mediocrity of elves

Chapter 55 Power grows, reorganization and training

Chapter 55 Power grows, reorganization and training

If Mu understood the meaning of the big needle bee at this moment, he was not polite, and if these combat powers were willing to subdue, then he had to give them back.

Just because he has nothing to do with the Popo clan for the time being doesn't mean he won't do anything in the future, he will naturally help them avenge this big enmity in the future.

After all, he has seen the strength of high-level elite-level elves before, and such strength is the entry qualification for participating in the alliance conference.

According to the usual practice in previous years, the highest level of elves that can be used is the master-level elves of level [-].

Anyone who exceeds the first level will be disqualified, except for a few battle breakthroughs. Of course, after this kind of battle is over, they are not allowed to play again.

This situation often occurs in the semi-finals when competing for the top three rankings, and it is premeditated.

Of course, not to mention the championship game, the scenes of duels that can be called gods and demons are not uncommon in every conference.

Ruomu felt that it was not easy for him to get the ranking in the hands of his two partners.

They reckoned that they had already marched to the cities after Hualan City, and they only collected a gray badge on their side.

But it won't be too late to keep up after he has earned enough funds. After all, he has not fallen behind in his usual strength.

After finishing the current ticket this time, Ruomu intends to digest the harvest first, stealing a fortune is a good way to quickly improve his strength.

Although I don't know why those other elite trainers don't do this, but in fact some of them do it, but they don't know how to tame so many elves.

After all, they can subdue them, but they must not abandon them. After all, it is not acceptable to subdue too many and hand them over to the alliance. This is an irresponsible poaching behavior that simply wants to exchange money.

The league has a strict set of bills for this!

Ruomu, on the other hand, didn't touch the laws and regulations of the alliance, it was just a hobby, except for those who usually treat the elves well and live in harmony with the elves.

Without any pressure, with the help of the negotiators, most of these bees were subdued by Wakagi along with other unicorns and iron shell insects.

But it's a pity, in order to ensure that the clues are not completely seen, there are still some big needle bees left behind, but their strength is only at the high-level elf level, and they, the remaining unicorns and iron-shelled insects need to be sacrificed in the group.

Who made Ruomu unable to fully protect them now, and could only let some of the clansmen stay in this place to make sacrifices.

The most precious honey of the big needle bee family and the treasures left behind after their death, as well as the treasures left by other elves who came to this place and were killed by counterattacks.

Because it is full of powerful attribute energy, it was piled up in an abandoned hive by the big needle bee family and used this to escape the scourge of the Bobo family and other group elves.

Here, Ruomu intends to take it slowly, because the unicorns are weak, so the Bobos will temporarily give up the plundering of this meat factory based on the stock-raising policy, and wait until their vitality recovers before taking action.

If all of them were taken away, the place would be deserted. Ruomu relied on the adjacent monkey monsters to help check and balance the surrounding guys who tried to invade the territory of the unicorns.

It is to ensure that they can grow with peace of mind, and then take the opportunity to take away the honey and raw materials here on a regular basis.

When the time is ripe, even the Bobo clan will join in.

There are five treasures of the big needle bee, three treasures of Bibi bird, and two treasures of Lada and Haoli.

The harvest is also not cheap, and it will be smoother to cultivate elves with these.

In addition, the level of the supersonic bat soared rapidly during this battle, and Ruomu provided three treasures to the opponent.

It also evolved into a big-mouthed bat smoothly, and was promoted to a high-level elite qualification.

Although Deluby's leveling up is not slow, fire and evil treasures are not particularly easy to find.

The elves nearby are mostly insect-type elves and flying-type elves.

Either it is the general type and the fighting type such as Lada and Monkey Monster, and the water type is mostly water type.

The source of the few electrical treasures in the Viridian Forest is still the Pikachu family.

As for the evil-type and fire-type, it is really relatively rare, and the opponent is an elf in the dangerous business road area outside Xiaoyan Town.

However, this is not completely absent, but the number is very small, especially those with evil attributes.

There are very few such elves in the Kanto area!

However, there are still a lot of fire elves with fire attributes, such as nine tails, duck-billed fire dragons, lava snails, etc. The number is not small.

It's just that these are also rare in the area where Ruomu is located, but there are more in the Kanto area.

The evil elves in the Kanto area are mostly dual-type, such as Dark Crow, Vulture Boy, etc.!
But since it is his own elf, it will definitely be cultivated well. There will definitely be a black market for acquired elf treasures, and there are also alliance points on the alliance side that can be exchanged. As for the innate treasures, he dare not get involved for the time being.

Most of the alliance's lifespans are exhausted and the remaining elf treasures are taken out.

Black market? Naturally, there is no need to say more, the word "unscrupulous" is enough to describe the process.

There is still time now, so go back and pay attention or press the constant stone on the opponent first, so as to prevent the opponent from evolving prematurely and wasting a great opportunity to improve their aptitude.

There are not many other items of the Big Needle Bee family, but the materials still need to be collected. After the collection, exactly ten tasks have been completed.

Ruomu is on his way back, and as for the previous income, he will be sent back to the secretary Meow Miao by the Bibi Bird couple in accordance with the normal process.

The same unicorn family also entrusted them to send them back.

As far as Ruomu is concerned, they are now reliable couriers. Not to mention the speed, the key is to be very loyal. Ruomu still feels that such an elf needs special care, and will treat them kindly even when they get old.

Send the item back smoothly, after the elf returns!

Ruomu and Xiao Zi left the back mountain area with their elves.

After all, he didn't want to stay here for a long time, and the last experience left him with a lingering shadow.

In order to break through the shadows, improving strength is the key.

About 10 minutes later, because I gradually became familiar with the route, I took a shortcut and returned to the town to submit the task.

Another large amount of resources has been credited. There are ten missions to be completed in terms of spirit coins, which is also 250 million. Unlike escort missions, these rewards are relatively less, after all, there is a fixed time limit.

In addition, the alliance point is the same, which is equivalent to 120 five points, and the police point is the same as usual.

Performing the D-level collection task, under normal circumstances, the collection would not be so fast. Ruomu was able to complete it ahead of schedule this time because of the actions of speculators.

In terms of extra rewards, the energy cube is still the mainstream, and it is indeed an urgent need for trainers, but for Ruomu, elite treasures are the real needs.

With these, it is very important for him to quickly increase the strength of his elves.

In addition, skill machines and other things such as training manuals are also very important.

This time, there are more elite treasures of fire and evil, but there are only three in total, with the most fire and only one evil.

The other treasures are gone. After all, the alliance and the police station are not philanthropic, so the number will definitely be limited.

But having these has brought help to Derby's evolution. It is definitely enough to improve his aptitude, but Ruomu will not be satisfied with this, so there is still time to continue collecting before the opponent has not developed to the upper limit.

Except for the poison, ground and water-type treasures, all the elite treasures on hand will be distributed reasonably by the secretary Miaomiao.

The evil element and the fire element are also kept on the body for the time being, and this time the harvest is also average, but the improvement of alliance points and police points is a real good thing.

Through this item, it is also possible to exchange for the elf eggs of the elf alliance and some special items that Ruomu can exchange as an elite.

The eight kinds of skill machines are all exchanged here, so that you can prepare for future travel!

However, these do not need to be restricted by the eight badges in the game, and only trainers like Ruomu can buy them, with a total value of 400 million elf coins.

The harvest this time is huge, and Ruomu feels that as long as he stabilizes the current situation, he will be able to complete his next travel plan.

But before that, we need to continue to strengthen our own strength.

Ruomu plans to buy the fairy eggs of the alliance, the pink eggs, the big milk pot, and the ditto as the future auxiliary elves on his side.

The alliance point is a must stepping stone. In addition, the evolution form of the fandou egg is also the iconic elf of the Joey family where Xinyu belongs, and it is also a very powerful auxiliary elf.

As for the big milk cans, they are also very suitable for supporting and fighting spirits, and these two are planned to be used by Xiaoyuan first.

As for Ditto in the future, in addition to being an egg hatching tool, it will also be an all-round travel helper, so a few more such ones can also be used to cultivate a substitute or something.

After all, some powerful Diversified Monsters are very capable of confusing the real with the fake.

These guys are the existence that will take a lot of effort to get.

Of course, as long as there is one, and the Variety Monster supplements it with the Enchantment Powder, then the crystallization of love can be born smoothly.

However, these elves themselves are not particularly capable of breeding, and there is only one elf egg in a normal litter.

So if you want to form a scale, you can't just have a Ditto or a big milk tank.

But this is a question for later consideration. Ruomu now hopes that if he has the opportunity, he can still buy them on the black market.

But now that he has come to know that the black market is full of water, he rarely goes there very often.

The elves will not give priority to that side, after all, the alliance has secret whistle.

 The laborious update is out, let's just make do with it first, I will try my best to maintain some status, and I can't live up to everyone's affirmation and support for me. As long as the update is within my ability, it will not be easily interrupted, so please rest assured to follow up!

(End of this chapter)

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