Chapter 48

"Will things really go so smoothly?"

The teenager was a little suspicious.

But in this situation, besides what Irene said, there is no other choice.

"Are the others all right?"

After thinking about it, he asked worriedly.

The moment the explosion started, he and Irene were blown away from the place by the strong wind caused by the explosion.

After a little calm, they immediately came here and hid, neither meeting nor contacting other people.

"Do not worry."

"They're all brave fighters, there's nothing wrong with that."

"What we have to do now is to protect ourselves."

"When we leave this building, maybe they will be waiting for us below."

Erin smiled and said.

That's all she could say, that's all she had to say.

She is much older than a teenager, if she panics once, everything will be over.

Therefore, she must give the boy confidence.

da da da da da...

At this time, there was a sudden burst of gunfire outside the door.

The deafening sound caused the crumbling debris on the wall to fall to the ground.

"what should we do?"

The boy was a little frightened, his hand holding the gun trembled.

"Waiting for the opportunity."

"Everything will be fine, I will protect you."

Irene slowly moved behind the desk and hugged the boy's head.

The warm feeling made the boy temporarily forget the panic.

However, the gunfire outside continued.

Faintly, even the not-so-hard door was trembling.

da da da da-

Tongues of flame spurted, sweeping around.

Whether it was the walls, or the tables and chairs, they were all hit by dense bullets, and sparks burst out.

"What should I do?"

The woman hid behind the sofa in the reception room and asked the man next to her.

"Wait for the moment!"

The man roared angrily, raised the gun in his hand and fired a burst of fire at the front.

Of course, the situation of blind shooting is that a shot is missed, which can only be a waste of bullets.

But if you show your head from behind the sofa, I'm afraid it will become a big firework before you shoot your head.

"Waiting for the moment? Are you kidding me?"

"At this moment, where is the opportunity?"

"Stop talking in your sleep, and stop wasting bullets."

A woman throws a gun to a man.

"Carry this gun on your back, and there are some bullets in it, which should be enough for you to survive for a while."

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course, to clear the way for you."

The female laughs.


The man wanted to stop it, but was interrupted by the woman waving.

"I said, stop daydreaming, we can't leave here together."

The woman is covering her abdomen with her right hand, her smile is a bit illusory.

"You can't overthrow the empire just by dreaming."

Blood gushed from her abdomen and flowed from between her fingers.

The ground had already been stained red with blood, and the legs of the two were also wet.

"I am like this, and I can only do this kind of thing."

"Look, doesn't this happen occasionally on TV? I've wanted to come here a long time ago."

The woman took out a pill-sized capsule from her bosom.

Imperial-made enrichment bomb No. [-], a by-product produced by the science and technology department when it was researching fusion.


The man turned his head away.

His lip was bitten bloody, and the unwillingness almost broke his heart.

"Why are you humble, you are disgusting."

The woman braced her legs and tried to stand up.

The man immediately raised his gun and fired at the outside.

The ferocious firepower temporarily suppressed the opponent, causing the opponent's bullets to stand still for a moment.

"Please, it's the last moment, hold on for me!"

The woman hammered her legs hard and stood up unsteadily.

The massive blood loss made her dizzy, but fortunately, she still remembered the location.

Under the pressure of the man's firepower, she walked forward.

"It's almost there!"

She gritted her teeth, and slowly moved forward with the bomb in her hand.

The man couldn't bear to look, and moved his head away.

In the small reception room, the only witnesses were the pouring bullets.

"waste time."

Suddenly, a second witness appeared.

Yano walked into the room indifferently with Lane's face on his face.

Occasionally, a man's bullet could reach his body, but it was blocked by bursts of light curtains.

For the latest bullet-proof equipment, only the upper echelons of the empire are eligible to own one piece.

"It takes so long to beat a person who is dying, and a person who dare not show his face?"

Arno spoke to a few people hiding behind portable bunkers.

According to his speculation, even if there are only a dozen or so people, with absolute firepower to suppress, this time should be coming to an end.

"Who are you?"

The woman looked at Yano's face in a daze and asked.

Yano turned his head and looked at the woman.

Rarely, there was a look of appreciation in his eyes.

The woman's abdomen and thighs were bleeding profusely, and the fragments caused by the explosion were embedded in her skin.

Logically speaking, this should be a fatal injury.

But she actually insisted on relying on willpower to survive until now.

This kind of toughness is enough for Yano to admire and appreciate.


"So as not to feel the pain."

Arno raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it at the woman's heart.

"May you be well."

Under her blank stare, Arno pulled the trigger.

With surging force, the bullet pierced through the woman's body.

Her body was a little sluggish, and then she fell down slowly.

The last thing that appeared in her eyes was Arno's somewhat pitiful look.

this look,

"—what a nuisance."

Whispering in her heart, she closed her eyes.

Arno walked in front of her and found that her right hand was tightly clenched, as if she was holding something.

"This is?"

It took a lot of effort to separate the hands, and Arno found the bomb.

"It's really admirable."

With a sound of appreciation from the bottom of his heart, Arno stood up and turned to look in the direction of the man.

Walking in front of the opponent with the bullet on his shoulders, the first thing Yano greeted was even more turbulent firepower.

In almost a few seconds, the magazine was emptied.

So, with resentful eyes, the man clenched his fists and rushed towards Yano.

"Are you done venting?"

Yano held his fist and looked at him calmly.

"You bastard!"

"That sentence was said today."

Putting the gun to the man's forehead, Arno calmly pulled the trigger.

There was another gunshot, and the man fell to the ground.

"I don't want to go through this again."

Yano said to the few people who were still in a daze behind the bunker.

"Didn't I ask you to bring heavy firepower?"

"The rest of the rooms, as long as there is no one in the target, are all directly covered with heavy firepower."

"in addition……"

Arno turned his head to look at the woman who fell to the ground lifelessly.

"About this person, you send it back to Evie and let her be buried properly."

(End of this chapter)

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