Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 95 Don't Sympathize

Chapter 95 Don't Sympathize

When Christina came here.

All I saw was a sea of ​​flames.

With scorching heat and distorted vision, everything seemed to be boiling.

From time to time, iron filings that were burned red and fell from unknown sources in the sky.

Christina was nearly burned several times by the iron filings.

The temperature above is at least hundreds of degrees, and Christina speculates that she should have had direct contact with the flames in front of her eyes.

It's just, how could they appear here, the flames are ahead.

The current wind is not yet strong enough to blow iron filings.

"This is a remarkable...discovery?"

In Christina's pupils, the tail flame of the flame was swaying, adding a wildness to her pupils.

At this time, there was another explosion sound.

The ground shook twice, but not enough to make people fall.

Christina staggered slightly.

"what happened?"

This flame seems to have been burning for a long time, why is there something inside the building that can explode?
Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Christina's eyes were fixed on the building itself, which was covered by flames.

A small black dot appeared in her field of vision.

The position of the black spot was above the building, and it seemed to be a little red.

It looked a little wobbly.

"What's that? A bird?"

Christina couldn't see very well, it was too far away.

However, birds should not be able to survive this high temperature.

What's more, the position of the black spot is still the center of the flame.

At such a high temperature, not to mention birds, even people would be burned to death.

"It seems to be coming in my direction."

Christina watched curiously as the black spot approached her flickeringly, but she didn't mean to back down at all.

This is the nature of the player,
No matter what happened to Christina, she couldn't get away from this.

It's like moths jumping into a fire and mosquitoes sucking blood.

Players cannot refuse any novelty.

It's their nature,
Ever since he came into this world, he has possessed the nature.

The black spot is getting closer,
Gradually, Christina could see a little bit of the shape of the black spot.

"Looking at the shape, it seems to be a person?"

It's just that, although the body resembled a "human", the skin was burnt red.

Human skin cannot become so red no matter what.

If it is caused by the high temperature, when the human skin is burned to this degree of redness, it will already melt.

Christina stared carefully, and suddenly remembered the special products of the capital.

In other words, a specialty of the empire.


If so, it seems to make sense.

Just, why are robots here?Their bodies cannot withstand such a high temperature.

Christina, who thought so, obviously didn't understand,
For the empire, if civilians are consumables, then robots are low-level consumables.

From the very beginning, they had no option to leave here.

Even if it is death, they have to perform their own tasks.

Anyway, a robot of this level,
Empire's factories can produce hundreds of units every hour.

To the empire, the death of a dozen or so is nothing more than a hair clipped -- harmless.

Of course, Christina is not clear about all this.

She has been in contact with those robots and knows that they are highly intelligent.

So she took it for granted that these robots could leave here according to their own judgment.

[Di... Didi, detected... civilians...]

[Please...leave as soon as possible. 】

After standing there for a while, the black spot got closer and closer, and finally the whole picture appeared in Christina's eyes.

She was right in thinking before, this is indeed a robot.

When it flew in front of Christina, it also sounded a few alarms.

"You, are you trying to fly to me because of this?"

Christina looked at the robot and asked softly.

Its iron skin still exuded scalding heat, and the air around it was somewhat distorted.

Fortunately, Christina is a player, so she can avoid these pains to the greatest extent.

[Didi, please leave as soon as possible. 】

[ not safe. 】

The robot didn't answer Christina's words, but still tweeted.

Christina's eyes reflected the shadow of the robot.

Its body, after the redness gradually subsided, became extremely dark.

This appearance is completely different from those beautiful machines that Christina has seen before.

It's just that this appearance gave Christina a deeper feeling than before.

far away,

Yano watched this scene with a blank expression on his face.

Some of Christina's substitutions are too deep.

She felt undeserved sympathy for the machine.

"I actually forgot, there are players like this occasionally."

There are quite a few experiential players who bring themselves into the game world wholeheartedly.

But those who can truly feel empathy are very few.

"What I do next may leave a bad impression on her."

"However, it doesn't matter."

"Now I'm Yanmo Novain, not Yano. It doesn't matter if I cause disgust."

"As long as I can achieve my goal, that's enough."

Saying so, Deano stepped out of the shadows.


Christina was surrounded by the light of the flames.

The flames made her white pleated dress turn orange red.

Even that long pitch-black hair became dazzling, no longer that mysterious color.

She is now like a flaming elf, gazing at the sad man in front of her.

"Why don't you leave?"

Christina asked the machine.

But, no one answered her question.

The generator system of the machine was damaged just now, and now she just looked at Christina anxiously and turned around.

It also wants to do its job.

Christina opened her mouth, wanting to say something else.

However, there was a sound of footsteps behind her at this moment, interrupting her unspoken words.

"There are still people who sympathize with machines in this world."

"That's really rare enough."

Amidst the indifference, a warm voice came from behind Christina.

Her body froze, and she turned around suddenly.

"Don't panic, I have no malice towards you."

The person in front of me smiled,

His face was too familiar to Christina as a player.

"...Han, Yanmo Novain!?"

Christina couldn't help but screamed.

After saying that, she covered her mouth with regret.

"Oh? You know me?"

Yano asked warmly.

Christina shook her head.

How could she tell Yanmo such a thing.

"Forget it, anyway, my portraits are all over the street."

"You just need to know that I have no ill intentions towards you."

Yanuo said so in his mouth, but he took out a long sword from nowhere in his hand.

The sharp blade reflects a cold color full of chill.

"That robot, hand it over."

(End of this chapter)

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