Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 29 People Should Be Equal

Chapter 29 People Should Be Equal

The head of the intelligence service, Colt Mosotius, has been a little troubled lately.

His status has plummeted recently because of the matter of the Error Corrector Department in the capital.

The emperor no longer listened to his opinions, and the ministers no longer paid attention to his winks.

The head of the external department, Moore Cantera Dilius, pointed his nostrils directly at Colt.

They used to be very difficult to deal with, but now the relationship is even worse.

However, Colt could only endure it.

There is nothing he can do until his reputation is restored.

"Are things ready?"

In a hall that was so spacious that ordinary people could not imagine it even with exhausted imagination, Colt's face was mixed in the darkness, and he said in a deep voice.

In front of him, kneeling was a man wrapped in black, without showing his face.

Those who work in their line of work, if their faces are seen, will end up with nothing but death.

"Yes, we are ready for everything."

"Evie Gray must die, there will be no second possibility."

The man in black bowed his head and said.

"Don't let me down, otherwise, you should know what your consequences will be."


The man in black responded, and stepped back while keeping his head down.

He knew that Colt didn't like people looking him in the face.

"I will definitely get my place back."

"The department of the royal capital will return to the hands of our reformers."

"Your Majesty, please look at me."

Colt murmured, clenching his fists violently.


Outside the mansion,
Arno glanced at the large and unreal house, and curled his lips.

Although I have probably understood it from the information Evie asked for, but the degree of exaggeration is different when I see it with my own eyes.

"I don't hide my corruption at all."

"It seems that the so-called reformers are only at this level."

After wrapping his clothes, Yano turned around and left the house some distance away, and hid in the corner.

Government officials, militant faction members, social idlers...

All kinds of people were seen by Arno in and out of that luxurious mansion.

It seems that although Colt's status has declined, he is still much higher than others.

"That can't be done."

"As a member of the empire, I can't see this kind of picture."

"People should be equal, how can we distinguish between high and low? This is not healthy."

Engrave the faces of all the people who entered the mansion into his memory, Arno muttered.

The sun gradually began to sink to the west, and the dazzling and warm light was slowly swallowed by the darkness.

The moon will take the place of the sun and hang over the top of the world.

After waiting in place for a while, after confirming that no one entered the mansion again, Arno walked out of the corner.

He quietly walked around the mansion a few times pretending to be wandering, and roughly figured out the structure of the entire building.

"It's heavily guarded."

"Apart from those who have status and acquaintances, the only ones who can travel unimpeded are the little ghosts who deliver newspapers."

Yano thought for a while and left temporarily.

He took a taxi to the center of the business district, first walked into a small alley with no one there, turned his face into disgust, and then walked out.

The business district is bustling, like nowhere else in the empire.

As for the central area, it is the bustling bustling place, where various private enterprises set up their camps.

It can be said that most of the wealth in the country is gathered in this small area.

However, this also happens to be convenient for Arno to act.

With a disgusted face, Arno meandered to a building.

The security guard stopped him responsibly.

"Excuse me, please show your ID card."

"I'm looking for someone."

"If you are looking for someone, please come here to register and explain your specific purpose."

Yanuo didn't make things difficult for the other party either, and after writing "Business Negotiation", he gave the security guard three gold coins and walked in.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with you?"

The little girl at the front desk said.

She looks to be in her early twenties, with light makeup on her face, but in Yano's view, her eyebrows are a little thicker, covering her original spirit, but showing a kind of personality that is not quite like herself. Consistent sense of stability.

This makes people feel a little split.

"Excuse me, can you inform your boss? I have something I want to discuss with him."

He casually took out an ID card of a violent institution and waved it in front of the front desk, Yanuo said with a serious expression on his face.

The front desk looked at the certificate, was taken aback for a moment, and nodded quickly.

Not long after, the elevator door opened, and a middle-aged man came out.

He hadn't taken two steps, but there was a look of astonishment on his face.

"In that case, it should be about the same."

Yano put down the eyebrow pencil in his hand, gently wiped off some debris near the eyebrows for the front desk with his fingers, and looked at the middle-aged man.

"You are the boss of this company? I have something to talk to you about."

"excuse me, you are?"

"Immortal Novain."

Arnold smiled.

With hazy eyes at the front desk, he led the middle-aged man into the elevator.


"You mean, do you want us to have a continuous one-hour delivery of the mansion you describe tonight?"

The middle-aged man looked a little embarrassed. At first he thought it was his fault, but now he was talking about business.

This time, the man's seasoned businessman instincts were revealed.

Of course, he was not unable to agree to the deal proposed by Yano, but he had to make a deal no matter what.

"I'm afraid this business doesn't meet our regulations."

After hearing this sentence, Yano understood, so he smiled.

"I don't think you quite understand."

"I'm not here to discuss business with you, and you have no right to refuse me."

Yano's smile was cold, as cold as the muzzle of the gun on the man's forehead at the moment.

"Stop your game, it doesn't work for me."

"I'll give you another chance to reorganize your language."

The middle-aged man's forehead was sweating, but he still didn't believe that Yano dared to do that.

He was used to being domineering and domineering on weekdays. Even if he asked his employees to work twelve hours a day without paying them wages, no one dared to do anything to him.

So, he doesn't believe it.

"Sir, this is a "reasonable" society."

The man forced a smile and said.

The gunpowder is full of smoke,

The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder.

Yano calmly looked at the hole in the opponent's forehead, and said calmly.

"Fuck your mother's reasoning."

"Tell Hades about your reasoning."

"There is no reason in the world of the empire, only in hell."

Saying that, Arno put his hand on the middle-aged man's body.

skinned start,

Soon, Yano's appearance became exactly the same as that of a middle-aged man, even his genes were no different.

"Then, that's it."

Taking out the unconditional asset transfer agreement that had been prepared in advance, Yano pressed the fingerprint of his middle-aged man.

As the fingerprint was pressed, a mysterious aura circled around Yano and returned to the agreement.

This is the anti-counterfeiting mechanism of the empire. It remembers the breath of the middle-aged man and ensures that there is no abnormality in this transaction.

After that, just press the fingerprint that belongs to Arno himself.

"That's equality."

"You are no different from those ordinary civilians in my eyes."

"Power and wealth will not harden your flesh."

"And as long as a hole is punched in your body, the power and wealth will no longer belong to you."

Arno looked at the dead body of the middle-aged man, and customarily took out a magic scroll and burned him to death.

"—now, they belong to me."

"Only mine, alone."

After talking to himself, Yano sat in the seat originally belonged to the middle-aged man.

"Now, have someone come to my office immediately."

After pressing the pager, Yano imitated the man's tone and said.

Now it was Colt's turn to bring him the healthy, equal—death.

(End of this chapter)

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