Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 73 Please make a sacrifice for the empire

Chapter 73 Please Dedicate to the Empire

When all eyes were on this group of people.

This group of people slowly opened their eyes, and turned their faces to look at the people around them.

"So, you think it's our responsibility?"

It was a man of the party who spoke,
He is not very old, probably around 30 years old, with a fleshy face and bright eyes.

The muscles hidden under the thin clothes bulged toweringly, showing the strength of the man.

While speaking, he also looked at the leader of the defense organization.

There was obviously no murderous look in those eyes, but it made people feel a sense of oppression.

Under this sense of oppression, the leader of the defense organization quietly looked away.

"I just raised a possibility. I personally believe that the dereliction of duty in this matter has nothing to do with you."

Weak, he said.

The man squinted at him, let out a soft "hum", and stopped talking.

However, just because a man doesn't talk anymore doesn't mean the people with him don't talk anymore.

Another young man, about twenty years old, with an ordinary appearance, scratched his head and said straightforwardly.

"In short, please don't throw the responsibility on us, okay?"

No one paid him any attention.

All eyes were on the man and the other woman.

This young man is just an addition to this meeting.

Everyone knows that the right to speak is in the hands of the other two.


"I really don't know when you will see it."

"I told you, it has nothing to do with us!"

In this increasingly oppressive atmosphere, the man opened his eyes again.

This time his tone was not as calm as before, but full of rage, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

"Or, are you planning to be our enemy?"

After a pause, the man added something.

"No, there is absolutely no such possibility."

"Where is it, I have always believed in you."

"Your organization has always fulfilled its duties, how could it be dereliction of duty? This is just a little joke."

"That's right, we looked at you just because we haven't seen each other for a long time, there is absolutely no other reason?"

Upon hearing the man's words, the round table meeting immediately became noisier.

Everyone quickly denied it.

At this time, they remembered the identity of the man.

One of the members of the Military Council, one of the most powerful people in the empire.

This is not something they can easily offend.

The Military Council is a special department that controls all the military power of the empire. They are willing to attend this meeting to save face, and they want to throw the responsibility on them.

Even His Majesty the Emperor would not criticize the Military Council unless necessary.

"Okay, everyone."

"Let's continue the meeting."

While everyone was trying to defend, the woman next to the man opened her eyes and said.


The man looked at Tina, but saw Tina shook her head at him, her clear eyes swept across the field.

"We are gathered here now to discuss matters related to the mutation, not to shirk responsibility from each other?"

"What Your Excellency Tina said is absolutely true."

After Tina's voice fell, someone immediately echoed her.

"In that case, let's continue."

Tina said flatly, tapping her fingers on the table lightly.

Immediately, the authority of the Empire Skynet was immediately mobilized, and countless images of the royal capital appeared in the center of the round table.

The crowd is noisy and chaos is frequent, and the capital seems to be rapidly turning into a lawless place.

"As you can see, the state of the capital is becoming disordered, people's hearts are restless, and the hidden criminals who are usually suppressed are starting to take advantage of this opportunity to move around."

"If this continues, civilians will suffer enormous casualties, and production capacity will also be reduced."

"I think this is not what you want to see."

Tina said coldly, her eyes swept over each person's face.

On the faces of these people, there are anger, helplessness, pain, and unwillingness.

Uniquely, there is no grief over civilian casualties.

"This group of unscrupulous people! They will only cause trouble for others!"

Someone roared impatiently.

"I think it's not just the capital, but every part of the empire is in chaos."

"After all, the sky above our heads is not under the control of our empire, and the whole world can see it."

Tina nodded to the young man.

Immediately, the young man took out a document from his pocket and threw it to the others.

"This is the report on the border."

"All the countries around us, except for the elves, are all about to move, and want to take advantage of this opportunity to do something."

"Especially that group of orcs, trying their best to weaken our strength so that we can slow down our pace against them."

"For this reason, they are gathering forces at the border."

Hearing this, the faces of a bunch of people changed again.

"If this aspect slows down, His Majesty will definitely be furious."

"That's right, the only thing about this aspect is that we need to forcefully suppress it, so as not to disappoint His Majesty!"

The two foreign ministers immediately stood up and said.

What a joke, if this kind of thing really happened, it must not be the military committee that was held accountable, but their foreign department.

"I think so too."

Tina pursed her lips and smiled, as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom.

"I plan to have 50 Chen soldiers stationed on the borders, and use this to deter the orcs."

"In this way, they must not dare to act rashly."

There was nothing wrong with Tina's idea, and the two people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also agreed.


"I have a question."

At this time, the people in the financial department who carefully watched the document given by Tina raised their hands.

"But it doesn't matter."

Tina nodded.

"Your Excellency Tina's method is indeed good, but I discovered something from this document."

"Our troops on the border are simply less than 50, and there are not that many defenders in the cities near the border."

"Where did the 50 come from to suppress border countries?"

Hearing this, Tina exchanged glances with the man.

Next, the man spoke.

"It's very simple, recruit troops on the spot."

"Expand until there are enough."

"No, such a large-scale conscription will definitely cause riots. Do you want the empire to fall into civil strife?"

Only the titular vigilante minister expressed his outrage.

"Calm down a little bit."

The man smiled and waved his hands, his mood became better at this time.

"Of course unconditional conscription will lead to riots, but we can give people an undeniable offer that people will vote voluntarily."

"You mean?"

"In this world, who else can refuse the temptation of money?"

The foreign minister frowned.

"Using money? Using money to expand the army? This is indeed good, but, does your military committee have so much money in reserve? This is not a small amount."

Hearing this, the man laughed even harder.

Then, he looked at Tina.

Tina laughed too, and stood up.

"As we all know, the military council is a clean organization, so of course we don't have that much money."

"However, for the stability of the empire, we also have to expand our army to deal with the severe situation in this situation."


Tina glanced around again.

"I have to trouble everyone, and make a sacrifice for the empire."

(End of this chapter)

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