Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 69 The Woman Who Survived Hell

Chapter 69 The Woman Who Survived Hell

Arno suddenly wants to be discharged from the hospital as Alexander, of course not for the purpose of having a relationship with Sophia.

This may indeed have great appeal, but it is not Arnold's main purpose.

- The player is about to appear.

He needs a reasonable identity to reach out to players.

The identity of Yano Chris is not acceptable.

He couldn't let his main identity be contacted by players, that would be too risky.

The empire's attitude towards players is still unknown.

Once players appear in large numbers, the Empire will definitely notice them quickly.

At that time, its attitude will be very important.

Do you have a good impression of the player?Still have bad feelings?The results brought about by the two are quite different.

This risk can be guided, but not fully mastered.

And if Arnold contacts the player, once the empire notices the player, it will naturally notice Arnold.

This is not what Arno wants.

He may appear in front of players appropriately, but he will definitely not have frequent contact with them.

It's too uncontrollable.

Yano's current identity must be hidden and active in secret.

For this reason, he will use various identities to act.

As for the identity of Yanmo Novain, it is not allowed for the time being.

He is the core of this version - at least in front of the player's eyes.

Therefore, it can't appear too early, and to maintain the necessary mystery, you can establish prestige among the player group through the side, but you can't show up directly.

Attraction, anticipation, these are the most important means to deal with players.

The sooner it appears, the less important the dislike will be, and the faster the player's interest in him will weaken.

Arno didn't want the identity of Yanmo to become just a version of God.

What he wants to become is not the son of the version, but the god in the main line of the whole plot.

What he has to do is to make players unable to leave him.

The preliminary preparations for this are mainly to be full of expectations and gimmicks.

To create this feeling, naturally, you can't show your face too quickly.

And once the identity of Yano Chris and Yanmo Novain were ruled out.

Then, there are not many identities to choose from.

Alexander is one of the most suitable identities.

He is the instructor of Sword Knight Academy, his status is not low,

And if the player wants to change jobs, he must go through the academy.

Alexander's identity to contact players also seemed logical, very reasonable, and would not attract too much attention from others.

Most importantly, Alexander's identity is very attractive to players in the current version.

Players also have a great sense of dependence on the identity of the mentor.

"Once a sense of dependence is created, it will be easier to guide their actions."

Players look forward to mentors just like they look forward to task NPCs.


"What are you thinking about?"

Suddenly, Sophia's call brought Arno back from his contemplation.

"No, just occasionally distracted."

Arno shook his head and replied.

"That's it."

"Maybe it's because you're leaving Miss Nurse, which makes you feel a little bit sad?"

Sophia laughed.

"may be."

"But none of them are as beautiful as you, so the reluctance is not that serious."

Arno patted Sophia's head and said.

Now the two are going through the discharge procedures at the front desk, and it will take a little time.

Generally speaking, Yano's identity can jump the queue.

However, he deliberately slowed down the people in the hospital for a little time.

In this hospital, he still has one more thing to do.

It doesn't take much time, maybe 10 minutes.

For the slowness of the front desk procedures, it is reasonable.

"You wait here first, I'll go to the bathroom for a while."

After leaving this sentence, Yano waved his hand and walked towards the corridor.

Hospital toilets are usually in the corner, and this place is no exception.

Arno's figure turned the corner and disappeared from Sophia's sight.

Of course, he didn't go to the bathroom.

Jarno's bladder wasn't that fragile.

He pressed the elevator and went straight to the top floor.

In the deepest part of the top floor, there is a room.

Yano walked there without any hesitation.

"Stop coming, no entry in front."

Soldiers stopped Arno in his tracks.

The defense here is very fortified, even more fortified than Alexander's room.

A dozen soldiers filled the entire corridor, one every few steps.

This is conspicuous, but safe.

And usually, the elevator can't reach the top floor.

Now it's just that Yano gave permission to come up.

"I'm from Evie Gray."

Arno handed over the business card in his pocket to the soldier.

There is an identification device developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the business card, so it is impossible to forge.

The soldier bowed his head to confirm the same.

"Confirmation is correct, let's go in."

The closed door opened and the soldiers moved out of the way.

Arno walked through the door.

The room behind the door is not big,
Or rather, very small.

Almost just a bed and a table.

Putting these down, it has almost taken up most of the space in the room.

Arno glanced away,
There is a person lying on the bed.

Her body was covered with bandages, and all kinds of tubes were inserted into her head.

It looked like he could die suddenly at any time.

"It's pretty decent."

Arno took off the stool on the table and sat down in front of the bed.

In the eyes of others, these pipelines are used to treat patients.

But Yano knew that these tubes were used to limit behavior.

In other words, these are limiters.

The injury of the person lying on the bed has long been healed by the error corrector's equipment.

"I've wronged you. After all, you don't want to cooperate. We can only do this."

"How about it, do you want to understand now? Do you want to cooperate?"

"As long as you agree to our request, you can be free right now."

Yano looked at the woman lying on the bed with tenderness in his eyes, and said softly.

"Trust me, I'm not your enemy."

"Instead, I'm here to help you."

"It's also for this reason that I saved you from the smoky battlefield."

As he spoke, he stared carefully at the expression of the person on the bed.

After Arno's words fell, her eyes that had been tightly closed finally broke free slowly.


"Go away."

"You can't fool me with this trick."

"You lackeys of the empire, you betrayers of the people."

"Even if I die, I don't need your charity."

The woman yelled and cursed.

"It's really a pity to say that."

"I just happened to bring you news of your companions."

"Don't you want to know the final outcome of the top battle?"

Yano said warmly.

The woman in front of him was the one he personally killed with Lane's face when he was fighting on the top floor.

At that time, he replaced his ammunition with a powerful anesthetic bomb, which saved the other party's life and sent him to Evie.

Evie is worthy of being Arno's capable helper, and she understands it without Arno's explanation.

The error correctors used a lot of medical resources to rescue the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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