mediocrity of elves

Chapter 445 Repression, Conquering Dark Rogia

Chapter 445 Repression, Conquering Dark Rogia
Ruomu has a huge advantage here.

What should be worried about is Diablo Rogia, which received the message by mistake and became a scapegoat who came to top the bag.

Human beings themselves have the intention of using the other party, and at the same time know the powerful strength of Diablo Rogia, so they choose the other party to come here to make a move.

It's just that Diablo Rogia never thought that he would soon fall into a disadvantage.

A powerful aura of power rose accordingly, and the entire sea suddenly became a dangerous battlefield.

Ruomu took a deep breath, and instantly put his whole body on high alert. The guy in front of him was absolutely capable of resisting in a corner.

This guy must not be underestimated, Ruomu has already made up his mind to make it absolutely impossible for the other party to resist.

The opponent is the "God of Ocean Currents", who was known as the "God of the Sea" in the early days, but was later taken away by Kyoka, who was known as the "God of the Sea", as a matter of course.

Ruomu has Gaioka to help out, and the opponent's side itself cannot form the power to control the weather suppressed by the "big weather", and it becomes a lot of hips in an instant.

Characteristic Analysis: Multiple scales.

The opponent belongs to the kind that is resistant to beating, and its own durability is also very well assigned to the race value.

For Ruomu, attack is the main method.

Super Gulardo and Super Kyoka open their mouths from the abyss on the left and right, converging their own attribute energy. With their divine power, they can cause extremely huge blows.

Both lava fire and deep sea heavy water are absolutely crushing forces.

The shock waves generated by the spiraling red gold fire column and the compressed dark water column made Diablo Rogia's eyebrows twitch slightly.

However, it is still full of confidence in its own strength, and it is still confident that it can resist or even win the battle with so many powerful people attacking suddenly.

This is probably due to the side effects caused by these [dark energy] entering the body, the character has become arrogant and unruly, and even became an egomaniac.

Super Liekong sits high in the air, with dark green energy gathered all over his body.

Super finishing touch! !

Rinse! !

If there is a series of cracking joints echoing in the air, Super Rayquaza is the real main attacker.

Its power can be said to have reached its limit after multiple increases.

Like a meteorite falling from the sky at an extremely fast speed, it was killed in front of Diablo Rogia in an instant.

Diablo Rogia was startled immediately, this force was enough to easily crush the thick feathers it was proud of, and the feathers on its body were the existence of the scales.

Faced with such suppression, it naturally didn't hesitate at all, and just blurted out a "Dark Frozen Beam".

This is a special attack with [Dark Energy], and it has some very unusual effects.

Facing such a blow, Ruomu was naturally a little afraid, but at this time, the eight king-level elves under his command were not afraid at all.

Constantly increase the strength of one's breath.

In an instant, their own strength has reached the champion level. They are now trapped in the enlightenment of their own "laws", and the same is true for the Lightning Bird before.

It's just that the other party was imprisoned for a long time.

Over the long years, it has already comprehended its own "law of thunder and lightning" to an extremely terrifying point.

Therefore, it didn't take long for it to successfully advance to the championship level under a series of infusion of resources.

Now it is also the finale after the appearance of other spirits other than the three gods.

Hit Lugia! ?
It is the most familiar with the Guandu Three Divine Birds.

A thunderbolt that was soaked to almost gray and black immediately bombarded down. This is the "Extinct Thunderbolt" skill created by the Lightning Bird after its strength improved.

It is necessary to fully charge the "charge" move, and then perform the "power boost" move to repeatedly charge.

Only then can this trick be displayed.

There is no backlash in this move, and it can surprise and seriously injure the opponent at ordinary times, which can be regarded as a good highlight.

Ruomu was not dissatisfied with this, after all, it was a powerful back-up move with no side effects anyway.


There was a thunderstorm, and Diablo Rogia was suppressed on the spot by a siege cage formed by buckets of lightning as thick as black dragons.

The speed was as fast as light hitting the eyeball, and Diablo Rogia fell into continuous blows before he recovered.

Lost any slightest room for resistance.

This move immediately severely injured Diablo Rogia, who had been constantly besieged. Diablo Rogia's lost sanity returned to normal at this moment.

"I... what's the matter!?" Diablo Rogia's eyes returned to blue and clear, and his voice was suddenly clear and loud, and he shouted a little weakly.

"You have been infected by dark energy and lost your original sanity!" Ruomu replied calmly.

The opponent's state is obviously still not right, Ruomu will not let the opponent go, the three gods released the "chain of gods" of different attributes together, and quickly bound Diablo Rogia.

Diablo Rogia's sanity could not be maintained for a moment, but soon fell into the downwind stage again.

He started roaring and roaring again, his eyes were red and bloodshot than before.

However, it soon fell into a decline under the astonishing pressure of divine power.

Its [dark energy] is no longer strong at this time, and after being cut off from the source by the overbearing, it has become rootless water. Ruomu intends to get rid of the [dark energy] on the opponent's body on the spot.

Although Dark Rogia's resistance was fierce, it was also exhausted.

It will go downhill soon, and Ruomu will use a glass porcelain bottle to absorb all the opponent's [dark energy], which is a conjurer's prop made from a special storage ore.

In terms of function, there is nothing to say, now it has stored a large amount of [dark energy].

All these [dark energy] can be sacrificed and processed into pure [original divine power]. Of course, these are all resources purified by Giratina's hand.

The elves under Ruomu's command, led by Zoroark and the Shield Sword Monster, received the largest internal increase after absorbing this power.

And the power of Dark Rogia was removed.

The original state of oneself is also gradually restored to the state of clarity, and the opponent under this state will also gradually restore its own purification power.

After becoming Ruomu, he will be an important combat power to purify the entire elf continent. After all, such a top combat power must be used well.

Although the opponent regained his sanity, the [Dark Energy] was deeply ingrained. Although Ruomu had a way to completely eliminate it, he thought of a better plan, and Giratina quickly responded positively to his idea.

Let all [dark energy] be ruled by it, and then wantonly plunder the dark energy in all directions for its use.

Giratina wants to cultivate a dark energy holder leader by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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