Chapter 146

Of course Zhang Jinxing couldn't wait for Luo Fan's reply. Luo Fan was so busy right now that he didn't have time to look at Yi Xin.

After Luo Fan woke up in the afternoon, he went to buy a tofu making machine non-stop. Since Li Leming stabbed himself in the back, it was impossible for him to go to his factory to experiment again.

When Luo Fan finally started the experiment, Wang Sanjin called himself again. As soon as the call was connected, Wang Sanjin's anxious voice came from the opposite side:

"Boss, it's not good. The employees are rioting. I can't persuade you no matter how hard I try to persuade you."

Luo Fan also looked confused, what the hell, you are still rioting on such a good condition, are you a little ignorant?
Thinking of this, Luo Fan said angrily, "Sanjin, please tell me about the matter carefully, it's why you rioted."

"Isn't that what happened yesterday?" Wang Sanjin said, "I was not in the factory at the time, and I heard later that Li Leming's son Li Chen came to make trouble, accusing us of defrauding us, which caused panic among our employees."

"Everything was fine yesterday, so it's safe and sound."

"It's just that I don't know why today. Maybe someone fanned the flames. There have been rumors in the factory that we are fraudsters, and the factory is about to close down."

"Now many employees don't do their jobs, and they just make trouble around our office building. Boss, what do you think we should do?"

"If it weren't for my brothers still believing in me, something might happen now."

Are these people idle and have nothing to do, listening to the wind is the wind, listening to the rain is the rain, do they have no logic at all?
"Why don't you panic about such a trivial matter. Since you think we are liars and don't want to stay, just leave. According to the salary we just negotiated at the beginning, we will pay them according to the number of days."

"If you don't want to stay, just leave. Are we afraid that we won't be able to recruit people if our factory has such good conditions?"

"Just one thing you have to remember, all those who leave this time will be blacklisted and will never be hired in the future. Our factory is not a place where they come and leave whenever they want."

Wang Sanjin hesitated and said, "But, boss, in this way, our production will be out of supply."

Luo Fan didn't care either, and said, "If you don't have any people, you can find them again. If you can't supply them, ask the franchisees to rest for a few days."

"This business has always been dominated by us, and I confiscated their franchise fees. We are still afraid that those franchisees will fail. When will it be our turn to deal with them? By the way, did Luoshi participate in this riot?"

"Luo Shi? Who is Luo Shi?" Wang Sanjin was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized, "You are talking about your distant cousin, but this time he is on our side."

Luo Fan thought for a while and said, "Okay, we can't treat those who have always supported us badly. All those who choose to stay will have a uniform salary increase of [-]."

"As for this Luo Shi, he can be regarded as my relative after all. Since he didn't betray me this time, I'll give him a hand now that it's time to hire someone."

"By the way, I remember that I have some relatives who are also looking for jobs. Ask Luo Shi to get in touch, and we will screen out some reliable people and accept them as well."

After finishing speaking, Luo Fan hung up the phone. It was ridiculous, but it was just a rumor and he couldn't wait to jump out. This kind of nonsense is the person Luo Fan despises the most.

And they take themselves too seriously. There may be indispensable people here, but they will definitely not be them.

It's better for these scumbags to leave early, in case a business war really breaks out, they will definitely be the first batch of people to be instigated.

On Wang Sanjin's side, after getting Luo Fan's approval, he no longer suppressed himself. Today, he was a bit choked up by this group of people.

Wang Sanjin pushed aside the noisy crowd and shouted loudly: "Everyone be quiet."

Seeing Wang Sanjin approaching, someone immediately said: "Director Wang is here, you have to give us an explanation, if you don't explain clearly, we won't do it here."

"That's right. Hurry up and pay us our wages. We don't want to stay in this kind of black factory for a moment. If we don't settle today, we'll see you directly at the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau."

Wang Sanjin was no longer angry at this time, the boss was right, if he leaves here, he will definitely not be the one who loses, and said with a smile: "Okay, you have to leave, right, those who plan to leave line up on my left .”

"Then follow me to the financial office to get your salary. One day counts as one day, and today I will count one day for you too."

"You seize the opportunity, if you miss today, maybe our factory will run away, and your wages will be gone."

After Wang Sanjin finished speaking, no matter what he had to say, he directly stretched out his left hand to signal them to line up here.

After waiting for a few minutes, the line was almost full, and Wang Sanjin led the group directly to the financial room.

"Brother, I said that Director Wang seems to be playing for real, and this company doesn't look like a liar?"

"It's not like that. Now they are just being exposed and they are riding a tiger, so they pay us wages to stabilize us."

"These people left behind are really stupid. They didn't go with us. They will regret it in the future."

"Brother is right. I am a firm supporter of my brother. We can find a place to have a drink after getting the salary. It's a pity that the salary is real. It would be great."

"Don't think about it. I didn't see that someone came to say that the boss was cheating yesterday. The boss returned the things without saying a word. If there is no problem, how could he not be tough at all."

"That's right, it's better to pay your salary as soon as possible, don't think about these unrealistic things."

Wang Sanjin had asked Su Li to prepare the cash long ago, and according to the working hours, he quickly settled everyone's wages. These people didn't miss it at all, and they all left soon.

When these people dispersed, Wang Sanjin ordered his subordinates to gather those who were willing to stay. At this time, morale must be boosted.

Wang Sanjin held the loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Thank you for your trust, and you are willing to stay and continue to work. Here, on behalf of our factory, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone."

"And for this incident, I have to clarify that our factory did not engage in so-called fraud, and what happened yesterday was just an accident."

"If our factory is really a scam, you won't be able to see me here now. I'm afraid I've gone in a long time ago."

Hearing this, the people below couldn't help but burst out laughing, and the matter was indeed the same. If the police came to arrest Wang Sanjin right after he finished speaking, it would be even more dramatic.

Unfortunately, this is reality, not a movie, and what everyone imagined did not happen. Wang Sanjin continued to shout: "Since everyone chooses to stay, our boss will not treat everyone badly."

"This afternoon, the boss told me that all those who stay will get a salary increase of 500 yuan."

Wang Sanjin's last sentence undoubtedly blew up the audience. Salary is the benefit that everyone can see. In an instant, the voices of "Long live the factory director" and "Long live the boss" came one after another. This time the matter was perfectly resolved.

As for lack of people?Laughed, are you afraid you won’t be able to recruit people if you have money?
(End of this chapter)

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