Chapter 63
After the three of Liu Yun finished customizing the server for the technology company in Hanwei, they hurried back to Taili City. There was no way that time was too tight, and they had to hurry up to complete the network construction.

Before leaving, Ren Deliang gave Liu Yun a mechanical hard drive.

Liu Yun looked at the mechanical hard drive in his hand and looked not very interested, "Who uses a computer nowadays? Most of them use mobile phones, and they only use computers unless they are working. Besides, even if they use a computer, who would use a mechanical hard drive?" Ah, the response speed of the fixed hard disk is fast, and the performance of the mechanical hard disk is a little worse."

Liu Jinwei next to him chuckled, grabbed the hard drive from Liu Yun's hand and said, "You boss is ignorant. The response speed of the fixed hard drive is fast, but its stability is much worse than that of the mechanical hard drive. The response of the mechanical hard drive is a bit slower. , but it is stable and safe. When the solid-state hard disk is broken, it suddenly breaks without warning, and the mechanical hard disk is broken bit by bit. When the mechanical hard disk is first damaged, there are logical errors. At this time, as long as you use the bad sector repair tool to repair it, it will still work. Yes, if the bad track repair tool can’t repair it, it’s a physical bad track. At this time, the data in the mechanical hard disk should be transferred to other hard drives. Therefore, most of the companies use mechanical hard drives, and there are a few. Solid state drives store data."

Liu Jinwei took the opportunity to show off his knowledge.

Liu Yun was too lazy to talk to Liu Jinwei, and turned to Song Fangqing and said, "Fangqing, do you know where to sell base stations? What kind of base station can we customize, because the base station I want to build is different from that of the network operator."

Song Fangqing thought for a while and said, "We have one in Taili City. I don't know if it can be customized. It should be customized. I don't know what you want to customize?"

"I want to customize the base station of that kind of network operator, but I want to add our company's own algorithm to the broadcast, which can greatly ensure the security of user data, and then the encrypted files are stored on the glasses display. Decryption and user identification.” Liu Yun talked about his idea, originally he didn’t want to say it so early, but it’s a pity that he has already reached the point of building a base station, so it’s impossible not to say it.

"Okay, let's go and see the base station factory in Taili City, then just talk to the boss about the demand." Song Fangqing somewhat understood Liu Yun's thoughts.

The three hurried to the base station factory in Taili City.

At this time, the three of them didn't know that there was a car following them behind them, and Manager Zhang from Corecom Chip Company was sitting in the car following them.

Manager Zhang has been following Liu Yun for the past few days. In the beginning, Manager Zhang stayed outside Yunfan Technology Company to accept Liu Yun in order to make Liu Yun compromise. Later, when Liu Yun went to Han to customize servers for the technology company, he also followed. up.After Liu Yun left from Hanwei Technology Company, Manager Zhang found a person from Hanwei Technology Company to inquire about Liu Yun's purpose of going to Hanwei Technology Company.

Manager Zhang was a little confused and didn't know what Liu Yun customized those servers for. Unfortunately, no matter how much he asked, he still couldn't know what Liu Yun customized these things for.

In desperation, Manager Zhang used money to try to pry open the mouths of Hanwei Technology employees. However, when he proposed to give Hanwei Technology employees 100 million, Hanwei Technology employees actually rejected the 100 million. Ten thousand.

Manager Zhang thought it was the employees of Hanwei Technology who disliked 100 million, and added another 100 million chips. Unfortunately, the employees of Hanwei Technology still did not agree. Manager Zhang was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

200 million just wanted to know the use of Liu Yun's custom-made server, but the employees of Hanwei Technology were unwilling to tell him.

If it wasn't for the consideration that it was near the Hanwei Technology Company, Manager Zhang would have to beat up the Hanwei Technology Company employee severely.

The Hanwei Technology employee who was lured by Manager Zhang with money was particularly wronged, because this employee only heard that Liu Yun went to Hanwei Technology to customize the server, and the other employees knew nothing about it.

Seeing the 200 million just slipping by, the employees of Hanwei Technology were a little heartbroken.

The employee's grievances were taken into account by Manager Zhang.

Manager Zhang asked with some uncertainty: "Do you really not know what Liu Yun bought these servers for?"

The employee hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said cautiously: "How about I find you someone who was there at the time? My friend happened to be receiving Liu Yun in the chairman's office at the time. She should know, but it's only the money." He paused deliberately and rubbed his fingers.

Manager Zhang glanced at the employee in the blue overalls angrily, feeling a little helpless at the employee's greed, but he still had to let the employee build a bridge, so he could only give some benefits.

He took out 5 yuan from his briefcase and threw it to the tooling staff, "This 5 yuan will be used as a deposit for you, and I will give you another 5 yuan when you call your friend. I'm giving you a lot of money, right?" , if you think it’s okay, call your friends now, if you don’t think it’s okay, don’t pick up the money.”

He lost 5 yuan without asking about any news. Manager Zhang felt a little distressed. Although 5 yuan is almost the same as 500 yuan to him, no one wants to throw away the money for nothing.

Afterwards, the employee who got the money went to find the friend he was talking about.

In just 3 minutes, the staff in blue overalls and an aunt in cleaning style came over.

Manager Zhang was a little puzzled. He frowned and asked the employees of Hanwei Technology Company: "Didn't you say you brought your friend? Why did you bring a cleaner? Are you kidding me? Do you know who I am? How dare you bring me?" kidding me."

After a while, his two bodyguards surrounded Hanwei Technology employees.

Hanwei put his hands on his head and said, "The friend I'm talking about is this cleaner. When Liu Yun came, this cleaner happened to be cleaning in the chairman's office. She knew exactly what happened at that time. If you don't believe me, just ask." If he didn't know it."

Manager Zhang is full of black lines. He thought that the receptionist that Han Wei said was the secretary of the chairman of the board. It turned out to be a cleaning. .

This is obviously a sneaky change of concept.

What a dodgy employee.

After all the money was given, Manager Zhang didn't bother to worry about these things any more. He squinted at the employee of Hanwei Technology, then turned to the cleaning staff and asked, "What do you think of Liu Yun who was chatting in the office of your chairman at that time?" Let me tell you about the situation, I will give you 20, and if what you say is useful, I will give you another 100 million."

Manager Zhang is not stingy at all, he is very generous in his work, and proudly took out 20 stacks of banknotes for cleaning.

I hope the cleaner in front of me can tell some useful information. If the cleaner knows nothing like the employee of Hanwei Technology, he will lose 25 yuan, which is equivalent to throwing 25 yuan in vain.

The cleaning took the money excitedly, flipped through every wad of cash and stuffed it into the handbag brought over after confirming that there was no problem.

The cleaner who took the money did not speak, but watched Manager Zhang silently.

Manager Zhang thought that cleaning was going to raise the price on the floor, so he said angrily: "Can you be a little honest? I gave you 20 and you are still not satisfied. I told you that there is no way for me to increase the price. You should give up on it. If you want to increase the price and cancel our deal, you can give me the rest of the money."

Unexpectedly, Baojie waved her hand and said: "You rich boss, you think too much. I think your expression is to ask you if you have the feeling that you can't stop peeing lately."

Manager Zhang recalled the situation in the past few days. He has been very angry recently and often loses his temper. The anger should be relatively large, and he did have the symptoms mentioned by the cleaning.

Manager Zhang asked embarrassingly: "Are you a doctor, Miss Cleaning? You are really accurate."

"Boss, you're overthinking. I've only been cleaning for a year. I can naturally judge a man's physical condition based on his complexion. I'm not a doctor. Your situation is very simple. You just need to sleep on time and eat more goji berries. Life will be fine for a month or two."

"Then what should I do"

Before Manager Zhang finished speaking, the bodyguard next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and whispered in Manager Zhang's ear: "Manager Zhang, we are now asking Liu Yun why he bought the server, why are you talking about men? If there is a man's problem, go to the hospital for a checkup later."

After hearing what the bodyguard said, Manager Zhang was furious. Someone dared to say that he had a man's pain, let alone that he had a man's pain, even if he suspected that he had a man's pain.

Manager Zhang gave the bodyguard a hard look and said, "If you can speak, half a month's salary will be deducted from you."

After the bodyguard's salary was deducted, he was happier.

Manager Zhang turned to Bao Jie and said: "Sister, let's not talk about eating wolfberry, but first talk about what Liu Yun did in your chairman's office at that time?"

Bao Jie nodded and recalled: "At that time, Liu Yun came to the office of our chairman and said that he wanted to buy 10000 servers. Later, the chairman asked Liu Yun why he bought so many servers, and Liu Yun answered the chairman's question."

After finishing speaking, the cleaning lady stood silent.

Manager Zhang said suspiciously: "Miss Cleaning, please continue."

Baojie responded: "That's all. Later, Liu Yun asked his cloud employees to connect with our Hanwei Technology people, briefly talked about the requirements of the server, and left. Liu Yun has been working in our Hanwei Technology company since Next to me, I'm talking about everything."

Manager Zhang was a little disappointed. He didn't expect to spend 25 yuan and didn't get any useful news. It's fine if he didn't get any useful news, and it took so much time.

He now suspects that cleaning was deliberately telling him other things to waste his time at the beginning, but unfortunately he has no evidence.

The facts are indeed as Manager Zhang thought, the cleaning is deliberately delaying time by showing Manager Zhang a picture.

Baojie has heard of Liu Yun's name and watched Liu Yun's swearing video. She admires Liu Yun, a young man who dares to think and do things and is flexible.

Therefore, she has a good impression of Liu Yun.

Since he has a good impression of Liu Yun, it is natural not to allow people with ulterior motives to inquire about Liu Yun.

Therefore, Baojie deliberately abolished a lot of words at the beginning to give Liu Yun more time, so that the man who gave her money in front of her could not catch up with Liu Yun.

The matter has come to this point, Manager Zhang is too lazy to ask other people. According to the description of the employees and cleaning staff of Hanwei Technology Company, Liu Yun should not tell Ren Deliang the purpose of buying the server.

It doesn't make any sense to ask here any more. It's better to follow Liu Yun to see what Liu Yun will do next.

Manager Zhang asked the bodyguard, "Where is Liu Yun now?"

The bodyguard checked Liu Yun's location through his mobile phone and said, "At present, Liu Yun is driving at a speed of 60KM/H on the Hanguo National Highway in Huitaili City. Are we going to follow Liu Yun?"

"That's for sure. I can't ask why Liu Yun bought the server. It doesn't make any sense to stay here. It's better to catch up with Liu Yun and see what Liu Yun will do next. No matter what Liu Yun wants to do, we and If he plays against him, just let him destroy it, and let Liu Yun do nothing. I don’t believe that Liu Yun doesn’t beg for mercy. As long as Liu Yun begs for mercy, I can keep my position as manager, and you will get generous rewards from the company. So, The two of you need to put more effort into it, once Liu Yun is dealt with, the welfare of the two of you will be indispensable."

The bodyguard was so excited that he said eagerly, "Manager, then let's go after Liu Yun."

Manager Zhang and his team left in a hurry, leaving only the anxious cleaning lady behind.

So there was a picture of Manager Zhang driving behind Liu Yun's 7-seater car.

Manager Zhang asked the bodyguard next to him: "Do you know where this is going?"

The long-haired bodyguard on the left shook his head, and the short-cut bodyguard on the right thought for a while and said, "I remember this road. There should be only one base station factory in Taili City on this road, and there are no other factories. The most likely person should be going to the factory that sells base stations in Taili City, after all, there is only this factory on this road, and there are no other factories."

Manager Zhang thought about it for a while and it was indeed the case. Liu Yun and the three of them should be under a lot of pressure now and it is impossible to come to these picnics out of boredom. The three of Liu Yun must have a purpose for coming.

Since there is only one factory on this road, there is no doubt that it is time to buy a base station at the factory.

It's just why Liu Yun bought the base station, is it because he wants to build a network by himself?

As expected, Liu Yun's Business 7 entered the base station factory in Taili City.

Manager Zhang didn't bother to reinstall it anymore, he threw the car outside the base station factory in Taili City, and walked into the factory with two bodyguards.

At this time, Liu Yun didn't know that Manager Zhang was following him, and was discussing the purchase plan with the factory.

Liu Yun asked the boss: "What is the scale of your factory, and how many base stations can you produce in a day? We are in urgent need of base stations recently, so we hope to customize a batch of base stations with you."

The middle-aged oil head, the boss, responded to Liu Yun and said: "The scale of our factory is not bad. The specific production capacity depends on whether it is a large base station or a small base station. It is not a problem for a small base station to produce two to three thousand a day. If you work overtime There will be more, and I haven’t tried how much I can do with overtime, because there are currently no customers with such a large demand.”

The boss said that the scale of his factory was not bad, but in fact the pride on his face had already betrayed him.

(End of this chapter)

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