary increase. You must know that everyone who works in the Luofan factory has a salary close to [-].

(End of this chapter)

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