Chapter 127 Back to JS City

Luo Fan originally planned to give Xiaopang [-]% of the original shares of the company as a reward for hiring him, but, unfortunately, Luo Fan's proposal was severely rejected by Xiaopang.

He even rejected Luo Fan's idea of ​​asking him to buy shares, saying that all the money was paid off for the mortgage and no savings, but in fact, this kind of remark was just an excuse at first glance.

Luo Fan only thinks that Xiaopang is willing to help, but he is not optimistic about his company, so he can only give up after offering Xiaopang a monthly salary of [-].

Luo Fan intends to discuss this issue with Xiaopang after the company starts to flourish, and he will definitely accept it gladly.

In fact, how can Xiaopang not be optimistic about Luo Fan's company, but he knows that there are some things that he should pay more attention to.

How many brothers parted ways because of the profit distribution after starting the company. It is precisely because Luo Fan's company has a good prospect that he does not want to be involved in the equity.

The relationship between the two should be simpler. It would be nice for Luo Fan to pay himself a salary and do things for him by himself.

And the salary of 2 yuan is also very high. If it weren't for fear of Luo Fan's anger, Xiaopang wouldn't even want that much salary.

The company has been registered, and Luo Fan has invested 100 million as the initial capital, and the matter here has come to an end.

Luo Fan said that the money in the head office's account is fully entrusted to Xiaopang to arrange. If he needs to use it directly, he does not need to ask Luo Fan for instructions.

Now that things are over, Luo Fan is ready to go back to js city.

Since the production line has not yet caught up, Luo Fan told Xiaopang to just hang up the franchise information of his stinky tofu, and there is no need to advertise, just follow the trend to promote.

Next, Luo Fan is going to go back to js city to fix the production line problem. The current small troubles are enough to supply the needs of js city. If he wants to open more franchises, he has to continue to expand production.

Thinking of this, Luo Fan felt that there was not enough time, and he didn't care about rest, so he hurriedly chose to go back with Liu Dazhuang that day.

Xiaji is just starting now, so there is no need to go there by yourself. When it is time to officially start researching the product, Luo Fan must stay in City C and not run around.

Making and distributing products by yourself is not a concept at all. It is impossible for Luo Fan to make every part by himself. It is necessary to find a way to preserve the taste of the product as much as possible and to streamline the production.

Only in this way can the price of the secret recipe be reflected to the maximum. If Luo Fan's own strength is good, but the streamlined products are not as good as Xiao Ji, then the business may not be able to surpass him.

Of course, this possibility hardly exists. Since Luo Fan can make better-tasting crayfish, his mastery of the taste is naturally better than Xiao Ji.

It was already midnight when Luo Fan returned to City C. Luckily, Luo Fan's house was still rented, so the two of them would not end up going back to their hometown and staying in a hotel.

The wind at night brought a little bit of coolness, blowing away the sweltering heat of early summer. Luo Fan's trip to City C this time can be said to be a great success, and all the goals he wanted to achieve were achieved.

After sleeping all night, Luo Fan finally recovered. After recovering his energy, Luo Fan called Wang Sanjin immediately to ask about his recent situation.

"Boss, why didn't you tell me when you came back, and I will pick you up." Wang Sanjin said, "First of all, I wish the boss a triumphant return."

Luo Fan smiled and said, "It's too late, so I didn't tell you. It's not like I don't have a place to live."

"By the way, how is the company's current situation? It's developing smoothly, right?"

"The situation in the boss's company is naturally booming. I have to say that people who study well are amazing. Since I have the help of Jiang Yong and Su Li, I, the factory manager, have become much more relaxed."

"They organize everything in an orderly manner. I just need to take care of the overall situation. After the business is done, I will feel more relaxed."

"Liu Dazhuang is too dishonest. If you don't tell the boss, he won't tell me about your return."

Luo Fan joked: "No, he is probably an honest and reliable young man just like you."

"This time, our Yifan stinky tofu's reputation has finally been established, and a wave of franchising is about to usher in the next wave. As the factory manager, you have to give a little bit of effort."

"Call Jiang Yong and Su Li, and we'll have a short meeting later to arrange our future work arrangements. The time is set at ten o'clock."

Wang Sanjin readily agreed: "Good boss, make sure the notice is in place. Don't be surprised when you come. Our factory has changed a lot now."

huge change?Luo Fan was a little surprised that there would be some changes in this factory, but he knew that Wang Sanjin would not be indiscriminate, so he was looking forward to it.

Luo Fan and Liu Dazhuang had a casual breakfast, and around nine o'clock, they went out to their own factory.

Before officially entering the factory area, Luo Fan felt the difference. The noise inside was full of people, and it was very lively, which was completely inferior to the deserted small factory with a few people in the past.

Knowing that the boss was coming, Wang Sanjin waited at the door early, and when he saw Luo Fan's figure, he hurried up to meet him.

At this time, a passing worker saw the always serious factory manager laughing, and asked the person next to him strangely, saying:
"What's going on today, the usually unsmiling Director Wang is actually smiling like a flower."

The worker next to him had a mysterious face at this moment, and secretly whispered in the ear of the first person: "Ordinary people really don't know why, but I know the factory manager and know some inside information."

"I heard from the factory manager that a person he admires the most is coming today. It is said that he is the factory manager's boss."

The first person exclaimed: "The factory director's boss? Isn't that the big boss? Then I have to get to know him. Maybe we can get acquainted with him."

The second person dissuaded: "Don't be a toad who wants to eat swan meat. The boss of the factory manager is something ordinary people like us can know?"

"It's good for us to work hard. The benefits here are good, and the work intensity is not very high, but you can't find good things even with a lantern."

"If Factory Manager Wang didn't know me well back then, I wouldn't be able to do such a good thing. Young man, you should do your job well and don't think about such weird things."

"Don't keep thinking about taking shortcuts. Even if you really know the big boss, the big boss may not necessarily give you special arrangements. It is said that the big boss is very stern and selfless."

The first person nodded, thinking that this was the reason, so he gave up the idea of ​​peeping in the past, but he didn't know if it was his illusion. He felt that the big boss seemed familiar from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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