Chapter 88
【Ding. 】

[Mission completed: Save the heart of the noble lady of the empire. 】

[Rewards received: Level up by 5 levels, 100 general gold coins, and one additional special reward. 】

[Reminder: This special reward is a random reward and will be randomly drawn tomorrow. 】

Arno looked at the words in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

He hadn't received the news that the mission was completed for a long time.

"There is no such thing as leveling up and gold coins. Is the key a special lottery?"

"Whether it is useful or useless, whether it is tasteless, I will know tomorrow."

Arno stroked his chin.

He suddenly remembered the reward for killing Colt.

One is information about the resistance organization, and the other is a special job transfer qualification scroll.

That one had been lying in Arno's backpack all the time, ignored by him.

"Now that players have arrived, they should be busy improving their strength. This scroll should be useful."

Stretching his finger into the void, Arno took out a scroll.

As if the system backpack was really just a backpack, the scroll was covered with a thin layer of dust.

[Hint: This scroll is very rare, do you want to use this scroll immediately? 】

The moment the scroll was taken out, the system immediately rang.

"Very rare? It's just a good-looking antique if you don't use it."

"Use directly."

Arno thought to himself.

【Ding. 】

[The scroll has been used, and the job transfer qualification "Elf" has been applied. 】

[Tip: You can go to the Elven Kingdom to change jobs. 】

[Warning: Your level can only have one occupation at present, please choose carefully. 】

Elf's job change?
Yano hadn't figured it out yet, but the system's continuous beeps rang again without stopping.

【Ding. 】

[The follow-up series of missions will be released after changing jobs to elves. 】

[If you do not change your job to an elf after one month, this series of missions will be canceled directly. 】

The cold voice of the system leaves no room for negotiation.

"Let's not talk about why elves are a race and why they can change jobs."

"Restricting the series of quests to only the elves is suspected of racial discrimination!"

"Who is your developer, call him quickly, and let me scold him justly."

Arno muttered.

Of course, the system didn't respond at all.

He looked at the previous information with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Can I still only change jobs once at my current level?"

"The eligibility for the series of missions is limited to my NPC account, and has nothing to do with the player account, which means using the player account to change jobs."

"It has to be seriously considered."

Arno thought for a while, and unfolded the panel after a long absence.

【Ding. 】

[The panel is unfolding...]

[Arno Chris: Level 36 (full level 90)]

[Race: Human Race]

[Identity: Civilian (The relevant identity of the military committee has been cleared and replaced.)]

[Occupation: Homeless (not changed)]

[Bloodline Technique: Pride (Mysterious bloodline will open up all the wonders to you, and the learning speed will increase by ten percent.)]

[Bloodline Technique: Control (has reached the unlocking level, but has not completed the unlocking conditions)]

[Other bloodline skills: not unlocked. 】

[Magical Affinity: All Elements. 】

[Other basic skill points:]

【Strength: 6】

[Agility: 7]

[Endurance: 5]

[Magic: Unavailable]

[Savvy: The default value cannot be generated ([-]% increase)]

【Charm: MAX】

Arno looked at his barren panel and couldn't help crying.

After so long, he is still so weak.

Because he has no occupation, he does not unlock the skill panel.

Because there is no occupation, his innate skills cannot be detected.

Because there is no directness, even though his level is not low, his combat effectiveness is still scum.

"With this attribute, there is almost no combat power except relying on face to eat."

"If I fight with players using this original identity, then my life will basically be in their hands."

"We must change jobs as soon as possible..."

Now that players have arrived, it is imminent to increase combat power.

Fortunately, it is very difficult for players to obtain qualifications for job transfer, and they are still in a state of rotten fish and shrimp.

"The only ones I can change jobs now are magicians, musketeers, and elves?"

Logically speaking, it should be the most appropriate choice at this time.


"It's too risky to leave the empire temporarily."

"Even if the follow-up mission is a big improvement for me, I can't take this risk."

"The layout of the royal capital has not been completed yet. I should at least stay here to complete the layout before I can leave the royal capital."


All previous efforts may directly fall short.

Arno couldn't afford the price.

Before taking it out of her arms, Tina handed her the admission card.

"At present, do we have to change jobs as a magician?"

"Alright, I originally planned to change my job as a magician."

Putting away the cards, Arno walked towards the Royal Academy of Magic.

He was originally a person who didn't like violence and blood, and singing peace was what Arno wanted.

Therefore, the profession of musketeer, which is full of gunpowder, can be put on hold for the time being.
Moreover, the panel of Momo is the musketeer, and now it is not very cost-effective to change to a job that can overlap.

Only magicians can maximize their benefits.

"Grab it!"

Just as Yano was thinking, there was a sudden shout in his ear.

Arno looked up and saw a soldier wearing the armband of the Military Council was tying up a young man.

The street was empty, with few people.

So this picture is particularly eye-catching.

"A arrest operation at this time of turmoil?"

Arno frowned.

At this time, what the empire should do is to appease people, not arrest people everywhere.

As long as you don't commit a heinous crime, you shouldn't be in a hurry.

And looking at the bewildered look on this young man's face, it was obvious that he didn't know the reason why he was arrested.

It shouldn't look like some kind of sinister person.

"never mind."

"It's not a short period of time that the empire has a problem with its brain."

Yano was about to go around and didn't plan to meddle in this nosy business.

But at this time, it happened that the soldier raised his head and saw Yano.

His expression froze for a moment, and he walked up to Arno with a gloomy, dead fish face and stopped him.

"Stop and show your ID."

He said solemnly.

"If you want to be authenticated, just authenticate. You don't need to ask me to show it."

Yano glanced at the instrument in the soldier's hand, curled his lips and said.


"Your opinion doesn't matter anyway."

The soldier nodded indifferently, and began to scan Yano's whole body with the instrument.

[Didi, identity verification is complete. 】

[The person is a resident of the empire: Yano. 】

[There is no abnormality in the special test. 】

"Special test?"

Yano may not have heard of this thing before.

Moreover, there is no surname after his name. It seems that Tina and the others have already processed their identity information.

"Okay, okay, you can go if there is no abnormality."

Seeing that the instrument did not call the police, the soldier waved at Yano impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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