Chapter 66 Recruitment
Liu Yun sat in the car with an unhappy face, and Song Fangqing and Liu Jinwei next to him were also unhappy.

"Liu Yun, do you just leave it like this? That manager Zhang looks very angry, if I were to give her a hard slap." Song Fangqing was a little angry, and she couldn't be angry when she thought of Manager Zhang's ugly face. Call one.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if there is no base station, I can still get these things out without a base station, and I don't have to have a base station to complete it." Liu Yun was a little angry, but it didn't collapse, because the base station was just Liu Yun's glasses display. one of the methods.

The function of the base station is mainly to send wireless light waves similar to mobile phone signals to users near the base station, simulating the use of mobile phones.It is also possible if there is no base station construction. This method is no longer the method of simulating the use of mobile phones, but the method of simulating the use of routers.

To put it bluntly, it is to improve the existing technology to realize the interaction between the glasses display interface and the network. No matter how difficult it is, Liu Yun will not, even if Liu Yunhui cannot realize it at all under the existing technical conditions, Liu Yun will not be able to achieve it in 2999. Let's spend a lifetime studying such a glasses display.

He doesn't want to be a scientist, he prefers to live without thinking.

"How to achieve it without a base station, can you disclose it in advance?" Song Fangqing asked curiously. Although she understood the principle that day, she still didn't know the details. She was itchy and wanted to know how Liu Yun realized it.

Liu Jinwei next to him was very curious at the same time, looking straight at Liu Yun, hoping to get Liu Yun's answer.

The two pairs of curious eyes stared at Liu Yun a little embarrassed, Liu Yun pretended to be angry and said: "Okay, why are you two staring at me, a single person, if you two want to look back, just look at each other, look what I am doing , I am not your partner."

"Liu Yun, tell me, I'm very curious." Song Fangqing wanted to get to the bottom of it, but she actually grabbed Liu Yun's sleeve as she spoke.

Liu Yun was taken aback, and quickly pulled his sleeve out of Song Fangqing's hand, Liu Jinwei was beside him, if Liu Jinwei misunderstood that they had an abnormal relationship, it would be troublesome, "Look, Liu Jinwei Your daughter-in-law, don't you care if your daughter-in-law grabs my sleeve?"

"It's just grabbing a sleeve, Liu Yun, why are you so scared? What age is it, can I still be so narrow-minded?" Liu Jinwei was a little speechless, just grabbing a sleeve, it seems that there is something inside.

As soon as Liu Jinwei finished speaking, Song Fangqing wanted to grab Liu Yun's sleeve again.

Liu Yun said helplessly: "Let me say it's fine. In fact, my design is really very simple, because the current technical level is at this level. Even if I want to invent something special, I don't have the conditions. Besides, I I’m not a scientist, what can I invent that transcends the times? You’ll know when I make something, it’s nothing more than using something you’re usually very familiar with.”

Then there is no more.

Song Fangqing frowned and said, "And then?"

"Then went to find its eighteenth generation ancestor." Liu Yun chuckled.

Song Fangqing and Liu Jinwei couldn't understand Liu Yun's meaning at all, and the eighteen generations of ancestors didn't understand at all.

Liu Jinwei asked puzzledly: "Liu Yun, what do you mean by that? What about eighteen generations of ancestors?"

"Where is the [-]th generation of the ancestor? Of course it died underground. Then go to the [-]th generation of the ancestor. It means that it is also dead. It means that there is no more. It's so simple, don't you two high-achieving students understand?" Liu Yun felt that his joke was quite funny, but he didn't touch the laughing point of the two of them, Liu Jinwei.

"Your joke isn't funny at all, it just makes me feel embarrassed, too embarrassing." Song Fangqing curled her lips in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Liu Yun didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, it's embarrassing, so he changed the subject and said: "I guess the servers made by Hanwei are almost finished, you two say we should set up the servers first or go to the glasses display interface first." Get it out?"

"It's all right, you are the boss and you decide for yourself." Liu Jinwei said indifferently, anyway, he is an employee and doesn't need to use his brain, he can do whatever Liu Yun asks him to do.

"Okay, let's build the server first. The amount of work is not small. The main reason is that the laying of network cables is more troublesome. It takes a lot of work to spread the entire Taili City." Liu Yun sighed. The amount of work required to lay network cables is not ordinary. Great, it looks like I'm busy again.

I really have no time to spare.

When the three returned to the company, the people from Hanwei Technology had already sent 10000 servers to the company.

Liu Yun was a little worried looking at the servers piled up in the hall. It would take several days for so many servers to just copy and paste the database.

Liu Yun frowned and said, "Jin Wei, the workload of the server is too large. I don't think you will know the year of the monkey if you finish it by yourself, so you should recruit some people."

"I also have the same intention. Wang Chuanjun has a hospital under his control, and my wife has more industries under his control, such as a machinery manufacturing factory and a silicone skin manufacturing factory. I don't have a single employee. I also want to be the boss. Ah." Liu Jinwei has been envious of Wang Chuanjun's hospital for a long time, not because of the business in the hospital, but because of Wang Chuanjun's many subordinates.

Liu Yun has always acted vigorously and resolutely.

The information about recruiting programmers was directly released on various platforms on the Internet, such as Beiba, Tailicheng Talent Network, and Houbo on various platforms.

Liu Yun does not have high requirements for recruited programmers. He is proficient in using C# and SQL SERVER, and has experience in oracle database projects.

This requirement is really not very high, because C# and SQL SERVER are taught in universities, and students who skip classes can basically understand this stuff.After graduation, I will find a training class and learn C# language for three months. I can basically use C# proficiently to make some WINFORM forms and C# language websites.

It's just that there are not many college students who choose the C# language after graduation. It is estimated that the number of people who choose C# is not even a fraction of the number of people who choose JAVA.

Moreover, the salary of the C# language is lower, and the salary of the C# language is not as good as that of JAVA and even worse than that of the IOS language.Generally speaking, the IOS language has the highest salary among all languages. In second- and third-tier cities, the salary of IOS is one or two thousand higher than the salary of C# language and JAVA language, which is normal.

If you can't recruit people in Taili City, you can increase your salary and recruit a few from other places to help Liu Jinwei.

So Liu Yun's recruitment requirements are really low.

C# only needs to participate in a training class after graduation to achieve proficiency. It can be said that rookies who have not entered the society and have no project experience can achieve it.However, the requirements of oracle are a little higher, and you must have two or three years of project experience. After all, building a large database without experience is not enough, and Liu Yun has no time to train newcomers.

To put it bluntly, Liu Yun's recruitment requirements are programmers who focus on the C# language and have two or three years of work experience.

It took only 2 hours for Liu Yun to post the news, and 10 programmers have already sent him a message to apply for the job.

Liu Yun replied to those who sent messages and asked them to apply for the job as soon as possible, the sooner the better, the company will reimburse all travel expenses.

The reason why he is in such a hurry is because he wants to get the 10000 servers done as soon as possible. The sooner he understands the server, the sooner the server line can be laid. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to stay stuck in the progress of the server.

Under the condition that Liu Yun promised a minimum salary of 10K a month, the 10 applicants came faster one by one.

Candidates who arrived at Yunfan Technology Company were waiting for interviews in the corridor, while Liu Yun and Liu Jinwei sat in the office and waited for the applicants to come in for interviews one by one.

This interview was mainly dominated by Liu Jinwei. Liu Yun didn't know much about programmers, so naturally he wouldn't snatch Liu Jinwei's leadership and do things like laymen guiding experts.

Liu Yun knows that in business, you have to pretend to understand, especially if you can't lead professionals with laymen's eyes, it's easy to collapse like that.

Soon the No.1 candidate walked into the office.

Liu Yun simply looked at the young man who came in. He was wearing a black vest with two ribs, big pants, and a pair of brown sandals.

Liu Jinwei next to him was not surprised by this situation. He said to the applicant: "Hello, this applicant, I am a software engineer of Yunfan Technology, and next to me is the chairman of Yunfan Technology. The requirements of our application this time It is proficiency in the use of C# language, and the development experience of ORACLE database is required. You should know our salary. In Taili City, the general C# language programmers are only about 5K after graduation, and they can earn 7K after working for two or three years. Or 8K, the salary of 10K offered by our company is not low, so I hope you can apply seriously.”

The applicant said: "Hello chairman, hello software engineer, I graduated from Luxi University, my major is computer science and technology, I have won three second-class scholarships in the university, my graduation grade It is 3, I participated in the C# training of Chuanzhi Education after graduation, and then I went to work and did the ORACLE database project, so I think I am very suitable for your application requirements."

Then he handed his resume to Liu Yun. Liu Yun couldn't understand and naturally handed the resume to Liu Jinwei.

Liu Jinwei looked at the resume, which recorded education experience and work experience.The work experience column is pretty good. Educational experience? I wrote a bunch of various honors. It’s not that Liu Jinwei has never been to college. I can only say that there are not many honors in these honors. There are more honors after discussion. .

Later, Liu Jinwei closed his resume and said: "I have read your information, and the level of experience is still acceptable, so I will officially hire you on behalf of Yunfan Technology Company. You don't have to go home, start working now, and your salary will start from today. Start counting."

Liu Jinwei knew that Liu Yun was in a hurry to set up the server, so after getting along for so long, they still knew each other quite well, so Liu Jinwei directly asked the applicant to work on the spot.

This operation made the applicants a little confused. Most of the companies that passed the interview and went to work for the first time went to work a few days later or the next day after being hired.With such an abnormal starting time, if the applicant hadn't searched for Yunfan Technology Company on the Internet before coming, he might think it was a scam company.

The applicant stammered, "I have to go back and get the office supplies."

"Time is life. You can get what you need when you go back. You can find all the companies you need, including office computers and everything. You don't need to go back and go to work." Liu Jinwei rejected the applicant's request to go back, "Okay, you first Stand by and wait until I finish interviewing all the applicants, and you will use the sql server database with me. You have to be mentally prepared in advance, the workload is a bit heavy, and you may be tired."

The applicant adjusted his glasses and said, "Engineers really know how to joke about a sql server, the most basic introductory database, how tiring it can be."

Liu Jinwei said with a blank face: "It's really just a SQL server. Why don't we contract this project to you? It's not too many. Only 10000 servers need to build a database."

The applicant thought in his heart that he would be exhausted with 10000 servers in mmp alone, and at the same time he also understood why Yunfan Technology was in a hurry to recruit people. It turned out that he was in a hurry to get the database out.

Liu Jinwei shouted to the people outside: "Come in, the next applicant."

The No.2 applicant entered the office, put his resume on the table and said, "Hello interviewers, my name is Qiao Qiang, and I also major in C# language. I graduated from Stanford University and majored in computer science and technology. I Take out the first prize in the Han Guo Mathematical Olympiad, and won the first prize in the Han Guo Computer Competition, I"

"Stop." Liu Yun interrupted Qiao Qiang, "You are so good at applying for a job in our company, with all due respect, do you have any secrets?"

Qiao Qiang explained: "What's wrong with being excellent? People who graduated from prestigious schools in Han can sell pork and be security guards, so I can't go back to Taili City, the hometown where I was born and raised me, and take root? I can't live in Taili City. City pension?"

Really ambitious, Liu Yun felt a sense of déjà vu after listening to Qiao Qiang's explanation.Thinking about it carefully, isn't this Qiao Qiang a legendary figure like Wang Chuanjun?

Could it be that I was so lucky to get another Destiny's Child?
Liu Yun did not believe that he had such good luck.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons. At that time, Liu Yun and Wang Chuanjun met because Liu Yun needed someone to file a lawsuit. Later, Liu Yun’s Yunfan Technology Company needed a legal consultant and hired Wang Chuanjun with a high salary.Liu Yun paid Wang Chuanjun a high salary, and the office atmosphere of Yunfan Technology Company attracted Wang Chuanjun, so he was able to successfully keep Wang Chuanjun.

But now, this Qiao Qiang took the initiative to deliver it to the door, and the abnormal ones could no longer be abnormal.Liu Yun doesn't believe that there will be love for no reason in the world, and besides, the current situation of Yunfan Company is impossible to attract any high-end talents.

Therefore, Liu Yun felt that Qiao Qiang was a bit suspicious, and he had to be on guard.

"Qiao Qiang, you are very good. What our company lacks are talents like you. Our company welcomes you if you are so good. I don't know what requirements you have for salary. If you have any requirements, you can discuss them.?" Liu Yun continued to test Qiao powerful.

It would be abnormal for Qiao Qiang to come to the door on his own initiative. If Qiao Qiang doesn't ask for salary, it means that Qiao Qiang probably joined Yunfan Technology Company with a purpose.

"Of course I have objections. I think the 10K salary is a bit low, so I want to raise it. I'm not sure how much I want to raise. Then send me the 10K first. I believe that when you see my excellence, you will pay more. Give me a raise." Qiao Qiang said the words he had prepared.

In fact, Qiao Qiang is a spy sent by Manager Zhang to inquire about Liu Yun's recent movements and Liu Yun's purpose in setting up the server.

This Qiao Qiang is very good, but it's just a little abnormal to automatically deliver the goods to the door, which Liu Yun can't understand.Fortunately, when Liu Yun asked Qiao Qiang's salary, Qiao Qiang showed dissatisfaction with the 10K salary, and Liu Yun became less suspicious of Qiao Qiang.

At this time, Liu Yun was very conflicted. He didn't want to let the talent slip away but was afraid that the talent would be a spy, so he asked Liu Jinwei in a low voice: "Should Jin Wei keep this Qiao Qiang? I feel that this Qiao Qiang is a bit suspicious. Such an excellent Talents actively find our company to be programmers, it’s a bit impossible to think about it, it’s abnormal.”

"It doesn't matter if he's a spy or not. He's so powerful, it's definitely useful. I guess Qiao Qiang can do the workload of five or six people alone. Wouldn't it be a pity not to squeeze such a good labor force? Anyway, it's just a building. It’s just the simplest database, and there’s nothing confidential about it. You’re not afraid of being known. Let this Qiao Qiang work in our company first, and then ask Wang Chuanjun to check this Qiao Qiang quietly. Once you find something suspicious, wait until the database is built. Except, if it’s not suspicious, keep it for use.” Liu Jinwei responded in a low voice.

Liu Jinwei felt that it would be good to keep such a fierce master as an envoy with such a tight construction schedule, anyway, he would be fired after running out.

Liu Yun stared at Liu Jinwei in disbelief, and couldn't imagine that Liu Jinwei, who usually looked up-to-date, could be so dark-bellied.

Too fucking dark, but I like it.

Qiao Qiang, this cow is well commanded, maybe it can be used by several people, which is great.

Liu Yun suppressed the joy in his heart and said: "Qiao Qiang congratulations, you have been admitted by Yunfan Technology Company, go to work now."

After that, Liu Yun didn't care about Qiao Qiang anymore, but shouted into the corridor: "The remaining 8 applicants come in together, I have something to announce."

Candidates in the corridor who haven't interviewed yet think that Yunfan Technology has already selected candidates. This should let them go in and tell them to go home and wait for news.For this kind of on-the-spot interview, waiting for news once you go home is equivalent to being eliminated.If it is an interview where the result is not announced on the spot, there is still a possibility of being hired by letting the employee go home and wait for the news.

Eight applicants lined up to enter the office, not very happy.

Liu Yun understood why these applicants were sad, and said to the dejected eight people: "Congratulations, you have been hired, and the probationary period is three months. You don't need to go back to pack your things, go to work immediately, and your salary will start from today."

It is not stupid for Liu Yun to hire all these people without interviewing, because he got inspiration from what Liu Jinwei said just now.Now that Yunfan Technology Company is short of people, it doesn't matter whether he is a mule or a horse, he will be signed first, and when the database is completed, those who are not good enough will be fired.

This operation is nothing more than spending more money, but it will save a lot of interview time. Liu Yun feels that it is quite cost-effective.

Those who came to apply for the job were overjoyed, and did not expect to stay here so easily.

However, before these applicants were happy, they were called by Liu Yun to the computer room to work on the database.

(End of this chapter)

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