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Chapter 53 Meeting Love at the Corner

Chapter 53 Meeting Love at the Corner

In the frantic bombardment,

Occasionally something like this happens.

Among the stumps and broken arms, a complete corpse can also be found.

Maybe it was covered by stones before,

It may also be because it happens to be in the solid triangular area of ​​the room.

That's why the whole body was preserved in the powerful explosion.

Arno guessed that this might be the reason.

Although he came from outside, he never paid much attention to the surrounding environment.

Apart from stumps and blood, there is nothing to look at.

He is a kind person after all.
I can't bear to see those cruel pictures.

Because of this, he couldn't see what the boy saw.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it was really that person who unknowingly violated his orders and wandered around.

After all, the execution ability of imperial soldiers is not much higher than that of chickens laying eggs in goose pens.

There are negligence, and it is not completely incomprehensible.

"In any case, we can't stay in this room forever."

"It doesn't matter who the other party is, we all have to go out."

Yano coughed twice and suggested.

Erin thought about it and nodded.

It really can't go on now.

If the opponent is a companion, there is no need to hide.

If the opponent is an enemy, there is also no need to hide.

Can make a decision, only one.

That's forward!
"I'm sorry, although it's very difficult, but can you still stand it?"

Irene looked at Yano and asked.

The door of the room was closed long ago, and the hole that had been shot by the rifle penetrated the raging flames outside.

Under the faint firelight, her face flickered, making it hard to see her face clearly.

Coupled with the blood stains all over her face, it was even more difficult for people to see her appearance clearly.

It's just that Yano can occasionally see those bright and clear eyes.

After experiencing despair, brilliance bloomed again.

"Ah, I can hold on."

Arno nodded.

He felt now that this man might indeed be able to start a prairie fire.

Even if it's only for a moment,

She can also let everyone in the world see that bright light.

Although, what followed was endless darkness.

"You follow us."

"No matter how bad you are and how scared you are now, you must endure it, understand?"

After talking to Arno, Irene said to the boy again.

"I... I will work hard."

The young man gave Yano a look of resentment, and immediately lowered his head.

He knew that he probably made a mistake just now, and what he should do now is to apologize.

However, there must be someone to vent the endless anger in his heart.

And Arno, the present underdog,
Exactly as that target.

"Then, let's open the way first."

Erin slowed down and walked forward.

Arno followed closely behind.


Slowly opening the door with her hand, Irene stuck the barrel of the gun out of the door.


There was no movement, nor any murderous intent.

"Safe—try again."

Irene took out the adhesive tape that was going to bandage Yano just now from her pocket, and gently threw it out.


The tape rolled on the ground for a few seconds, but there was still no movement.

At this moment, Irene raised her confidence and stretched out her hand.



Erin, who was not hit by the bullet, was relieved.

She nodded to Arno, and walked out of the room cautiously.

"no problem."

She beckoned to Arno.

Arno understood, and walked out with the boy.

The raging flames still haven't been extinguished yet.

Naturally, Irene looked around.

Then, Yano who was standing beside her could clearly feel that her breathing stopped for a moment.

What the boy saw before, now Irene finally saw it.

Indeed, those were the clothes worn by the companions.

Moreover, as the boy described, the man did not move,

And, it is facing away from them.

But, there is one thing, that person is not standing.

but lying down.

Although the clothes he was wearing could still be seen, they were already tattered.

The blur of flesh and blood was also covered by the flames, creating a wonderful visual misinformation.

"how come……"

Irene covered her mouth and rushed to the side of the man.

She had expected this result,

But seeing it with my own eyes is completely different from what I guessed.

Yano clutched his stomach and stood beside him silently.

The boy was also standing, biting his lip and trembling.

Unlike before, it was not because of fear, but because of sadness, anger...


"Why is this!?"

Erin's voice seemed to be forced out of her throat.

It is full of chilling resentment, as deep as it came out from under the Nine Netherworld.

Arno looked on blankly,

However, there was a hint of satisfaction inadvertently in his eyes.

Everything is exactly as he thought.

The more you worry about,

Easier to control.

It is not difficult to guide the emotional direction of such a person.

The more angry you are,

The more full of resentment.

Irene also lost more and more reason to distinguish right from wrong.

Such a person can be used by others.

"...we should go."

At this time, the latest one to wake up was not Irene, but the boy.

He lowered his head, clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice.

"Staying here will only increase the danger."

"Whether it's sad or angry, we have to wait until we are safe."

This makes sense.

However, Yanuo looked at the young man, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that he might be overwhelmed by the sense of security again.

Not out of rationality, but out of consideration for one's own safety.

It's not noble,

But not nasty either.

for myself,

This is something that has never changed in this world.

It is more indestructible than any creed or belief.

No matter how time changes, as long as human beings do not perish, this "selfishness" will not disappear.

"……that's true."

"time to go."

Erin perked up.

She took one last look at the body and walked towards the exit.

It is unbearable to expose the corpse here, but there is no other way.

You can't take everyone into it for one corpse.

"It's not without good news."

"At least I can be sure that there are no enemies here."

Irene looked at the depressed teenager and said.

Arno raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Is it really so?

Calculate the time, it should be almost there.

Although it is no longer in the room, it can still be regarded as the door of the room.

Not far behind, the plan is still going well.


Arno just thought of it,
At a corner not far away, bullets roared over.

The bullets were not dense, and they were not shot by rifles.

It should be a burst, or a pistol attack.

(End of this chapter)

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