mediocrity of elves

Chapter 33 Elite Trainer Wakamu

Chapter 33 Elite Trainer Wakamu

At this moment, according to Ruomu's request, the cat boss mustered up his courage and swallowed all the energy cubes, honey, and elixirs according to Ruomu's instructions under the stern eyes of Abo, who had just been promoted to the elite.

The slight sound of crackling bones came from the cat boss's body. For the cat boss who is not physically strong, the effect of taking this elixir is even more extraordinary because of the first time taking it.


A wild meow roared out from the mouth of the cat boss at this moment.

However, because this place is relatively hidden, and fish and dragons are mixed everywhere, its cry has not been paid attention to by anyone.

Several special rubies emit bursts of red crystal light at this moment, converging into the ruby ​​on the forehead.

Five general-type treasures surround its body at this moment, and a powerful force fills the whole body of the cat boss whose body has just been strengthened.

If these auxiliary drugs were not taken, relying on the strong stamina of this force, it might even cause the cat boss' body, which was already overwhelmed and had just recovered from some hidden injuries, to suffer another huge injury.

Ruomu's preparation made Boss Mao a smooth and successful promotion at this moment.

At this moment, a powerful wave of power emanated from the cat boss who had already absorbed all the treasures around him.

"Is it level 32? Compared with Abo, it absorbs the treasures that were once strong in the family group. It can be regarded as a kind of inheritance, and it also comprehends the destructive light move learned by the elders. This move is a powerful move. No Thinking that the other party has also learned during this promotion!"

"It seems that there are still many mysteries that I don't know about the way this treasure advances!"

Ruomu checked the change of the cat boss's own energy value through the illustrated book, and found that the opponent was already an elite-level elf that had reached the 32nd level recognized by the illustrated book.

However, even if the strength is higher than that of Abo Monster and he has gained something in the breakthrough and promotion, he is still a group of cowards when he sees Abo Monster.

The murderous aura contained in those fierce black snake eyes is ready to come out, and it will only be restrained in front of Ruomu and those close to him.


With this in mind, the cat boss bowed down again to express his gratitude and absolute loyalty to Abo and Ruomu.

The same meow with a blue striped tail was also released immediately. In order to distinguish the other meow from other meows in the future, Ruomu also specially dressed it in a blue suit found in the old lair of the meow family. A white sports-style T-shirt, shorts, and a pair of small leather shoes are passed through the precision instrument size divider in the old nest, and the corresponding values ​​are designed to make them suitable for the size that this meow can wear.

At the same time, I dyed it a sea blue hairstyle according to the request of the other party, and soon a Miao Miao wearing a sports T-shirt, shorts, and small leather shoes had a folder in his arms and a briefcase in his hand with a cool face The facial expressions are in front of Ruomu.

"That's right, this is a language translator, put it on your side first, it will allow you to communicate with me normally!"

"However, the defect of this invention is that the battery of the translation conversation will be consumed quickly, so in daily life, you and I try to express through words, and when you encounter some particularly important questions, you can ask me through the translator!"

"Meow, is it like this?"

"Well, but I will teach you the characters of this world as soon as possible, after all, the grade of this translator is a bit low"!
Seeing that Miaomiao was able to use the translator function smoothly by himself, Ruomu couldn't help but increase his affection for this secretary Miaomiao.

"Understood, Master!"

At this moment, Miaomiao replied with a cute expression imitating the human salute.

"This little male cat is very good, but this time he got such a second base, and maybe he can use his current strength to take down the surrounding wild elf groups by the way!"

At this moment, Ruomu looked at the two elves whose strength had reached the elite level, and couldn't help but have this greedy thought in his heart.

Now he is also an alliance trainer who can promote himself to the official establishment as soon as possible.

In addition, Ruomu thinks that these sundries need to be sorted out again. The cat boss will not use them because he is guarding Jinshan, and only uses part of them. Wouldn't it be that more than half of them were given away by the other party before? Thinking of this possibility, Ruomu There was also a burst of distress in my heart.

In terms of precision instruments, the previous size cutter, energy cube machine, elf watch, elf magnetic spinner, tree fruit juicer, advanced pill synthesizer, elf TV, elf oven, etc. In short, except what Ruomu recognizes, there are some basic I didn't understand it before.

The wealth of the Miaomiao family is all-round!
The total price of these things in the outside world must be more than 500 million.

"There is also an exquisite fine iron sword and a long knife made of titanium steel. These are not the rare ore scraps mined in Xiaoyan Town before, and a blacksmith in the town assisted the first-class craftsmen to smelt metals from other rare ores. High-level elites Are level trainers qualified to hold weapons?"

Ruomu saw that there was a gray iron sword and a titanium steel knife in the corner at the moment, and a certain corner in the memory of his mind was also opened by him.

Both weapons are lost items from that smithy.

But it's a pity that the opponent didn't have his own stamp on it at that time, and there are many shops in the town that make and imitate this kind of trainer weapons, so now Ruomu only needs to get his own stamp to use these two weapons without any worries.

Besides, the incident of the loss happened two years ago, and Ruomu had just arrived here not long ago.

There are a wide variety of other items, ranging from low to high energy cubes, and there are hundreds of cans.

Most of these are low-level energy cubes, 20.00% are intermediate-level energy cubes, and high-level ones only account for 5.00%.

There are more than 30 bottles of pink powerful wound medicine, and the number of red and purple ones is temporarily unknown, because they are more popular, so the number is relatively large, and Wakagi did not count their number.

All kinds of booster combat potions, let's not mention these for now!
Among them, there are also some enhancement potions that have the ability to enhance elves. There are five bottles for attack and defense, and two bottles for other types.

As for the elf ball, Miaomiao didn't take it, for fear of taking herself in!

In addition, there are still some treasures, but they are not as complete as before. The core stone core of the ground and rock double-line elf rumbling stone body is conveniently the existence of the fixed treasure position.

There are two pieces in total, and there are also two white-gloved frog paws of mosquito-repellent incense frogs.

There are only four pieces in total, and the quantity has not met the expectation. Wubo can evolve at level [-], but this configuration is far from meeting the expectation. Ruomu is not willing to let it evolve so quickly and miss that opportunity!
In addition, the elite treasures of flying elves have three pieces: beak, wing bone, and bird claw.

The size is all meat, but now Ruomu has the strength, after a while and waiting for the storm to pass, he can capture all the guys who couldn't deal with it before, and some stubborn resisters just acted as treasures for his elves to advance cornerstone.

"I have to give you two the immutable stones first!"

Ruomu first took off the healing pendant on Wu Bo's body, and then pierced two milky white pebble-shaped stones for Wu Bo and Secretary Meow to carry.

These are also items collected by the Miaomiao family. It has to be said that the little elves with the characteristics of picking up are really strong.

In this wave, he directly recovered the situation that was originally backward.

The other treasures here are elite treasure flower sacs with only two grass-poison double-line pocket flowers, but I was afraid that their internal energy would not be enough, so I gave priority to the treasure produced by the full-body elves of the Overlord Flower.

After all, although the overlord flower has the property of adding poison to grass, its own toxicity is far better than that of the incomplete body of the flower.

It took an hour to cooperate with the Miaomiao clan to sort out everything, and Ruomu, whose pockets were instantly full, was also very satisfied and left the place with the Miaomiao clan first.

Before leaving, Ruomu did not forget to collect the mature herbs and berries and leave a few meows to equip them with position trackers, so that Bobo or the supersonic bats could send them regular supplies.

After all, Ruomu has already subdued him, so he still has to take care of the base fans!

It is unrealistic to take all of them away, after all, the daily care of this base is also very time-consuming.

Leaving a few meows to take care of it can also avoid the dilapidation of the place due to no management.

 The update is here! ^O^Thank you for your recommendation votes and investment support, thank you all here!

(End of this chapter)

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