Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 40 A humble person is stronger than the proudest bug.

Chapter 40 A humble person is stronger than the proudest bug.

The men looked at Yano's expression, full of horror.

If the devil wanted to release him, he would let him go so easily?

Subconsciously, they thought of various punishments that only existed in their imagination and had never been seen before.

So, fear prompted them to shake their heads quickly.

Seeing the behavior of the men, Arno smiled even more happily.

"You may have misunderstood me, I will not do anything to you."

"Just, there is a small favor I want to ask everyone for help."

"As long as you promise me, you can leave here."

Yano took out a few capsules from his pocket and placed them on the low table in front of the three of them.

The color of the capsule is blood red, which gives people an ominous feeling at first glance.

The men looked at each other with their bloodshot eyes, none of them dared to take the capsule.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

"After all, I'm not a demon, how could I take your life so easily?"

Arno tried to keep his voice as soft as possible.

However, no one is willing to be the one who eats crabs.

"I understand."

Yano looked at the men and suddenly realized.

He took out a small knife that was shining with a sharp cold light, and slashed towards them amidst the men's fearful eyes.

The blade light was like a shooting star, flashing past the men.

They closed their eyes subconsciously, waiting for death to come.

They could already imagine the cold feeling of death.

However, after a while after the sword light flashed, the men felt that their hearts were still beating slowly.

They opened their eyes in doubt, and saw Diano sitting in front of them smiling.

And, the ropes scattered all over the place.

The rope that bound them was cut precisely by Arno's knife, without hurting a single hair of the men.

"Well, now you are free."

"Can I make a choice?"

Arno said.

Although the men's hands were free again, they still didn't move, and the thought of running away didn't appear in their minds.

Their deep-rooted weakness makes them lack that courage.

After listening to Yano's words, they just stared at the few capsules, and still didn't intend to reach out.

There was a moment of silence in the air,
Yano's smile did not disappear, and there was no trace of impatience on his face.

However, it is also because of this that it is even more frightening.

"It seems that you all need a little help so that you can make a choice."

Arno stood up and walked out of the room.

After a while, two big men in uniforms walked in.

Without saying a word, they directly put the middle-aged man up.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Under the intense fear, he ignored so much, and finally spoke.

His voice was a bit rough, and because he didn't drink any water, the sound he made was like iron sand rubbing against each other.

——It’s the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was not as tall as the two strong men. After he was lifted up, his feet shook in mid-air.

Not struggling, but trembling with fear.

"Be quiet."

A strong man said coldly, and slapped the middle-aged man on the head with his big palm.

The severe pain made this physically and mentally tortured man speechless again.

He took off his tattered trousers, and suddenly there were some traces of water stains.

A pungent smell came from there.

The strong men frowned in disgust.

One person let go, and the other put the middle-aged man up with both hands.

Of course, the person who let go is naturally not idle.

Under the terrified eyes of the middle-aged man, the strong man took out a pair of pliers from his arms.

"My family is a doctor, soon."

As he said this, he smashed the middle-aged man's front teeth with a fist, pinched the middle-aged man's jaw with one hand, and smoothly put the pliers into his mouth.

outside the door,

Arno held the letter that Evie had handed over to him before, and read it carefully.

Girls' lovesickness is always pure and poetic.

The elegant font on the high-quality letter paper has a pleasant smell, which makes people daydream.


A piercing scream came from the room behind him.

The sound was so loud that Arno couldn't help rubbing his ears.

After his ears got used to it a little bit, Yano looked down at the letter again.

The girl's words are full of vivacity, romance, and rare flair.

This reminded Yano of those things in his student days.

"It's just that this is not the student period."

Arno murmured, and put the letter in his arms casually.

He had investigated the girl's family background, and she was of no use to him.

Take this letter as a symbol in your life and keep it as a souvenir.

after awhile,

The two strong men in the room came out.

"My lord, the mission is accomplished."

They said respectfully to Arno.

This is a big man.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Go back and wait for the reward."

Arno said casually.

Then, under the surprised and expectant eyes of the two, he walked into the room again.

As for what the reward is, that is something that Evie should consider.

Anyway, the error correctors are not short of money, and they will treat it as a treasure if you give them some junk.


Once inside the room,

Yano couldn't help being surprised.

On the low table was a complete set of teeth except for the front teeth, as if they were taken directly from the mouth, without any damage.

This exquisite skill can't help but make people a little moved.

"I'm willing to do anything, please forgive me."

Suddenly, Yano's trouser legs were pulled,
He looked down and saw that middle-aged man was dripping with tears, holding Yano's legs with his blood-stained hands.

Naturally, the blood also rubbed onto Yano's leg a little.

However, Arno was not angry, instead he bent down kindly and wiped the blood stains on the man's face.

"The right choice was made."

Arno said softly.

Immediately, he looked at the old and the young.

"Then I don't know you two, have you made a choice now?"

"If not, I don't mind providing you with some more help to help you get out of your confusion, okay?"

The young and the old witnessed the tragic situation just now, how could they dare to refuse, they nodded in agreement.

The image of Arno has completely separated from human beings before their eyes, and has become a demon among demons that is more terrifying than the noble lord.

Ordinary nobles at most just regard them as bedbugs, and even passing them seems to be stained with unclean things.

However, because of this, they disdain to torture people.

But this good-looking young man in front of him is different, he is the devil himself who climbed up from hell.

If Yano knew what they were thinking, he would definitely be a little puzzled.

It was precisely because he treated them not as bugs but as people that Arno wasted so much time on them.

This is precisely what is dignified.

Ignoring is a sadder thing than contempt.

Only with dignity can we be called human beings,
Even the humblest person is stronger than the proudest bug.

(End of this chapter)

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