mediocrity of elves

Chapter 77 Heading to Hualan (6)

Chapter 77 Going to Hualan in Progress ([-])
The preparations on the ferry have Ruomu's own thinking, and the existence of water and grass elves can make many things self-sufficient.

If you encounter difficulties and cannot go ashore in time to replenish supplies, you can rely on them to ensure that you will not starve to death for a period of time.

After all, Ruomu has experienced the growth moves of grass-type elves. Photosynthesis can also be used on plants, supplemented by a perfect match between growth and sunny moves. Sanno can provide earth-digging work.

The logistics elves themselves exist for survival. During the dark and turbulent period, those lords also relied on the power of the elves to survive.

Ruomu is also a small preparation for a rainy day.

At the same time, he also bought a series of other equipment such as the energy cube machine, and he bought some tens of millions of elf coins in total.

Spending money is like running water. The key is that it is only the initial funds. I don’t know how many projects that need to be spent later, such as trees and fruit trees, which is a big problem.

It is too difficult to obtain all kinds of rare tree fruits.

Even pomelo fruits cannot be collected casually, let alone some other berries that are rarely seen in the first place.

The wooden stakes obtained from the Monkey Monster Clan have also been properly and secretly cultivated recently, under the special care of Secretary Miaomiao. The life sap on them is an important material for medicine, and it is also an important help for breakthroughs.

In addition, monkey brew also has the effect of strengthening the body of elves and healing wounds. At the same time, it seems to have a greater effect on fighting elves and humans. It does not taste so much like fruit wine in the traditional sense, and it is more sweet like fruit juice. Taste.

The treasure brewed by the monkey monster clan with the help of tree fruit and other materials has now truly fallen into Ruomu's hands.

After all, the hot monkey has confessed all of its methods, and now there is Miao Miao who is responsible for the brewing at the base. It turns out that it is only a matter of the formula, and the effect of monkey brewing will be more powerful if the life tree juice is added at the same time.

They drink some of this stuff every day now.

Especially Xiao Zi, who drank the most on weekdays, and basically treated it as a second drink besides water after dinner.

At this moment, the gas bomb, which has exhausted all the poisonous gas, also takes advantage of its floating property to have fun at this moment.

The first elf to serve as a sparring partner is the elite-level Octopus Barrel.

Before, he didn't have high-strength elves to use as a sparring partner, but now it's finally settled smoothly. Having them is much better than using unicorns as a sparring partner at Wubo's time, but compared to using more powerful heavenly king elves as sparring partners. He is still too far behind the hidden wealthy families that he is training with.

After all, the octopus barrel itself has an unstable mind. Given enough time, it can build itself into an unbreakable iron plate with sharp thorns.

Ditto can be transformed into gas bombs to conduct summative duels, and the opponent's resources also need to be supplied in large quantities.

The birth of the gas bomb also gave the ferry Ruomu a name, and the name was named Gas.

Looking at the small town where he has been away for a long time due to gradually driving away, Ruomu feels a little lonely at the moment, and at the same time has expectations for it.

Those two guys and my sister, you all look at it, I will not continue to be the tail of the crane, see you at the Quartz Alliance conference in the future.

After getting close to the gas bomb for a while, Ruomu asked him to follow the octopus barrel, but it is worth mentioning that that Haoli is also very distinctive, the other party especially likes to wear human clothes, and also specially applied for I bought a headset that can be used with Wakagi's previous headset.

These things can communicate with each other.

So that the troublesome things that originally required the use of an extremely fast translator can be effectively solved, but this thing comes from the Rockets after all, so Ruomu has also made some modifications, both the appearance and the inside have been tampered with, such as the previous improved hidden The spiritual robe is the product that Secretary Miaomiao asked someone to order, and then the tailor Miaomiao trained by the Miaomiao clan on his side learned this kind of technology, and then sewed it together with the equipment.

The other party seems to like Ruomu and Xiaozi very much.

And the goal is very clear, that is, it wants to be like a personal bodyguard, and can even let go of prejudice at certain times, and it is easy to use human weapons. At the same time, it does not want to evolve into a shape again. Unbearable strange power.

It is very content to maintain its current posture.

And I also want to become a qualified and powerful elf with this attitude.

Compared with other powers, its mind is really much more flexible and accessible.

This time when he went to sea, the other party was also recognized because of his physical abilities in various aspects, and he was also picked by Wakamu for his outstanding qualities, and the other party was also working very hard.

Wearing a blue and white sailor suit, Hao Li, with a blue sailor cap with white lace on his head, stared firmly at the river ahead, holding the rudder in his hand and studying seriously.

Now it is sailing in autopilot mode, but in order to avoid accidents, it is still necessary to learn how to drive the ferry by yourself.

This guy is an important force that can participate in fighting events just like Hot Monkey.

The most important thing is that the other party learns quickly and is very good at expressing. He knows what to do and what not to do. This is quite similar to the secretary Miaomiao, but the other party is a staunch elf after all, different from Miaomiao. So flexible and changeable.

The style of fighting is still the kind of fighting for life and death, but Ruomu has seen the terrible moment when the opponent nearly blows the head of a sparrow that is unwilling to be subdued.

This kind of elf who is fierce, intelligent, ambitious, and very loyal is worth cultivating. Of course, if the other party is unfaithful, then his family of elves on the ferry is not just a decoration.

As for the big food flower, you can use the rattan whip to separate the flesh and blood it has drawn, or the Bibi bird couple can directly chop the air a few times.

So Ruomu didn't care much about the opponent, and planned to let him advance to the elite together in the near future.

As an elite, it is bound to be able to display its abilities to the fullest.

Time passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye it was afternoon. Ruomu, who had nothing to do on the ferry, also began to search for relevant strategy resources on the Internet, but what he searched was all for a fee, because all the searches he searched were the elves of the elf continent on the external network Information.

"The rocket team launched a big raid near Moon Mountain. A large number of armored rhinos ran away and destroyed the surrounding environment. At the same time, the phenomenon of forced evolution appeared again!"

"One of the three cadres of the Huoyan team, Campfire, secretly attacked a secret treasure house located in the second-level gymnasium in Shuijing City and stole a large number of rare water system materials and props!"

"The stars of the Yinhe group raided the Wetland City Reserve and poached a large number of precious elves. It is reported that many pintail scorpions and their elf eggs were lost this time!"

"Team Plasma, discovered that the ancient ruins are being secretly developed, and the follow-up situation will continue to be investigated!"

"Master Fradari's group has recently developed a MEGA evolution bracelet and obtained new scientific research results. In the future, more trainers will be able to enjoy the charm of super-evolved elves!"

"The Skeleton team recently occupied an island to build a base. These guys who can only make trouble are really enough!"

"Ethereum Foundation responded to the recent space change, and after investigation, it has many inseparable connections with Z moves!"

"Malokomon Group has recently successfully developed a brand-new Gigantic Bracer. I believe that the powerful trainers who will arrive in the Galar region will have more opportunities to obtain this item in the near future!"

Ruomu saw many articles about different regions published on the homepage of this group of heroes, and couldn't help but feel some yearning for the items mentioned above.

MEGA evolution, Z moves, Super Z moves, Gigamax, Gigamax, etc. are all his dream powers.

But right now he can't even do super evolution, let alone talk about other things.

So Ruomu, who considered this, quickly looked away and found the page of Galar's double bomb gas.

Poison plus fairy type, it is a small pioneer in purifying the environment in Galar, and at the same time, it has a powerful move of magic steam on the attack surface compared to before.

"Octopus Martial Artist, good guy, isn't this guy the one who is good at using octopus moves?"

Under Galar's double bomb gas, a familiar picture of a blue octopus with the face of a wrestler appeared in his field of vision.

Looking for information, it is naturally impossible to just look at a little bit. Ruomu, who knows this well, will not let his elf coins go to waste, browsing a broken web page that costs thousands of elf coins. There are indeed many things, but screenshots are prohibited, only The above information can be photographed by external equipment.

In Xiaoyan Town, he had more than once obtained from some guys with quick eyesight, quick hands and excellent shooting skills, the secrets of elf cultivation that had been refined and arranged into books for sale.

This kind of behavior is illegal, and the alliance will severely punish it if it catches it, ranging from two to three years to two to 30 years.

And during this time, Xiao Zi tried her best to adapt to the seasick reaction caused by the ferry.

After boarding the ship, she needed to vomit every once in a while to alleviate the adverse reactions caused by seasickness.

Top-heavy, she was limp and powerless, and leaned her head on Ruomu's shoulder with a blushing face. The same Abo monster entangled Ruomu through the snake body as usual. Playing the smoke screen battle back and forth, the octopus barrel is even better at this stage.

Abo Monster also learned the powerful move of garbage shooting from the octopus barrel. With the help of the power of the coil, he released the poison attribute and high-power move in an instant.

In addition, the gunfish, a jet tool fish, is indeed very powerful, shortening the time required for some arrival.

Everyone on the ship is enjoying themselves at the moment.

The first day of sailing was relatively smooth, and Ruomu didn't feel too much pressure at all.

But he knew that it would not be so peaceful all the time. The back and forth inspections of the Bibi bird couple, the big-billed bat and the big needle bee never stopped.

They are on duty in the morning and evening, and the big-mouthed bats are nocturnal, which happens to be a good player on the night shift.

Energetic and usually resting for only six hours, the fiery monkey is also good at night duty.

At night, they will choose to dock on the shore to rest. Of course, they will not go ashore unless they have something particularly important.

Originally, Ruomu wanted to bring the fast-swimming frogs here, but the other party didn't seem to like being separated from the group and had to give up.

The stinging jellyfish carefully served Ruomu, Xiaozi, Abo, and the cat boss lying flat on the round carpet of fiery red leaves at Ruomu's feet through their stinging tentacles.

 The update is here O(∩_∩)O, thank you for your recent attention, I woke up before four o'clock today, so I sent out the code words as soon as possible

(End of this chapter)

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