mediocrity of elves

Chapter 23 The Rockets' New Cadre Yan

Chapter 23 The Rockets' New Cadre Yan

Lin led people into the cave. Because the team cleared the cave, there were no wild elves. The fluorescent stones that can be seen everywhere on the roadside made this dark cave look a little more lively.

But everyone marched all the way, and found that after a long period of time, they still didn't find the Rockets and others.

Although the back mountain of Xiaoyan Town and Moon Mountain are connected to each other, Tonghualan and Tongnibi are two large cities, and there is a border with Viridian Forest and Viridian City in the middle, but there is no such thing in the game, but the reality and the game It cannot be generalized.

However, it is impossible for the other party to dig out such a deep and spacious unofficial cave passage in a short period of time.

You must know that the official Moon Mountain Tunnel and Cave Passage, the alliance also spent a lot of manpower and material resources to excavate for the convenience of transportation.

But when will this guy from the Rockets be so powerful? If even the other side of this small branch spends so much time secretly developing it, wouldn't it be the same for other main branch areas...

Everyone who thought of this possibility couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

The fear of the Rockets has deepened a lot. At the same time, some people even think that the Rockets are so powerful, and maybe joining the Rockets in the future is a good way out.

Ruomu was also weighing the pros and cons in his heart, but many people would not consider the Rockets, an underground evil force, if they were not desperate. In fact, there are many restrictions on joining it, and many elf hunters who have no lower limit will choose to join it.

Because in this way, I can count myself as an extra backer.

"Have those people come, then let those guys play with them first!"

In a temporary office in the depths of a cave, a young man with fiery red short hair, wearing a red ghost mask with fangs and wearing a black windbreaker looked at the pictures from the needle-shaped cameras in the cave with a playful look. smile.

"The man-made Steel God Pillar cultivated with the help of the steel remains left by the ancient Steel God Pillar is just a test product, Lord Yan, you don't feel sorry for it!"

An old voice came from behind the red-haired youth.

"Dr. Solosen, I admit that you are very talented. You can turn a piece of dead matter into a magical one. Use this piece of scrap iron to fuse the embryo in a dying elf egg, and incarnate an artificial divine beast. However, the other party's innate Born violent has made great progress in this cave in recent years and broke through the king. Although he is full of uncertainties, he is also a rare model of gene preservation. Let me use it to fight against the mud legs of the alliance. unwilling!"

"Then let's use those genetically reproduced elves to resist them for a while, so as not to disturb Lord Yan's pleasure!"

The old voice faded away after the sentence was finished.

Yan was sitting on the black electric swivel chair. At this moment, he slowly turned the swivel chair and turned his back. His eyes swept over the stone mechanism door behind him.

"Old fox, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, isn't it just that I don't participate in the phantom elf experiment? But if this is the case, I will continue to have fun with you. After all, the thing I want also requires You help me get it out!"

Yan's eyes covered by the mask revealed a strange dark red luster at this moment, and he whispered softly with a somewhat self-deprecating smile.

I moved my foot lightly again, and I turned my body back to the side of the display screen again.

At this moment, the recruitment trainers led by Lin's side had already clashed with a group of runaway elves with black stripes all over their bodies.

The weakest of these elves are all high-level elves, and they are merciless in their shots. Their eyes are blood red, completely ignorant, and they cannot be controlled by elf balls.

"This is the runaway elf incarnated from the replicas of Team Rocket's experiments. All of them launch the strongest attack and quickly eliminate them without destroying the cave!"

Lin was the first to bear the brunt, pulling out his samurai sword and holding it diagonally in front of his chest, ready to strike back at any time.

The elves under his command have six powerful generals: Bullfrog King, Stinging Jellyfish, Giant Swamp Monster, Koga Ninja Frog, Big-billed Gull and Golden Gyarados.

This lineup can be regarded as a very strong existence. The other party is a top talent in Hualan City in terms of water-type elves, and even in the whole elf continent, he is also the top rookie genius in terms of water-type elves.

"Mr. Bullfrog, use water fluctuations after the trick increases!"

"The stinging jellyfish uses a stalker complemented by a poison attack!"

"Giant Swamp Monster, condense the energy of water and launch the secret skill Wave Bengquan on both fists, let's charge and kill as much as you want!"

"Koga Ninja, you and I use atomized shuriken combined attack ninjutsu to help them get rid of these guys who are in the way as soon as possible!"

"Big-billed Gull, use the water cannon for non-stop strikes!"

"Gyarados, continue to use the Dragon King's water cannon to carry out sweeping attacks!"

At this moment, Lin didn't think much about it, and asked all the elves under his command to display their housekeeping skills.

The attack power and coordination of the six Heavenly King-level spirits are naturally not covered, because it is a cave terrain, so she does not have the characteristics of allowing the spirits to display their own rain-begging skills.

And the other five investigators, all of them possess powerful spirits, such as Wind Speed ​​Dog, Yanwu King, Electroshock Beast, Giant Pincer Mantis, Big Steel Snake, etc. are all very powerful spirits.

All the civilian trainers who watched were envious.

Many of those runaway elves are replica elves in mature form, but they are still quite different from normal elves.

For example, a Nido king, the replica in the runaway elf does not have so many poisonous thorns on the body, and the sharp horns on the top of the head also present a posture like a sheep's horn. If it is not judged from the front face, it is really unsightly. way out.

Ruomu's strength is relatively weak, and he joins forces with some stronger elite trainers and senior elite trainers. Naturally, there are also those senior trainers who are similar in strength to him.

Although the opponent's combat power is not bad, but there are elves who are the king of heaven and many quasi-king level powerhouses, these little shrimps that have been left out naturally become the targets of many people, but everyone has a tacit understanding, and they are not at all because of their meritorious deeds. There are conflicts, because the lessons of blood many times tell the latecomers that they are most likely to die if they are not united.

If the group cooperates properly, it is also possible to leapfrog and kill quasi-king-level runaway spirits.

After all, there are very few sky king-level runaway elves, and there is a high probability that such places will not exist. They are important strategic weapons that the Rockets usually use to make trouble when they conduct large-scale operations. In the petri dish itself, an expensive control chip was forcibly implanted.

Let them be controlled by the Rockets side.

As for the quasi-kings, the Rockets are not particularly concerned, because these lifespans are too short to be worth implanting such expensive gadgets.

The gap between income and expenditure is uneven, and this kind of loss-making business is naturally impossible.

And Lin's elves killed most of the runaway elves with one blow, and the cooperation of those alliance investigators and the other quasi-king trainers who came here also solved more than half of the remaining ones. As for the rest, they were recruited trainers. A group of people divided up as much as possible.

However, there are also quite a few people who were accidentally beheaded by the runaway elves. Although the caves extend in all directions and there are many forks, how can ordinary trainers be the opponents of those elves at the master level? Reconnected through elves and advanced technology, and some were directly smashed into headless corpses on the spot.

This bloody scene reminded Ruomu that there was once a poor middle-aged man who was eaten as food by the riots of wild elves and small beasts.

Now this scene is also extremely shocking, powerful elites and even high-level elites will be killed by a stronger one to end everything.

He had already applied some potions on his body to reduce the attention of the elves, so he was in peace with the Aber monster for the time being.

But no one knows what will happen next.

The items on these berserk spirits all turned into bubbles and disappeared after the spirits died. I don't know if it was caused by technical problems or some other problems. In short, it is better to be careful in everything. Nothing is as important as your own life, is it?
Of course, this kind of thinking can only be thought in the heart now, you have to have the capital to run, can you run, under the current situation, if you enter this circle, you can only resign yourself to fate.

 The update is coming, I will think of some other fun new things later

(End of this chapter)

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