Chapter 98

This was the first time Arno had heard someone say such a thing.

Many people know this truth, but few are willing to speak out.

People are always reluctant to admit that they are cowardly and timid.

They would rather die in grief than face their hearts.

Everyone wants to escape,
Especially in a world like this.

It's just that many people don't want to admit it.
There are others who cannot escape.

What the proprietress said was too pure, she expressed her thoughts so straightforwardly.

Yanuo felt that she was probably someone who could face troubles directly.

Dare to face, and dare to escape, the difficulty between them is the same.

"What you said may be correct."

"It's just that in this world, there is not much room for escape."

Yano picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

The porcelain white cup covered his lips, and the thick dark brown liquid was reflected in Arno's eyes.

"Probably just as you said."

"In that case, you can come here anytime."

"As long as you don't dislike it, I can accommodate a person who escapes at any time."

The proprietress said so.

Yano raised his eyes, and his dark eyes looked directly at the pretty face of the proprietress.

Whether it is her expression or words, they are all from the heart, without any falsehood.

Arno could feel this.


"If it really comes to that time, I'll be counting on you."

The rain was pouring on the glass of the window.

The sky seemed to be falling, and it became dark—just like the color of Arno's eyes.

"Perhaps I can understand a little."

Yano suddenly said such a sentence.

The landlady's eyes were rippling, and she looked at him suspiciously.

"Why, people like people at your stage, I understand."

After Yano finished speaking, he stood up.

"Are you going?"

The proprietress looked at Yano, then turned to look out the window.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, unlike what Arno said before, it would stop soon.

"It's raining so much now, it doesn't matter if you take a break for a while."

The proprietress took two steps forward and dissuaded her.

"Do not."

Yano also looked out of the window, and his originally softened eyes became as cold as ice.

The rain falls from the sky and falls on the ground to form puddles, reflecting the color of the sky like a mirror.

His eyes could see clearly,
The countless small puddles began to ripple with the same frequency.

This kind of rippling, unlike the messy ripples hit by raindrops, is so regular.

As if not far away, there are dozens of people galloping here.

Slowly, under Yano's gaze, the ripples caused by the waves became bigger and bigger.

"I think I should go."

Yano turned his head and looked at the proprietress's face, the coldness in his eyes faded a little.

A nice smile appeared on his face, and he said softly.

"Thank you, the cocoa is delicious."

"It's just that I have something important to do, so I really can't stay for long."

"Next time, I'll drink the coffee you made yourself."

After speaking, Yano turned around and wanted to leave.

At this time, the proprietress suddenly reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"Wait a little longer."

"There's an umbrella behind, I'll get it for you."

She lowered her head and said this to Arno.

Silently, Yano glanced at the puddle and nodded slightly.

"That's work."

Only then did the proprietress let go of Yano's hand, she kept her head down and walked towards the back.

After her figure disappeared, Yano lowered his head and glanced at the place where he was pulled just now, and sighed inaudibly.

There was a thunder outside the window.

Roaring like the sky, with a crazy roar.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder, the sky brightened for a brief moment, and then fell into a deeper darkness than before.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier."

Arno murmured.

Now, apart from his voice, there is only the sound of rain falling on the ground and windows.

The color outside made it impossible to tell whether it was day or night.

Arno didn't bother to calculate.

No matter when, what he does will not change.


At this moment, a scream came from behind.

It was the voice of the proprietress, and Arno subconsciously wanted to walk towards it.

However, just after taking two steps, his figure stopped.

There was another thunder outside.

Arno glanced sideways out of the window, the rain was blurred.

Coupled with the dim light, he could no longer see the state of the puddle clearly.


"That's why I said, I have a relationship with coffee shops."

Arno sighed, stepped out again, and walked in the direction of the scream.

Once you walk out of the front hall for receiving guests, you will find the back kitchen behind.

Because the lights were turned on, Arno could see the scene inside the back kitchen more clearly than outside.

Maybe it's because this coffee shop also makes cakes, and the back kitchen is full of all kinds of knives.

Under the light, the sharpness of the blade reflected a chilling luster.

The proprietress was sitting in front of the wall where the pile of knives hung.

Beside her, a cute umbrella with a bear pattern rolled slowly.

From the looks of it, she should have just slipped and fell to the ground.

The pale pink home clothes obviously couldn't completely cover the lady boss's exquisite body, and a pair of fair legs were slightly exposed.

Yano just glanced at it lightly, then withdrew his gaze.

He walked up to the proprietress, bent down and held out his hand to her.

"Are you ok?"


Seeing a hand suddenly appear in front of her eyes, the landlady's expression was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she stretched out her seemingly weak and boneless hand to hold Yanuo's hand.

Yano gently pulled, and the proprietress stood up.

"Sorry, it seems to make you worry."

The proprietress lowered her head, and Arno could see that her ears were flushed.

"It's okay, it's because of me."

Yano picked up the umbrella and waved it in front of the proprietress.

"I'm sorry, there's only one umbrella like this at home."

The proprietress' voice became even softer.

Arno shook his head amusedly.

"No, there is no such thing."

"As long as the umbrella can help the user, that's enough."

"Also, I think this umbrella is cute too."

The proprietress' expression relaxed a little.

"Then, thank you for your kindness."

"This umbrella, I will personally deliver it to you later."

Yano bowed his head and expressed his thanks to the proprietress.

"I have something to do, this time, I really want to say goodbye."

"Well, go all the way."

The proprietress said with a smile.

Yano nodded and turned to leave.

But just as he was about to walk out of the back kitchen, the proprietress stopped him again.

" name is Lydia."

"Lydia Elena."

The proprietress said this to Yano's back.

"Next time I come, I will make a cake for you to try."

"Please also, be sure to come."

Arno didn't look back,

He just waved the umbrella in his hand and said with a chuckle.

"I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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