Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 65 Version Update

Chapter 65 Version Update
"Laughing to death?"

"What god-level ID."

Yano looked at the nickname of the person who posted the post and shook his head.

He looked down the post again.

As a high-quality post, there are naturally many replies.

And most of the replies to this post have only one content.

"Could you explain a little more clearly about the Fengxiao Empire?"

"Boss, we don't care about the affairs of other countries. Now we can only hang out in the empire in the closed beta. You should talk more about the affairs of the empire."

"Hurry up and privately chat with me about the empire's information. Don't let these youngsters know about it. By then, I'll be developed. Wouldn't it be great if you had nine of us?"

"Go upstairs and give me the information. When the time comes, I will become a high-ranking official. Wouldn't it be wonderful to reward the landlord with his beautiful wives and concubines?"

"Made, you guys who want to eat farts will all be taken to the front line by the empire as consumables. You really have to look at me if you want to stand out. I'm a good-looking talent."

A lot of nonsense,

Players are all concerned with the empire they are closest to.

However, looking at the interval between the posting time of Xiaosibuxiao and the last reply, he did not reply to this.

I don't know if there is no intelligence, or if I want to hide it deliberately so that I can take advantage of the intelligence.

【Ding. 】

[This post has been updated. 】

Just as Arno was thinking, the sound of the system sounded.

He looked at the main post again.

Indeed, laughing to death or not laughing is to update the content.

But it's not text, it's a link.


The players below are as curious as Arno.

Without thinking too much, Yano clicked in directly.

The link is another URL.

There is only one video in the URL and nothing else.

When the refresh is complete, the video starts playing by itself.

"Innovation, that's what we have to do."

At the beginning, a man spoke in a low voice.

In the video, only his back standing by the window can be seen, which is fleeting.

"The bombing case in the business district..."

"White Pigeon Explosion..."

"The death of the Minister of Intelligence..."

Afterwards, what Arno has done before flashes across the screen.

A cold female voice slowly said these things in the video.

"Immortal Novain."

"Breaker of empires, traitors."

"His whereabouts are unknown."

A fuzzy shadow, a disgusted face flashed across the torn newspaper and was blown away by the wind.

Arno frowned.

The video continues to play.

"We have to be united."

"For our glory."

"For our authority."

The screen cuts to a dark room, around a round table, dozens of people talking with hoods around.

At this time, a line of blood-red handwriting appeared on the screen.

[Noble Council. 】


Just like a slideshow, there is no longer a whole segment of the picture.

There are only frozen pictures with pale white writing left.

[Sword Knight Academy. 】

[Royal Academy of Magic. 】

[Royal Holy Academy. 】

[Gun Fight Academy. 】

[School of Mechanical Engineering. 】

[Glow Bow and Arrow Academy. 】

[Canyang Institute of Technology. 】

All kinds of forces in the capital are shown in turn in the video like a horse watching flowers.


Finally, the picture stopped on the eyes of a man.

Immediately, suddenly shattered.

[Version 1.01 update. 】

[Shadow of the Empire. 】

"Shadow of the Empire..."

Yanuo thinks this title is quite secondary.

Moreover, although there is only one pair of eyes, they are the eyes of Yanmo, and it is absolutely impossible for him to admit that he is wrong.

"In other words, the first version has something to do with me?"

Not for the general direction of the plot, but only for the individual.

This was something Arno hadn't thought of before.

"Is this the influence that killed Colt?"

Yano shook his head, returned to the original post and flipped through the player's comments.

"Wori, bullshit!"

"Where did the video come from? The official didn't release it yet."

"Insiders? Are you still here to pretend to be a player? Quickly give me the entire VIP account."

"Reported and reported, gm pretended to be a player and cheated."

"Hanmo Novain? So awesome? I, Xi Chuan, can't beat him, Xiaomo Mo?"

"What are you afraid of? Just let him come, my second brother is invincible."

In addition to these comments, there are also some more serious comments.

"Since the trailer is related to this person, does our main story also have something to do with him?"

"It seems that he is so awesome, he is a big brother, I wonder if I can find him and hug him."

"Do you want to eat farts? You can find people who the empire can't catch?"

Yano's mouth hooked.

By exiting this thread, he posted a poll directly.

"If you meet Yanmo Novain, will you kill him and get a reward, or do it with him?"


Almost as soon as Arno issued a vote, countless players began to choose.

The option "together" is almost far ahead.

"Looking at the appearance in the video, although the empire is powerful on the outside, it is already in turmoil inside, like a candle in the wind, and it is about to end."

"I agree with the above, I think the next version is the story of the collapse of the empire, and then let us help Yanmo rebuild the empire."

"What you said above makes sense. Why don't you do this? I'll immediately seal me up as the Little Momo of the Empire. How about you quickly join me?"

"Presumptuous upstairs! I'll chop off your head!"

The originally serious building crooked very quickly.

Arno nodded in satisfaction.

Now that he knows his approximate weight among the players, his subsequent actions will be more targeted.

The exposure of distaste for motorcycles is not a bad thing for Yano.

Who in the capital does not know the many bad deeds of Yanmo, anyway, no matter good or bad, they will smash on him.

It has reached the point of making children cry when they hear it, and you can know it by just asking around.

Even if Yano wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it.

"Then, besides letting them finish what Noah did, what else can they do?"

Arno tapped his fingers lightly on his leg.

Evie looked down at the hands on her legs, and looked up at Arno speechlessly.

"What are you laughing at, it's so creepy."

"Don't waste such a pretty face of yours."

Evie grumbled.

"It's nothing, I thought of some fun things."

Yano smiled and closed the forum.

He looked out the window again,
Because of Mo Mo's disturbance and the past few days, there were fewer people on Wangdu Street, and it seemed a little deserted.

But as long as the players arrive, the place will become lively in an instant, even so lively that it makes people feel noisy.


Suddenly, Arno called out.

Evie gave him a suspicious look.

"After noon today, if you come across some people yelling, or some psychopath undressing in the street, make sure you ignore them."


"Mark my words, no matter what they say to you, don't answer."

Arno restrained his smile and looked into Evie's eyes.

"Remember, the only people you can trust are Nuoya and me."

"Don't trust anyone else, and don't get close to such a madman, at least not for a while."

"They will bring you nothing but misfortune."

Evie looked bewildered.

"Even if you say so..."

"Evie, you don't understand."

Arno shook his head.

"You look so good-looking. I'm afraid that someone will mistreat you. You must be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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