Chapter 54

When Liu Yun and his party came to the supermarket, there was a crowd of people around the supermarket's checkout counter.

He stepped forward and asked the cashier, "What's going on, why are there so many people around?"

The cashier sighed helplessly and said, "Hey, I can't connect to the Internet now. Fortunately, those who have a membership card can pay by swiping the card. Those who pay with the APP in the mobile phone can't pay because they can't connect to the Internet. I don't know what. It’s time for the network to connect.”

The cashier has been waiting here for half an hour for the network to recover, but it still hasn't recovered. Those customers asked her over and over again, making her voice almost hoarse.

"Brother, we don't have any cash. If we can't buy anything today, we should go back to the company." An Cui was a little disappointed. She didn't expect the supermarket to be affected.

"Our company is not only unable to buy things in the supermarket, I guess it is difficult to even eat today. If you can't pay with your mobile phone, you can't order takeaway or go out to eat." Liu Yun has a headache about how to live.

At this time, Liu Yun realized the seriousness of the problem. Once the network is down, it is not just as simple as not being able to play with the mobile phone, but also means not being able to eat or buy anything. This problem is not usually serious.

If only Liu Yun can't eat or buy things alone, it's okay, but once the whole Taili City can't eat or buy things, it will be terrible.

This is the risk of losing currency suddenly.

Fortunately, Taili City has not been closed. If Taili City is closed again after losing currency, Taili City will not be far from chaos.

"Dididi" Liu Yun's cell phone rang a text message.

Liu Yun opened the text message curiously, and the content of the text message was "Hi everyone, I am the mayor of Taili City. Now Taili City has encountered a network crisis, and we cannot pay each other through social software or the like. In order to avoid everyone If you are in panic, please go to the Lord's Mansion of Taili City to collect supplies. '

Since Han people are used to paying with mobile phones, after the network crashes, everyone has no banknotes and no way to pay with mobile phones. Naturally, they cannot exchange money for daily necessities.

Liu Yun turned his head and asked everyone: "Have you received the text message from the City Lord's Mansion?"

The crowd nodded.

An Cui suggested: "Brother, I'm a little hungry, why don't we go to the City Lord's Mansion to get something to eat."

"I'm hungry too, let's see what to eat in the City Lord's Mansion." Deng Yunqi also felt a little uncomfortable from the hungry stomach.

Then Liu Yun carried everyone to the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, there was a long queue at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, more than 100 meters away from the beginning to the end.

By the time Liu Yun was in such a long line, he was probably hungry.

The city mayor at the front of the line felt a headache when he saw the long line, but even if he had a headache, he had to appease the people who came to collect supplies. This was his duty as the mayor, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The mayor had no choice but to shout in front with a loudspeaker: "Everyone, don't panic. The network failure is only temporary. I have already reported the situation here to our prefectural city. I believe the problem here will be resolved in a short time. So After everyone receives the supplies, just go home and sleep beautifully, maybe the network will be restored when you wake up."

Although the crowd in line couldn't tell the truth from the fake, they still got some comfort from the mayor's words, at least not as panicked as they were at the beginning.

"We believe that the mayor hopes that the mayor will solve the network problem as soon as possible. It is really uncomfortable without mobile payment."

"Hey, I still run an online store. I don't know what's going on with my online store without the Internet. Maybe I'll be scolded to death soon."

"Me too. I work in logistics. Now I can't even enter the logistics order number. I'm so worried."

After being appeased by the mayor, the crowd in the queue calmed down, and began to complain about the difficulty of not having the Internet.

Listening to the discussion below, the mayor breathed a sigh of relief. If the crowd can complain, it means that everyone's depression has been released. If they are unwilling to complain, turmoil may erupt.

In order to further ease everyone's emotions, the mayor shouted with a loudspeaker head: "Everyone must have confidence in our city lord's mansion and in our Han country. Besides, our Han country is vast and rich, and we can't do without your supplies. Without the Internet, you still have to eat three meals a day."

What the mayor said is the truth, now is the century of science and technology, the level of productivity is very high and the difference from ancient times is not 01:30, the materials stored in the Han Kingdom can not only feed the people of this city, but also the people of the entire Han Kingdom Enough to eat for three or four years.

"Yes, it doesn't matter if we can't come to the Internet, our country of Han will still give us food and drink."

"Yeah, as long as you can eat and drink enough, it's okay to eat almost."

"I believe Han will not abandon us."

"The Han Kingdom is all victorious, we will definitely get through this difficult time."

The mayor's words made everyone less afraid of the future. At this time, the crowd felt that it was not so scary without the Internet.

I have to admire the city lord's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. He controlled the situation with just a few words and handled things really well.

Liu Yun saw the mayor in front of him, and wanted to go over to say hello, but now so many people here are afraid that going over to say hello will be understood as jumping in line.

Dare to jump in line at such a sensitive period is likely to be beaten into a persimmon cake.

What can I do, let's line up honestly.

Liu Yun and other people in the company stood in the crowd and waited. It was too boring to play without a mobile phone. Suddenly, I missed the days when I had a mobile phone.

After queuing for about an hour, I received the supplies. The supplies included 1 catties of pancakes and more than 2 catty of cabbage.

It just so happened that there were ribs in the company's refrigerator, so I used a pressure cooker to stew pork ribs and cabbage to eat.

In addition, the cabbages and tomatoes that Wang Chuanjun and the others had received went back and copied, and it was another feast of vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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