Chapter 71

After the three strong men left, Liu Yun ordered Wang Chuanjun to take the two masked men back to Yunfan Technology Company first.

Wang Chuanjun asked the bodyguards to stuff the mysterious masked man into the business 7-seat car of Yunfan Technology Company, and then returned to the company with the mysterious masked man.

Liu Yun pointed to the room next to him and said, "Wang Chuanjun, put these two people into this room. I want to interrogate who is the organization behind the mysterious mask man and who is behind it. The one who tripped me up this time really doesn't regard me as a character anymore, the clay figurine still has three fires, not to mention I'm not a clay figurine, I'm the boss of Yunfan Technology Company, it's really endless to harass me again and again, It's lawless, but it's killing me."

This mysterious organization of masked people seems to have gotten into trouble with him, making trouble for him time and time again.Last time he deliberately sent those mysterious masked people to the moon, but he didn't expect that this mysterious masked people organization would not change, and came to trip him up again.

Uncle can bear it, auntie can't bear it, this time we must give these masked people a hard blow, let all the mysterious masked people in Taili City know that Liu Yun has offended him, so don't think about any good end, don't even think about it And get out of prison alive.

Liu Yun wants to make these masked people change their faces when they mention him, become terrified, sweat profusely and become terrified.

So this time we have to give the masked people a severe punishment, otherwise these masked people's organizations don't know what clay figurines are.

It really made him anxious, and he didn't promise to do anything more terrifying.

Liu Yun didn't let people tie up these two mysterious masked people, so Liu Yun is really not afraid of the thin physique of the mysterious masked people. Liu Yun in his previous life had learned some muay thai, so it was easy for people of the same level He is not afraid that these two mysterious masked people will beat him.

He is a muay thai enthusiast, and he only needs to hit these two thin men with a straight punch, and he doesn't even need a high sweep.

There are many ways to play Muay Thai, such as straight punches, elbows, and legs. The most powerful thing is the legs. High sweeps, middle sweeps and low sweeps are the unique moves of Muay Thai. Because it is high sweeps, it is even more powerful. The damage is extremely high.

To deal with these two people, Liu Yun is confident that he can defeat these two people very easily, and it will be effortless.

Liu Yun took off the masks of the two people and asked: "Talk about it, tell me who instigated you two, if you both say it, I can let you two go out completely, if you don't tell Then I can only say I'm sorry, you two are inevitable. Say it quickly, there is only one chance, whoever says it first, I will let him go, and the rest will go to jail. Say it quickly Don't tell me, did you say anything?"

"Hey, we won't say it. Even if you kill us today, we won't say it. We are not the kind of people who will betray others. Don't be delusional. Let me tell you, we have already If you are ready to die, don't dream. It is impossible to get a word out of us. If you don't believe me, you can try it. If either of us says a word, I will kneel down and kowtow to you and beg you Forgive me." The man in the mask replied to the woman.

"Yes, my brother is right. Before we came, we had made up our minds to die. You are dreaming just because you want to extract information from us. Let me tell you, we have already thought about it. , no matter how you ask, no matter what you ask, we will never answer your questions, I will see what you can do to me, I don’t believe you can harm us, and you don’t even dare to give you the courage.” Another woman wearing a mask answered Liu Yun.

That attitude can be as arrogant as it needs to be, it is simply arrogant, the second child and the third child, Liu Yun seems to want to hit someone a little bit.

However, from the words of the masked people, we can know that these masked people have no idea that Liu Yun sent those masked people to the moon last time.

That is to say, after Liu Yun sent the mysterious masked man to the moon, those mysterious masked men did not receive the news of the mysterious masked man's disappearance for some reason.

Liu Yun guessed that it was likely that the leaders of the mysterious masked people organization were afraid of blowing everyone's morale, so they deliberately hid the news that Liu Yun sent the mysterious masked people to heaven, so that these mysterious masked people would not be afraid of Liu Yun.

From the attitudes of these two mysterious masked people, it can be seen that these masked people really did not know that Liu Yun sent the mysterious masked person to the moon last time.

That being the case, then Liu Yun intends to tell the two mysterious masked people the truth of the matter, so that the two mysterious masked people can feel the pain.

These two masked people are the kind of stubborn people at first glance. As long as they can break through the psychological defense line of these two people, it is very easy to get rid of these two masked people.

At that time, we will dig out the people behind the masked person, if it is suitable, we will catch it all at once, and if it is not suitable, we will catch it all at a later date.

Liu Yun said bluntly: "Let me tell you, didn't you come to my place to make trouble last time, the last few masked people didn't go back, do you know where they went?"

"Hehe, our leader said that they have gone to another place, and you can't find them at all. If you want to know their news through my mouth, then I will tell you clearly that you should stop dreaming. I don't know at all. In our In the organization, only our leader knows where these masked people have gone, and it is impossible for others to know where these masked people have gone, so give up." The male masked person looked at Liu Yun with contempt.

"Yes, our leader told us before we came, no matter what you say, we don't believe it, because you are a liar, you can do nothing but lie to us. We won't believe you in a word, you Just kill that heart, it is impossible for us to tell you any information, because we are people with a bottom line, how could our bottom line be leaked because of your stereotypes, stop dreaming." Female masked person It should be humane with male masks.

The two masked people look like dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water.

Liu Yun chuckled and said, "Your leaders are just lying to you. In fact, those masked people have been sent to the moon by me, and they must have starved to death by now."

"Haha, you are deceiving people again. You, a car seller, can send people to the moon. Can't you find some good reasons for deceiving people? Do you think we will believe you with such a lame reason?" Hehe said with a smile.

"That's right, you are so funny. Do you think your family opened the moon? You can let whoever you want to go up there? You can let whoever you want go to the sky. It's okay for you to lie to a three-year-old child. Think You can save the cost of lying to us, you have to practice your skills again." The female masked person also laughed.

The sarcasm of these two masked people couldn't be more obvious.

Liu Yun took out his mobile phone and showed the two people the scene he recorded of sending the masked man to the moon.

The eyes of the two masked people were obviously a little flustered after seeing it, and they began to feel a little scared.

But this kind of fear didn't last long. The man in the mask suddenly laughed and looked at Liu Yun, his eyes turned into mocking eyes again.

This operation made Liu Yun dizzy. I don't know what's wrong with the man in the mask, why his fear suddenly turned into excitement.

Liu Yun asked the man in the mask puzzledly: "Why were you so sad just now, why did you suddenly become happy? Are you a little crazy? If I'm crazy, I'll send you to a psychiatric hospital to save you money." If the condition worsens and any accident happens, your family members will be sad at that time, sad that you have no normal intelligence at a young age, how sad, don't you think, this thin Mr. Mask Man. "

"Bah." The man in the mask gave Liu Yun a disdainful look.

"Haha, hahahahaha, you liar, you must have used a synthetic video. If you want to lie to us and make us submit, just dream, you, I tell you that it is useless even if you kill us, so don't even think about it. A little bit of news, it's impossible to get news, I might tell you in my next life haha." The woman in the mask laughed so badly.

Feeling insulted, Liu Yun shouted to the bodyguard outside the door: "Come in some people for me, and tie these two people up for me. I want these two people to taste what death is."

Then two bodyguards came in from the door, ignoring the struggle of the two masked men and tied them to the chair.

"Let go of me, you bastard, let me go quickly, if you don't let me go, believe it or not, my leader will make you look good, it's over if you let us go now, otherwise you'll be punished Let's attack from our leader." The female masked figure struggled steadily.

It seems that in the hearts of female masked people, their masked leader is omnipotent, as if there is nothing in the world that a masked leader cannot do.

This kind of thinking makes Liu Yun feel shuddering. Isn’t this feeling the same as those brainwashed people? It shows that the leader of the mysterious masked person is not a good bird. Li, what a waste of people.

But these are not about Liu Yun's business. What Liu Yun cares about is who is behind these masks. Liu Yun will feel even more uncomfortable if he goes back for revenge.

After all, this is not the first time, nor is it the second or third time, to deal with these masked people again and again. As a result, these masked people seem to be not afraid of death, and continue to harass him again and again.

At first he didn't know why, but through the conversation with these two masked people today, he finally got some inside information. It turned out that the leader of the mysterious masked people was fooling the underground masked people, so that the masked people have no fear, let the masked people Desperate to seek profit for him, make him a pawn.

It's just that these masked people didn't notice it at all, which can only show that these masked people are really sad, not ordinary sad.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore, I will let you know whether what your leader said is true or not, you really think I am muddy, don't you, come to harass me again and again, harass me Forget it, you guys came to harass me again this time. The funniest thing is that your leader said that I am a tomato, a tomato that you can handle. Let me tell you two, don’t think about committing crimes in your organization in the future It’s over, I will definitely make you feel like this again and again, so I’ll ask you if you’re afraid. That’s enough, now I’ll give you some hard food for you to try.” Liu Yun said with a chuckle.

"You, you are bluffing. You are just a car seller, what are you capable of scaring us." The man in the mask was a little nervous. Although he said he was not afraid, he was actually terribly scared in his heart. If you are scared, don't let it go of.

"I, I want to go to the toilet." The female masked person was scared and nervous, and felt that things were different from what the leader said, so she started to be a little timid. If she had known that Liu Yun was not a soft persimmon, she would not have come.

Before she came, she had heard the boss say several times that Liu Yun was a persimmon and she was willing to come. Fortunately, Liu Yun was not a persimmon at all, and it was very likely to hurt the two masked people.

How can this be good.

It's a pity that this world doesn't sell regret medicine. Liu Yun had already given these two people a chance just now, but it's a pity that these two people didn't care at all about the chance Liu Yun gave, and even a little disdainful.

They didn't regret it until now, but Liu Yun was not used to them.

Liu Yun ordered his subordinates to hold the masked man down on his head, and then Liu Yun pasted a piece of paper on the masked man's mouth. After that, Liu Yun poured water on the paper, and the water quickly soaked the whole paper.

The paper was tightly attached to the face of the man in the mask. The man in the mask was struggling constantly due to lack of oxygen. He was struggling to the point of death. He was trying to escape the suffocation of the paper by grabbing the two chair legs with his hands.

It's a pity that the man in the mask was pressed tightly by the bodyguards, and it was impossible to break free from the bodyguards' suppression, so he could only silently endure this suffocation and painful feeling.

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Liu Yun took the paper off the man's mouth.

Liu Yun chuckled and said, "How about this taste? Doesn't it feel like you're about to ascend to heaven? It's so delicious. Do you still think I'm a soft persimmon? You really think I'm easy to bully, right? Let me let you experience the pain a little bit now." If you piss me off, you may not be able to leave our company, if you don’t believe me, you two can give it a try. "

"Ahem" The man in the mask coughed, and then looked at Liu Yun in panic and horror. In his eyes, Liu Yun was no longer a soft persimmon but a fierce person.

At this moment, he knew that the leader had lied to him. At that time, the leader told him that Liu Yun was just a soft persimmon, and he would not do anything to him at all. He fished it out.

(End of this chapter)

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