Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 129 Please, Let Me Become a Shareholder

Chapter 129 Please, Let Me Become a Shareholder

Luo Fan also gave everyone a brief explanation of his trip to City C this time. Being the first one undoubtedly raised the popularity of the Yifan stinky tofu brand.

The next step is to consider how to use your popularity to promote your products, as well as future plans.

At the same time, Luo Fan told everyone a good news, that is, Luo Fan is preparing to formally establish a company here.

The establishment of a company is undoubtedly a good thing for employees. Things like five insurances and one housing fund can be paid to employees in the name of the company, and the employment contract is more formal.

Of course, starting a company also means more things. The current few people as the management team are far from enough. Luo Fan also needs more people, which is another huge expense.

It's just that these things must be necessary if you want to be formal. It is impossible for Luo Fan to continue operating as a black workshop, and it is also a big deal for the higher authorities to investigate.

According to Wang Sanjin's suggestion, Luo Fan made a simple plan and assigned Wang Sanjin and Liu Dazhuang to the production department to serve as the head and deputy head respectively.

Due to his good performance, Jiang Yong was directly promoted to the deputy manager of the company.

At the same time, Wang Sanjin also served as the company's manager, and together with Jiang Yong presided over the company's various affairs.

Liu Dazhuang is also the head of the personnel department, and manages personnel issues together with the two managers.

Su Li continued to stay in the finance department to cooperate with Jiang Yong's work.

Such a composition must still be short of people, Luo Fan decided to directly delegate power, let the three of them act on their own, and directly recruit people if they are lacking.

Luo Fan didn't bother to go to the talent market to see those pretentious job seekers, and he was happy to leave this matter to them.

As for the official establishment of the company, it will be tomorrow. Today is the weekend, and the relevant departments will not work.

At the same time, Luo Fan also asked Liu Dazhuang to take out the award certificate. This is a well-framed certificate, and the small page bears immeasurable value.

Wang Sanjin took the certificate carefully, looked at the information on it, smiled even more happily, and said loudly: "Boss, I must make a few copies of this certificate, as the treasure of our factory."

"All right, all right, just remember to return the original to me." Luo Fan originally meant this, and directly agreed with Wang Sanjin.

If it is the original, Luo Fan must keep it for himself. This is the first convenience he has obtained, and the commemorative value of it is not the same for him.

A gold-covered trophy was also issued along with the certificate. Because it was inconvenient to carry this trophy, Luo Fan kept it at home and only showed them the photo.

Next, there is another matter that Luo Fan needs to deal with, and that is the matter of Li Leming's shareholding. To be honest, Luo Fan is still very interested in this matter, but Li Leming seems to be unable to see the situation clearly.

At this time, Li Leming, who was waiting for Luo Fan in the living room, also became uneasy. He suddenly realized that his vision seemed to be unable to keep up with Luo Fan's development speed.

In just a few months, Luofan's stinky tofu factory has expanded its scale several times, and its business has spread to every corner of the entire JS city.

As Luofan's tofu supplier, I know some things clearly, for example, the supply of Luofan's stinky tofu.

This can be seen from the quantity of tofu purchased by Luo Fan. Now Li Leming has discovered that the tofu factory he opened next to Luo Fan on a whim has become his most profitable business at this stage.

Thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with Luo Fan's words, it was indeed his tone that was a bit loud.

Not to mention that there is still some water in the 1000 million, even if his park is really worth 1000 million, he still can't get as many shares as Luo Fan.

What Luo Fan lacks now is only time, and this little cake in this small place of JS City can make Luo Fan realize an annual income of tens of millions, not to mention other broader markets.

Luo Fan's participation in this competition is simply a stroke of genius in the entire development plan. After gaining fame, it will be easier to open up markets in other places.

In this way, the valuation of 4000 million is indeed too low. Based on Luo Fan's secret recipe alone, the value of this factory will not be lower than a small target.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the taste of stinky tofu is much better than that of crayfish, but the price of stinky tofu is lower than that of crayfish because it is easy to make and has various business forms.

For example, if you plan to open a stinky tofu shop, a small store is enough, and the staff does not need to be too skilled to fry stinky tofu very well.

Even if you think the cost of opening a store is too high, you can also choose to set up a small stall on the roadside or in the night market just like the current franchisees in JS City, so that you don't even need the appearance fee.

The cost of ingredients is also lower, you only need to purchase some stinky tofu and ingredients for making soup.

And what about crayfish?Not only is the cost of crayfish high, whether it is setting up a stall or opening a store, a larger area is required to meet the needs of customers.

Of course, crayfish also has an advantage that stinky tofu cannot match, that is, its unique taste, which is difficult for vegetarians to achieve.

The more Li Leming thought about it, the more frightened he became. He even felt that the fact that his park could get 5.00% of the shares from Luo Fan was Luo Fan's release.

And there is another possibility, that is, Luo Fan doesn't want to accept his investment at all. With such a large sum of money, wouldn't it be nice to earn it by himself?
Thinking in another way, if Li Leming has such a business, it is impossible for others to invest in it. It is acceptable to develop slowly, but it is not acceptable for him to share a fortune with others.

Thinking of this, Li Leming's mentality also changed. He wondered, if Luo Fan refused his shareholding later, would he be ashamed to beg Luo Fan?

Please, let me take a stake!
At this moment, Li Leming's mind saw the scene of him holding Luo Fan's thigh and crying. He felt very ashamed, but in order to stand up, if Luo Fan refused, it was not impossible for him to do that.

In ancient times, it was a good story that Han Xin endured the shame of his crotch, but now I, Li Leming, put down my old face and succeeded in investing in shares, and got a ride on Luo Fan's ride, becoming a legend.

Thinking of this, Li Leming's determination to become a shareholder became even firmer. As long as Luo Fan dared to refuse, he would dare to hug his thigh and cry.

When Luo Fan came to the reception room, Li Leming, who was thinking about something with blank eyes, would greet him with a smirk from time to time.

Luo Fan wondered whether Li Leming became a fool because he was stimulated by his rejection.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan calmly planned to leave here, but he couldn't even find a place to reason when he was beaten by a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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