Chapter 93

Liu Yun asked everyone with a smile: "I don't know if you like to go out to eat or eat in our company. If you eat in our company, I will fry steak for you. The very delicious steak is very delicious. First use The creamy butter fry the steak until golden brown, it is very delicious, and the steak made in the company saves money, haha. The main thing is that if you eat it in the company, you can spend the company’s money, so happy. I don’t know what you want, if If you go out to eat, you have to spend 300 yuan by yourself. If you cook steak in the company, you only need to spend 30 yuan. The main reason is that you don’t need to travel so far to eat steak at a steak restaurant. Do some other things when you have time off, such as watching TV, watching other things is also okay, Deng Yunqi, don’t you like watching TV dramas the most? If we don’t go to the steakhouse, it can save us several hours. Do you watch TV dramas? How wonderful it would be to watch TV dramas while eating your own fried steak. I don’t know Deng Yunqi, do you think it’s better to eat steaks at our Yunfan Technology Company, or go to a steakhouse to eat steaks? If you think it’s better to eat steak at a steakhouse, you can go to a steakhouse to eat steak. This is up to you. I’m just giving you a suggestion. If you think eating steak in a company is really out of style , we can go out to eat steak, I listen to everyone on this matter."

Naturally, Liu Yun doesn't want to go to a steak restaurant to eat steak. He is a poor man with only 100 million deposits, but he can't afford those more expensive foods. Liu Yun's words are just a few words, and naturally he doesn't really want to invite everyone to dinner. Yes, the cost of going to a steakhouse to eat is not very small. To be honest, Liu Yun really feels distressed. He doesn't want to go to a steakhouse to eat with everyone.But I can’t say such a thing. If I say that I don’t want to go to a steak shop to spend money on that steak, then it seems that my structure is too small, and the small one is a bit inappropriate. After all, Liu Yun is also a cloud. The boss of Fan Technology Company is the boss of a company in Taili City. If he was deducted because of a small amount of 3000 yuan, what would others think of him if they found out? Liu Yun would be considered too stingy and too deductive It doesn't match the entrepreneurial halo on him at all. At that time, what will others think of him as an entrepreneur? They will definitely think that he is too stingy as an entrepreneur without a structure. Liu Yun can imagine that once he speaks out about himself What kind of consequences will a stingy person cause? It is very likely that such a trivial matter will rush to the news. Then his image of an entrepreneur who Liu Yun has spent so much time on may be over. This is absolutely not allowed by Liu Yun .

How can he say that Liu Yun has worked so hard here in Taili City for so long, if his reputation is not so good because of such a trivial matter, it is completely unnecessary, I can only talk about such a trivial matter The price was too great, to the point where Liu Yun couldn't afford it.

Therefore, Liu Yun had to bear the pain and said that he was not stingy and didn't want to go to the steak shop to eat steak, but because it was more convenient to eat steak in the company, which could save such a long journey to the steak shop and save the time of going to the steak shop to eat What’s wrong with those few hours of time? For example, Deng Yunqi can watch TV dramas and watch other news. Wouldn’t it be nice to lie down and watch the news while eating the delicious fried steak at Yunfan Technology Company? .And Liu Yun is confident that the taste of the steak he cooks is good, not to mention that it can compare with those steak restaurants, at least the craftsmanship is better than most steak lovers, and the steak he makes is delicious.Liu Yun has invited people from Yunfan Technology Company to eat steak more than once before. Everyone in Yunfan Technology Company thinks that the steaks made by Liu Yun are delicious, so Liu Yun thinks that it is okay not to go to the steak shop, after all, it is done in the company. Eating steak is also a very beautiful thing. There is no need to spend hours going to a steakhouse outside to eat.

"Haha, brother, you are just stingy. Why do you talk about being stingy so fresh and refined? It's not that I don't know you. You've been stingy since you were a child. You definitely don't want us to eat at a steakhouse, because going to a steakhouse requires It costs money, and it takes a lot of money. I estimate that the six of us will spend at least 6 yuan, and if we cook steak by ourselves, it will cost 3000 yuan per person. How can you do this with such a small amount of money? Did you pay for it? 30 yuan is a drizzle for you, a big boss of Yunfan Technology Company. I don’t want to spend this money. I think it’s definitely not worth spending 3000 yuan just to eat a steak. Haha, am I right? I know your character. You have been stingy since you were a child. What I said is right. It’s not that I don’t understand you. You must think that it’s unnecessary to spend so much money to eat out. Am I right? Haha. By the way, as the owner of Yunfan Technology Co., Ltd. Is it a bit stingy to not even give up 3000 yuan? Why do you ignore when we buy all kinds of food in the company and let us buy whatever we want? Why do you start to procrastinate when you go out to eat? Well, it seems that the company’s money is used to buy things in the company, and it’s your money to go out to eat. It’s a completely different feeling. By the way, are you really the owner of Yunfan Technology Company? This time we’re going out When we go to the steakhouse for dinner, it’s okay to pay Yunfan Technology’s account. Let the company reimburse us. There’s no need to be so stingy. Just order ordinary dishes, such as steak, just eat steak, there is no need to order expensive things in the store."

An Cui didn't understand why Liu Yun was so stingy. It is said that when they are in the company, the employees of Yunfan Technology Company can buy whatever they want. Liu Yun has never cared about it. Yun began to evade, as if going out to eat would cost Liu Yun a lot of money.Ordinarily, is there any difference between going out to eat and eating in the company? Isn't it all spent on the company's money? Is Liu Yun such a stingy brother?

So An Cui really didn't understand Liu Yun's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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