Chapter 32 Wanted

【Extra!Many high-ranking officials were deceived, suspected to be the work of former imperial officials. 】

[The man who hanged himself appeared on the street lamp, and he was identified as a civil servant of the empire. 】

[It is reported that many enterprises and companies have gone bankrupt, and the official announcement is due to the outflow of a large amount of funds. 】

[Multiple corpses were found in the river near the capital, and they were identified as the helmsman of many enterprises. 】

Yano held a newspaper in his hand and read it with relish.

Various pages are used to report various things.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that their internal logic seems to be vaguely connected.

All reports have two things in common - business and bankruptcy.

Or it can be condensed into one common denominator, that is, money.

All stories today are about money, without exception.

Senior officials were cheated of money,

A civil servant had to commit suicide because of being cheated out of his family's financial difficulties.

Many businesses went bankrupt.

The entrepreneur's body was found in the river.

"It's a wonderful thing."

Yano smiled and turned the newspaper in his hand over.

This time, it was completely different news from just now.

[Wanted: Former employee of the Empire, Yanmo Novain. 】

[Reward: [-] gold coins. 】

Although the various titles are different, this is the only thing reported.

Yanmo Nova is wanted for this man.

As for why he was wanted specifically, there was no report pointing it out.

"After all, this is not a nice thing to hear."

"There is a traitor, and let him cause losses to the high-level, this kind of thing must not be said."

"Empire is not allowed to fail, it must be perfect, incomparable."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Yano's eyes.

He put down the newspaper and looked at the sunlight on his coffee.

Gold mixed with black gives a fantastic look.

It seems at the moment to be both bright and dark.


Arno turned to look out the window.

People come and go, the stream is endless, and everyone is working hard for the empire.

They are the screws of the empire, part of the singing and dancing.

"What a peaceful and prosperous world."

Yano commented harmlessly, put a few gold coins on the table casually, stood up and left.

This time, he didn't trick the clerk into paying him the bill,

You can't always go whoring for nothing, and you have to pay money occasionally, otherwise, wouldn't you be a hooligan?

"I should have quite a lot of wealth, but I always feel that it is not enough."

On the streets of the business district, Arno murmured while looking at the gold coins in his backpack.

Only a few million gold coins, which is a bit too little,
An ordinary person can earn so much money as long as he works for 800 years without eating or drinking.

How can this work, no matter how you think about it, it is too little,

Arno is very insecure about this.

In fact, he should have had more wealth.

For example, the company that got it for nothing obviously had more than this little money.

But once Arnold wanted this company to be useful, he couldn't sell it.

Second, in order to prevent the empire from finding out that the company is still related to him, Arnold made some supplementary explanations to the unconditional asset transfer agreement, and reserved his right to resell it.

He divided the company into several parts, sold them separately, and then changed hands in an intricate manner. On the surface, those who now own some parts of the company have nothing to do with Momo.

To put it simply, Yanuo has carried out countless complicated equity restructurings in the company. It is impossible to find out that Yan Mo is still the actual controller of the company through this thick transaction barrier. .

Now those who hold shares in the company include homeless people, beggars, civil servants, soldiers, members of violent organizations, aunts from small shops...

It's hard to find traces of these seemingly unconnected people.

But because of this, the company is now only a fixed asset for Yano, and it cannot be converted into liquidity at all.

Therefore, he is still so poor.

"I have to find a way to make money."

Arno murmured.

It won't work if you don't continue to make money. Maybe he will need money urgently in the future.

While thinking, Arno walked in a certain direction on the street.

At the same time, he called up the system menu, checked the notification about Colt's mission completion, and checked if he had made a mistake.

[Mission Completed: Colt's Last Stand. 】

[The task reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it. 】

[Special reward: Exclusive information, please go to the third box in the XX alley of XX street in the business district to get it. 】

Yano nodded after reading it.

It seems that the destination is right.

"Next, the most important thing is the preview of the version update, right?"

"I don't know when it will come today, it seems that I can only wait."

Shaking his head, Arno stopped thinking about it.


After passing through the busy crowd, Arno came to the alley in the mission record.

There was a row of boxes inside, and there seemed to be about thirty of them, almost filling the entire alley.

A strong stench came from inside, making almost all the people around choose to walk around here.

Therefore, the vicinity of this alley is almost in a state of no man's land.

"What is the taste?"

Yano covered his nose, picked up a branch, walked to a box and opened the lid.

Colorful, white and black, all kinds of colors are dazzling, which made Yano's eyes dazzle for a moment.

- Underwear.

Various styles of underwear exude a stench that people hate and dogs hate.

"Garbage? How can it be piled up in such a place?"

In the case of cleaning robots, it would be too stupid if it was to cover up intelligence.

"No, the cleaning robot didn't come here."

"In other words, are these things that don't need to be cleaned?"

Yano frowned and thought about it for a while, but he was still at a loss, so he simply gave up.

Suppressing the nausea in his heart, he opened the third box.

There are still messy clothes inside, but they are no longer close-fitting clothes. It seems that the items in each box are different.

On top of these clothes, there is a black scroll.

"It should be this."

Arno picked up the scroll, turned around and left without hesitation.

He couldn't stay here for a moment, it stinks too much!How can it be so smelly!

After Arno left here,
Until night fell, no one came here again.

With the bright moon hanging high, the already quiet alley became even quieter.

Only the lights of the business district from time to time in the distance brought some light to this place.



Shortly after,
There was a slight noise, and a black figure appeared in front of the pile of boxes.

The figure first glanced left and right to confirm that there was no one around, then carefully opened the third box.

Seeing this familiar look, it probably wasn't the first time I came here, and I was already familiar with the smell.


However, when the box was opened, there was only a pile of messy clothes inside.

"there is none left……"

"Why is it gone? I obviously asked them to put it here."

The figure rummaged through the entire box, but couldn't find what he was looking for.

"It seems that the only clothes left here are the clothes that were handed over to the people in the slums."

"The thing I was looking for was either not put at all, or it was taken away."

The figure checked the box again, and after confirming that there was nothing there, he turned and left.

Have to check it out.

(End of this chapter)

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