mediocrity of elves

Chapter 5 Fairy Small Beast Tide (2)

Chapter 5 The Tide of Small Elf Beasts ([-])
After recovering the morning dew, Ruomu took Abo Snake and entered the village he locked.

As soon as they entered the gate of the village, a burst of smoke and dust rushed in, and a large number of gophers and small Ladas were destroying the village. Those stone-structured houses were okay, and almost none of the wooden-structured houses were spared.

Food and crops were wantonly destroyed by these wild predators.

However, most of these villagers were successfully rescued by some enthusiastic trainers.

The only things that really suffer are the crops and the houses and the food and other items stored by the villagers.

Every time this kind of disaster is encountered, some trainers who like to scavenge will come, some are just to take advantage, and some try their best to drive or hunt these elves, and then take the leftovers of these people to themselves with peace of mind In the space backpack.

Some trainers got some items from the other party's ancestors to increase their strength, and some picked up forgotten treasured elf eggs. In short, this can be regarded as a very twisted adventure among disasters.

After all, taking other people's items for no reason is not a glorious thing in itself. Of course, those resources in the wild and the resource trainers on the elves are still very at ease.

However, over the years, the frequent riots of elves and beasts have also caused some headaches for the alliance. Many intelligence data show that it is the Rockets' fault.

Of course, Ruomu doesn't care about these things. What he needs now is to earn elf coins, buy Ubo eggs, and complete the transformation and evolution of the Aber Snake.

The best tactic to deal with elves like gophers is to water them. If Ubo can help him at this time, he can save a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that even the elf coins are far away now, let alone formally command operations after hatching, it feels quite far away.

However, there are many kinds of strange props in the elf world, such as rainstorm beads, which can change the weather in a small area. Although it can only be used for half an hour, it is supplemented by a high-pressure water gun that can quickly gather the surrounding water vapor and gather in the storage tank. It's much simpler.

However, these items are not cheap and rarely appear on the black market. In addition, these items are exclusive items only owned by the elf fire brigade.

The outflow is very small, and the effect is only greater in certain occasions.

But when Lei Ye brings people over to help, this problem will be natural and completely worthless.

Leaving aside the powerful elves like Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Guai Li, many of his subordinates have water elves, and Lei Ye himself also has water elves to deal with these gophers.

What is needed now is to design traps first, but most of these traps are still used on the little Lada.

The other party is naturally quite fond of energy cubes, treasures that can feast on food and improve their strength, and even a small piece is enough to make them take the bait.

Take out the special rat trap with a cage on the top and a base on the bottom from the space backpack. Because it is usually disassembled, it does not take up a lot of space in the backpack. Other people's space backpack may have 20 square meters, but his one is only more than [-] square meters. That's all.

But as long as it is stacked properly, it can also put down a lot of objects.

About a dozen mouse traps were laid and the bait was placed before Ruomu started the next action.

In fact, there may be other surprises in these mousetraps. After all, there is a mixture of elves and beasts. It is said that the little Lada was introduced into the set, but in fact, it is hard to say that elves such as gophers or walking grasses were included in the set.

After all, the real name of the mousetrap made of these alloys is the elf cage, but it usually catches little Radha a lot, so Ruomu jokingly called it the mousetrap.

In addition, each mousetrap will launch a powerful paralyzing needle at the moment of triggering, making the elves lose their ability to move, and then the opponent can be easily taken down by the slight poisonous gas of the Arbor snake.

Income space backpack, at that time it will be up to him to decide whether to kill or cut.

Immediately afterwards, preparations for poisoning were started, and some weak elves were stunned by the toxin, and then they were collected into the elf balls in an extremely inhumane way.

In the past, he was very cautious when doing this kind of thing, and this time it was the same. In order to make the toxin work invisible, he and Abo Snake did a lot of work to practice this skill on weekdays.

The value of living elves is higher. Perhaps with the help of this turmoil, he can raise a lot of elf coins this time. In addition, he does not forget to collect treasures that may exist in the village. Of course, some treasures will be anonymous after he takes them Send to the elf center.

Ruomu's deeds are not completely benevolent, because if he does so, the alliance will be a bonus item when he registers as an alliance trainer in the future.

The number of places to become an official elf trainer is limited, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get it. Students who graduated from a formal elf academy, big families, middle-class families, descendants of official alliance officials, etc., these powerful people will seize most of the places in advance. .

And to become an elite trainer, the alliance accepts civilians just to facilitate the handling of extra affairs under their own hands. Naturally, they have to make good use of advanced combat power. After all, these civilian trainers do not need to pay any compensation if they die.

But even so, the alliance card quota is still quite ruthless. In the past two years, Ruomu has handed over many treasures obtained under such circumstances to the alliance. Some treasures have special marks, and taking them out randomly will cause disaster.

It's better to be a good person and turn them into the cornerstones that pave the way for the future.

Being able to use the resources and elf coins that can improve strength, most of Ruomu accepts them with a smile.

In addition, if you send it anonymously to the elf center, you will get a good person card given by Joey. This is an anonymous card. Few people want to become an on-the-job trainer recognized by the alliance, and this thing is an important pass.

After all, these cards will be lost, because there is no identity information, and they are simply shopping cards. The good points of multiple cards can be transferred to one card. There are a little more trainers than usual, and he still needs to continue to work hard.

Of course, he will transcribe and engrave some adventure notes and elf knowledge, or save and record them in a USB flash drive through electronic documents.

Ruomu also has another cheap elf laptop, and I can’t do without this kind of electronic product to check the information of those elves.

Ruomu's footsteps are very light at ordinary times, and he often comes into contact with Abo Snake. The smell of humans and elves on his body are mixed together, which makes it impossible for many elves to identify Ruomu's identity in the first place. In addition, with the help of special perfume through years of experience , can make the elves with a particularly sensitive sense of smell lose track of Ruomu's scent.

Little elves like Abo Snake are best at concealing surprises. Otherwise, why would Aju, the future king of the city’s poisonous sky, raise a little elf like Abo Snake? It is because it fits its own characteristics and Their family has a training manual for this poisonous elf system.

Ruomu also wants to raise a double-bomb gas, because the poisonous attacker has Arbo monster, and the poisonous special attacker uses double-bomb gas is very good, and it also has the characteristics of floating and chemical gas. It is also a good choice. The first part The three elves might just consider it.

But this is something for the future, let's wait and see. After all, there is no sign of this kind of elf near the Viridian Forest. If there is a high probability, it is in the hands of the rookies on the Rockets. After all, many rookies on the Rockets will receive A gas bomb is cultivated, and it is particularly easy to feed. Some methane gas is regular food, so because of this, it is also a very popular elf within the Rockets.

His tactics don't rely much on brute force, so it's unavoidable that poison elves are now the core of the team.

At this moment, after finding the right time, he finally launched an attack. There are compound bows for sale in the black market, as well as iron and wood longbows for hunting, and portable crossbows and short arrows.

He usually collects Arbor snake venom and the toxins from other poisonous elves to smear on the arrows and use this thing to carry out surprise assassinations.

 This chapter has a lot of introductions. The next chapter will focus on the plot and dialogue as much as possible. In addition, the protagonist’s use of these gadgets is purely self-protection. If the elves are at a stage of low strength, if the trainer does not do something, then the strength of both parties will increase. The progress is too slow, and this is also a helpless move. Please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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