Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 42 The corner of the business district

Chapter 42 The corner of the business district
【Ding. 】

[Because the first internal small-scale test will start tomorrow, the server will be maintained tonight, hereby notified. 】

【Please get ready. 】

Yano calmly listened to the cold mechanical sound coming from his ear, without any change in his expression.

His speculation is almost the past few days.

What should be prepared has already been prepared, facing the huge number of players, he already has an absolute advantage.

If this still can't control them, then Yano thinks it's better for him to simply carry out physical pinning.

"Hey, Lan, what do we do now?"

A timid voice beside him interrupted Arno's thinking.

The younger man stood in front of him, looking at him a little dodged.

Accidentally met, Yano could still see the fear in his eyes.

Everything was as he expected,
When a person who should have died appeared in front of these two people again, it would definitely shock them greatly.

This look of fear is one of the results.

"Don't be so nervous, aren't we familiar partners?"

With the face of the middle-aged man Lan En on his face, Yano smiled lightly, and patted the young man on the shoulder as if he was very familiar.

However, when the young man was touched by Yano's hand, he immediately trembled and lowered his head.

In front of his eyes, the current Lann is not only a dead and resurrected person, but also the lackey of the devil.

He couldn't help but not be afraid. Once Lann made a small report, he didn't know what kind of encounter would be waiting for him.

"Anyway, let's wait here."

"Kuso should have already talked with the boss here, and the result will come out soon."

Yano said.

The Kuso he was talking about was the old man who was with this young man before.

The other party has lived such an old age and has rich experience in poverty, so he can better communicate with people who are also poor.

After a while, as Arno said,
Kuso dragged his old body, but walked out of the alley in front of the two with steady steps.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the young man first, then walked up to Yano and bowed his head respectfully.

"According to the request, it has been negotiated. The other party allows us to temporarily enter the slums here for a few days."

"However, we can only find a way to solve the bed and the like."

Cuso said,

He never raised his head to look at Arno from the beginning to the end.

This made Arno feel a little embarrassed,

He was obviously an accomplice in extorting money before, but now he has a class.

It has to be said that this is really a sinful society.

"It's done very well. After that, according to the request of that adult, the information will be passed on once a day."

"What happens after that is out of our control."

Yano imitated Lane's tone and said lightly.

Cuso and the young man bowed their heads and said nothing, which meant that they acquiesced.

"It's not too late, let's go in and settle down first."

As Yano said, he walked into the alley first.

Behind him, the young man and Kuso carefully raised their heads and looked at each other, then followed Yano.

As soon as Yano walked into the alley, he frowned slightly.

Fortunately, he walked in the front, and neither of them saw his expression.

Otherwise, as a senior pauper, frowning just because of the taste can easily arouse suspicion.

"I know why this place is occupied by the poor and no one cares about it."

Arno thought to himself.

The smell he smelled now was like throwing [-]-day-old garbage into the dung heap and stirring it, and then sprinkled tomato sauce on it.

It can't be said to be extremely sweet, it can only be said to be nauseating.

This is still in the corner of the business district,
If it is located in the entertainment area, Arno thinks the taste should be stronger.

However, Yano is not intolerable.

Anyway, the slums are just this kind of existence.

Dirty, dilapidated, rotten...

All the beautiful words in the world cannot be used on it.

This is the lowest living place, and there is nothing surprising about it.

No matter how prosperous a country is, it cannot avoid the most extreme poverty.

This is not a question of whether the empire can do it, but a question of whether the empire wants to do it.

The high-ranking gentlemen have always believed that the bottom is not worthy of pity.

Because they have neither votes,

There are no weapons that can pose a threat.

The gentlemen are more sympathetic to the cats and dogs on the side of the road than to the lower class who are also human beings.

Therefore, they have no motivation to focus on such boring things as improving people's livelihood.

Making money is the first priority.


Passing through the alley, Yano's vision suddenly opened up.

"There's not a perfect connection between this alley and the favelas."

"After that, to go to the real location of the slums, you need to go through a sewer."

After a pause, Kuso explained, "This is the shortest way."

Arno looked in front of him,
He roughly knew why he had to pass through this alley.

Because what is in front of you is an intricate fast lane.

The entrance to the sewer is located on the left side of the driveway near the edge of the driveway.

That is, not far from the alley, there is a driveway exit, and the sewer is located there.

However, according to observation, no one should have exited through this lane for a long time.

If you want to enter the business district through this exit, you must pass through the only alley that is sufficient for vehicles.

But no one wants to do that.

"Let's go."

Yano just glanced at it and walked straight forward.

He has nothing against going through the sewers.


In the driveway before entering the sewer, Arno saw an interesting sight.

He saw a speeding vehicle.

There is nothing strange about a vehicle speeding down the fast lane.

However, not far ahead is a cross bend.

And that's where the car gets interesting.

Its turn signal was wrong.

If you want to turn left, turn on the left turn signal, and if you want to turn right, turn on the right turn signal.

But it clearly turned right, but turned on the left turn signal.

He is clearly right, but he still says he is left.

This is treating everyone in this empire as blind.

But yes,

This car looks expensive and extraordinary, and the people sitting on it must be high-ranking.

It's normal for people to be angry about this.

"But in the end you have to follow the rules."

"Unless you can point from left to right, sooner or later people will be pushed out of the car."

"At that time, you will know what turn signal you should turn on."

Thinking of this, Arno pushed open the cover of the sewer and walked in without hesitation.

Inside, it was dark.

It is impossible to see the slightest trace of light from here.

(End of this chapter)

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