mediocrity of elves

Chapter 65 The game is over, the harvest of blood and tears

Chapter 65 The game is over, the harvest of blood and tears

"Xiao Zi, thank you for your hard work!"

As soon as Xiaozi finished the game and took the elf to heal this matter, Ruomu noticed it all the way, and he also quickly chased after the other party ended the game and took the elf to heal.

As an elite top four, he still has the right to enter the temporary infirmary.

"Ruomu, although Wubo and I barely made it to the second round this time, the smelly mud was seriously injured. Fortunately, Meihua and Xingfudan, who were quasi-kings, were able to heal with all their strength. Now the situation is relatively stable. Living!"

Xiao Zi heard Ruo Mu's voice and slowly turned her head to look at the other side and said with a guilty expression.


On Ruomu's calf at this moment, a blue elf is also biting the bottom of his trousers with his mouth at this moment, complaining to him with tears in his eyes.

If Mu saw it clearly, he naturally understood the meaning of what the other party wanted to say.

Quickly leaned down and gently touched the opponent's smooth head, and at the same time took out the water energy stone he had harvested in this competition and shook it in front of his eyes.

This thing is the innate treasure that he dreamed of.

It is very useful for Wubo's promotion, evolution and promotion to elites are carried out together.

Just thinking about it makes him very happy. At the same time, he also feels that his weak strength at the beginning is too exaggerated. In two years, laying down basic knowledge and learning various occupations is higher than training elves and wild adventures.

But it is also because of this that he was able to grow rapidly after gaining strength and resources. Right now, Wubo can be promoted to the elite and become the swamp king in a few days.

The treasures on the side of the stinky mud are also enough to advance to the elite. Although the injury this time is a bit serious, it is no wonder that the stinky mud has tenacious vitality.

After being promoted to the elite and supplemented by a large amount of poisonous medicine to heal the injury, he can get rid of the current predicament.

Of course, the life sap in the unknown stake will naturally be used here.

Ruomu will not be stingy with meritorious ministers, even if he treats himself a little bit at ordinary times, he can't be hard on them, these companions are not.

Next, Xiaozi, accompanied by Ruomu, took the smelly mud and other elves who stabilized the injury to the podium two hours later and received rewards that far exceeded expectations. Regarding other people's competitions, Ruomu's side also Appoint Bibi Bird and his wife to come and take all the high-definition videos of the whole process.

This is a very rare burning worm elf egg, but it is a pity that the aptitude is a little pitifully low.

Only the middle-level elf qualification, if it is not rare, can be used to hatch eggs and provide specific assistance, it will not appear in the top ten rewards this time.

However, Ruomu knew that it must have had a lot to do with breaking the five major families on his side to win the competition rewards, so the other party gave the elf with good aptitude and the same rarity to other people, and gave Xiaozi, the elf egg of the burning worm.

However, the aptitude is not good, but Ruomu already has countermeasures. As soon as the game ended today, the secretary Miao Miao informed Ruomu about the discovery of Houerniang in the territory of the Hot Monkey Clan.

At the same time, after the other party's research, the golden leaves are very effective. Ruomu asked the other party to try to use them, and made five pills in total with five pills supplemented with various existing medicinal herb resources.

One of them was eaten by Secretary Miaomiao himself, and the other was crushed into powder and poured into the solution of the gas bomb incubator.

Not to mention the effect, the current secretary Miaomiao has also reached the qualification of the owner of the museum.

At the same time, it is also constantly improving its own strength recently, and it has reached level 28 strength. Its progress is neither fast nor slow under the overuse of various resources.

I believe it will be able to advance to the elite level soon!

However, the origin of this golden leaf is still unclear, but Ruomu thinks that he still has a chance to get it in the future.

It's time to make the best use of everything!

"If this elf egg is cultivated in the future, if we advance to the level of the museum owner, it will definitely be our right-hand man in the future. Although there are some small episodes today, our harvest is still good!"

"By the way, can this little guy's qualifications really help us?"

"Of course I already have an idea!"

Ruo Mu slowly opened his mouth and replied.

And after all the follow-ups were completed in this arena, Ruomu and Xiaozi left the arena, and went back to heal their injuries and digest supplies first.

The alliance points and police points of the second-ranked teams each have more than 500, and the alliance coins total [-] million!

There are a total of thirty premium energy cubes!

And one side of the Grand League standard alloy shield.

Two innate treasures, two evil flame stones, and two water energy stones.

Added up, this harvest can be said to have directly reached Ruomu's expected goal.

So Ruomu decisively spent 1000 million elf coins and [-] contributions to successfully replace the other party together with the elf eggs, professional training materials before reaching the elite level, and the training manual for the master level.

This is for Xiaoyuan, such a helper is indispensable, of course he has to take care of it himself, after all, he still belongs to his elf in name.

Counting the gas bomb elf eggs, burning worm elf eggs, and fandou egg elf eggs, Ruomu already has three good elf eggs in his hand.

After returning home to recuperate the elves, the next step is the elves' breakthrough plan.

After successfully completing the breakthrough, the next step is to continue to prepare for a more comprehensive plan for the next trip.

Similarly, today he and Xiao Zi also stole the limelight, and now the village is probably spreading their achievements today.

But fortunately, although Ruomu and the others have been noticed, there is a stronger civilian genius trainer, Mu Ze, who dominates the field. Ruomu feels that he, the top four, will not attract too much attention.

Of course, some people in the arena considered investing in Ruomu, but most of them proposed unreasonable conditions and unfair treatment, and Ruomu rejected them all. At this stage, he still feels that it is best to develop according to his normal thinking.

Xiaozi is bound to him, and after those people learned about the situation, some even spoke ill of him behind their backs. Ruomu has learned the tricks of these people, but according to his personality, these guys will definitely go and have a good time if they have the opportunity. Repay the following.

Right now, his goal is very clear, to improve his strength with all his strength!

The original capture plan can only be delegated to Secretary Miaomiao for the time being.

With elite elves leading the team, it wouldn't be too difficult to imagine.

After all, there is the secretary Miao Miao to provide information support. Recently, the secretary Miao Miao of the flight department is also expanding the enrollment, and the Bibi Bird couple is about to produce the crystallization of their love.

But now, in order to be able to do things more conveniently and expand enrollment, capture naturally can't run away.

Of course, without Ruomu's help, all they went to catch were elves with relatively average strength.

The peak of the high-level elves is the cap, after all, these guys don't want to get hurt for no reason, do they!
Of course, the warlike squirrel bee family is another matter, with a completely different innate personality from the unicorn period.

The landlord's aunt also knew about Ruomu's good ranking, and sold the surrounding warehouses and houses where Ruomu lived to Ruomu for 2000 million elf coins.

This sum of money once made Ruomu feel that he was bleeding heavily, but as the team grows, the site will naturally expand its recruitment.

In addition, his idea is that he can only have one trainer in his territory, and outsiders are not allowed to own elves privately. Therefore, even if Ruomu recruits manpower in the future, he needs to be assessed at various levels. Of course, he is not allowed to own elves. Common Gospel.

And this is also a major feature that will attract many civilians to follow him in the future. Elf bosses cultivate resources, and they have the right to use them, but as long as everything is done according to the rules, the elves can help in life and even participate in various competitions. of.

And more advanced rare elves can also have the right to use, just need enough contributions.

And this is a bit of a strange setting, although at first glance it is particularly unfriendly, but it has given many civilians a good opportunity to stand up and make decisions.

If you have the ability, there is a job suitable for you!

It is starting now, and there are not many people, but it will definitely increase in the future.

And when I officially returned home and went to the elf center to fully recover the elf's injuries, it was also in the evening.

It took hundreds of millions of medical resources to completely heal the stinky mud's injury.

Compared with Abo, the opponent's injury was more serious, but Ruomu still kept his word.

In addition, regarding the police station, the same amount of [-], Ruomu thought about it and spent [-] for a high-end strange power glove.

In addition, Xiao Zi was equipped with a set of special equipment belonging to the swordsman family, which also cost [-].

I also got some from the previous missions, and today's welfare missions are all extra items like energy cubes. The spirit coins, alliance points, and police points are all used to the fullest today.

The police station had the most leftovers, and Ruomu at the police station exchanged the rest plus 200 million for a komadao soldier trained at the police station with the qualifications of the owner of the hall, and gave it to Xiao Zi to use.

The other party is also considered a rare elf in the wild, so it is more expensive than ordinary elves with the same qualifications as Wubo and Abo.

But after coming and going, Ruomu's family fortune has gone down a lot. Of course, he is still very happy in his heart. It is naturally better to transform money and resources into practical things.

Of course, no matter how many elves there are, the main force will always be a few, and the rest will be mostly logistics.

The most important thing is to comprehend the skills after training and teach them by yourself, which can save money on the skills machine. Although sometimes the quality will be worse, but you can still get more inspiration. It is not like the original copy of learning and comprehension, which is also very good in itself. .

This time, Ruomu and Xiaozi's personal hard power has improved by the way, and the protection of their own safety by wielding a new alloy shield with advanced strange power gloves has also been greatly improved.

Back home, Xiaoyuan has prepared more than a dozen dishes for the cats to serve on the table.

As a reward, Ruomu also gave these meows some dried fish and ordinary primary energy cubes as rewards.

These are just small sweets, and the big rewards have to be won by themselves. For example, the secretary Miaomiao is able to do things well, and now she can enjoy the high-level energy cube level all day long, which is the same treatment as the elite cat boss.

Of course, there was no such a good treatment a few days ago, but recently I got rich, so I naturally spend what I need, and I can't save it.

In addition, the energy cube machine is also officially launched. After simple training, the meows have also started the production of energy cubes. However, the failure rate is relatively high at this stage, and there are only a few intermediate energy cubes produced.

 The update is here, O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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