mediocrity of elves

Chapter 72 Heading to Hualan (2)

Chapter 72 Heading to Hualan (Part [-])
Thinking of this, Abo's strange heart became much smoother at the moment, after all, the only one who is qualified to share the same bed with Ruomu is Miss Ben.

Although it does not rule out that there is a high probability that other young ladies, except for Xiaoyuan, will not fancy Ruomu now.

After all, Ruomu's little elite, even Xiao Zi, is mostly grateful now, and it hasn't reached the point where it really needs to be posted.

As for Xiaoyuan's little thick leg that seems to have great potential for development, which is Ruomu herself, she naturally wants to use this to make a fortune and become a high-class person, who can eat and drink without worrying about expenses.

In fact, following Ruomu has indeed achieved an effect that is not as effective as following some high-level trainers who have no potential.

Even if some elites and even senior elites would not give him treatment, Ruomuke gave it all.

So Xiaoyuan is even more convinced that he and several fellow villagers found the right target.

Otherwise, why do you think she wakes up at five o'clock every day and goes to bed at ten or even eleven o'clock?
The advantage is that there is no reason for this. When Fandoudan is born, she will be able to save a lot of worry when she is cultivated into an auspicious egg. In addition, the secretary Miaomiao and Ruomu understand that it is not easy for her. Usually there are many elves to assist her, and she does not need to do anything in many cases. Do it yourself.

The simple hot spring enjoyment is over, and the cat boss and the marsh king cater to Abo and Ruomu and go back to the room to rest.

Today is also a very difficult day. Ruomu used his own power to kill many elites of the Rockets and the spies hidden in it for the first time today.

Xiao Zi's saber skills are the most important. Although the protective clothing worn by the opponent is high-end, it still doesn't look good enough under sharp weapons.

With the help of Abo's strange poisonous mist, the outer layer of the opponent's protective clothing was corroded, and the inner layer of silk thread was nothing under the titanium steel knife made of rare ore and her superb knife skills.

Accompanied by such excellent fighters, Ruomu felt really happy.

As soon as he returned to the room, Abo monster's revenge came. The other elves all chose to turn a blind eye to this or to spy secretly. After a few symbolic resistances, Ruomu was tied up by Wuhuada.

Of course, Ruomu knew that Abo Monster would not harm him, but just wanted to prove that he was his closest partner.

In the process of being bound, the Abo monster was actually massaging the acupoints for Ruomu, which was accidentally learned when it evolved and checked various information with Ruomu.

Ruomu now sleeps with him every day, because of acupoint massage, the flow of Qi in his body is faster than that of ordinary people, plus he has been working hard recently, Ruomu is also starting from a simple ordinary person to the darkness During the turbulent period, the direction of Knights of Sword and Shield began to transition.

The evil-slaying sword technique and the sword are interoperable, and both swords and swords can be used.

However, Ruomu also knew that at most he would strengthen his self-protection. It was unrealistic for him to fight against the elves now, and he still had to rely on guns and the most important elves as protection.

At the same time, the two elite stinky mud are the biggest reliance for protecting itself from harm, as proved by the previous confrontation with the hot monkey.

Ruomu also has a deep understanding of this point, and relying on the power of elves is the real mainstream operation.


This night was still very peaceful, and on an equally clear morning, Ruomu still followed his usual habit of getting up, and today was also the day when he continued to perform tasks at the port.

Although he now has a lot of resource spirit coins on hand, it is actually not easy to have a full set of learning machines, such as the learning machine for awakening power, each elf can only awaken a different attribute energy.

It is definitely impossible to rely on the previous method to let the elves pass it on by word of mouth, after all, they have different comprehensions.

It also caused many elves to fail to comprehend the awakening power moves that other elves comprehended.

Unless the attributes just match, but the probability is [-]/[-].

So if you really want to make up a complete set, even if you want to make up an [-]-book Awakening Power Learning Machine, it is not enough. You have to go through a very troublesome process to test one by one to get the required answers.

At the same time, some skills require a certain amount of blood talent to activate. I didn't understand them carefully before. Now Ruomu has researched these days and found that even though most of the moves can be passed on by word of mouth as expected, there are always a few alternatives.

He also had no idea about this, and Xiao Zi and Xiao Yuan also got up early together.

They also got up like this yesterday, but it should be more peaceful to go to the port mission today.

After all, the actions of the Rockets in Xiaoyan Town have been closely watched by the Junsha Police Station.

After a simple daily warm-up, after breakfast, go to the elf center and police station to pick up today's tasks and start to act.

In addition, because of the continuous missions these days, his star rating has also reached three stars, which should not have been achieved, but because of the merits of reporting the Rockets, the league has also given special care, of course, there is no mention on the surface. And this matter, I only got this honor on the grounds of excellent task completion.

These honors can be an important boost to his future promotion in the league.

And the recent mission to the port was also to prepare for the Hualan water system owner, after all, the strength of the gym owner is not covered.

It is absolutely undeniable to be careful in everything.

The acquired treasures of the same water elves and the rare treasures that may exist in the river are also Ruomu's goals.

Water stones are mostly born in rivers and rivers and seas.

With previous experience, Ruomu directly rented two jet skis for himself and Xiaozi to drive, and the marsh king was on standby for diving. The strongest elves in the outer river may be mostly elite-level elves. The huge Gyarados is an exception. It is said that this huge Gyarados later fell into the hands of Huck, a gym master trainer.

Several tasks today are to deal with the glazed jellyfish that broke into the river and collect materials on them.

Agate jellyfish, a kind of water-poisonous dual-line elves, should be the most elves in the ocean, but some of them will also swim into the tributaries of the rivers that flow into the ocean for some reason and swim back into the river.

They are highly poisonous, and many elves and humans will be planted in the hands of their poisonous stingers every year.

In addition, there are also many intrusions from the Claw Crab Clan and the Iron Pao Fish Clan.

The carp king and the horned goldfish family are the elves that often appear in the river. Let’s not mention it for now. They are usually very docile. Only the carp king’s evolution form, the tyrannosaurus, has a bad temper and will destroy the town with a disagreement.

In addition, there are many elves in rivers such as mosquito coils and tadpoles, but they usually do not hinder the boats that come and play around.

Ruomu brought along the Bibi Bird couple who volunteered to help today. With the comprehensive treatment and help given by the secretary Miaomiao, the couple has regained their former vigor.

Recently, their strength is also about to reach the level that can be promoted to the elite.

It is estimated that as soon as the gas bombs hatch in the near future, they will reach the threshold that can almost break through the elite.

In addition, the secretary Miaomiao was very happy to tell Ruomu this morning that it would complete the elite breakthrough today, and the cat boss here did not go out today to take care of himself, the current big red meow who is now next to Ruomu.

But even without the other party, Ruomu felt that there would be no impact.

Everything is still in progress!
The Dashihua and Chuanshanwang in Xiaozi's hands are also preparing to advance to the elite together with Secretary Miaomiao today.

The contribution of the previous games also allowed them to be rewarded.

After they have been promoted, they will be of great help to Xiao Zi. In addition, because Xiao Zi's sword soldier is already at the tenth level, now it is supported by Ruomu's resources, energy level and a lot of actual combat experience. It is also very fast Stepped into the thirteenth level.

Driving a jet ski, the morning breeze is slowly blowing from the river.

Ruomu, Xiaozi and the elves quickly launched today's capture plan and task.

In order to ensure that it would not cause too much suspicion, Ruomu also planned to hand over some of the elves who were extremely disobedient in the mission requirements to the Alliance in exchange for mission rewards.

After all, being unable to complete the catching mission is a major doubt in itself, so considering this, Ruomu also changed his previous temperament of accepting everything as ordered, and chose a more secure way to continue his road of dog king.

The agate jellyfish family that Ruomu chose to attack is an elite group that entered the tributaries of rivers from the ocean, and there are three elite-level stinging jellyfish in the group.

The opponent came from the ocean, well-informed and experienced in combat.

Ruomu didn't dare to show slightest contempt.

"Abo monster, use surprise attack and poisonous lightning fang attack here!"

They are located in the center of a northwest river on the outskirts of the river. Fifty or sixty water-type elves of the glazed jellyfish family are harassing the passing fishing boats at the moment, poisoning native fish and a large number of weak water-type elves with the help of body toxins.

Ruomu couldn't bear to watch them wreak havoc and hunt and kill water elves, so he ordered an attack decisively.

The imposing Abo monster is like a purple flying sword. Under the blessing of the surprise attack, it is almost superimposed with six layers of speed buffs. It locks on a stinging jellyfish that is larger than its kind and is obviously the leader.

The opponent's aptitude, two of the three elite stinging jellyfish are at the level of the museum owner, which made De Ruomu very happy after seeing it.

If you use it for yourself, you will definitely be able to further improve your strength in water combat, and the opponent is still very good at assisting. At the same time, the opponent's leader is also good at acupuncture skills. This is a powerful skill in the true sense. The opponent has so many poisonous tentacles. , it must be able to increase a lot of ability attribute blessings at once.

This is good news or bad news, it depends on how the other party uses it, and there are only a few elite level powerhouses who can use it.

It is estimated that if this genetic move is to be truly mastered, it must be at least an elite level.

Although I don't understand the specific reason, but based on his previous analysis, this is the special move. Even if the blood is inherited, you have to study hard to improve your strength, so that you can truly study successfully. Not mastered state.

 The update is here, thank you for your support O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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