Chapter 247 Anger

Yano was really confused.

Can a person with just this strength become a country's rebel army?Even if it is only a small country, it is still a serious country, with all the necessary equipment and queues.

How could a rebel army of this strength be able to accomplish anything? It was even more unbelievable to Yano that even a rebel army of this level could gather so many people.

Although these people are really weak in Yano's view, they are still human in the end.

It's a pity that, in Yano's view, no matter how many people they gather, the rebels have no chance of winning.

This is no longer a matter of combat effectiveness, but in all aspects, the rebels have no possibility of success.

Not only that, in Arno's prediction, the rebel army should lose very quickly.

Because no matter how Yano thought about it, he couldn't think of a point where the rebels could sustain it.

So weak, so stupid.

How could such a team accomplish their goals?
In Yano's view, their establishment is already a great miracle.

Under such a miracle, they have already obtained favor, which is the kind of favor that belongs to heaven.

Now that he has obtained this miracle of grace, if he wants to ask for another miracle, it is impossible to do it no matter what.

No matter how eccentric God is, this matter cannot be done.

Because this world is real, and a miracle will not be staged twice in reality.

The reality is extremely cruel, and God will not always favor the same person.

In the midst of brutal combat, there is but one end that awaits these fools.

That is death.

"You are so weak."

Arno looked at the leader.

He could see the determination in the leader's eyes.

However, this is already indifferent to Yano.

Since he has chosen to draw his sword, no matter how persistent the other party is, no matter how decisive he is, the outcome is already doomed.

Just like what Arno said before, all that awaits them is death.

Yano doesn't like killing people, he has always been a pacifist, but for Yano, this is just a necessary sacrifice.

Whatever stands in front of you must be erased.

At this time, we must forget our own preferences, good and evil, and do what we should do.

Otherwise, even for Yano, what awaits him is just an extremely tragic ending.

In a sense, Yanuo and Zhao Xueya are the same.

They all have to leave some emotion behind because that's just rubbish on the way forward.

At this point the situation has been reversed.

Originally, according to the logic, the leader's party is the active party and the party that occupies the upper hand.

But in the current situation, it is obvious that even a stupid leader understands that from the very beginning, his own side is not the dominant side that occupies the initiative, but the weaker side.

The one who can't figure out the form is himself.

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

"There must be other ways, there must be ways for us to gain an advantage."

The leader murmured unwillingly.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, the leader's eyes lit up suddenly, and a flash of spiritual light rushed through his brain.

This is an aura like an electric current, which makes people feel very comfortable.

After this ray of spiritual light flashed through his mind, immediately, the leader seemed to see the sun and suddenly realized.

He immediately thought of a way to overcome his current disadvantage.

That is - Zhao Xueya.

Since Zhao Xueya is with Yanuo, the relationship between them must be very close.

As long as Zhao Xueya can be dealt with, then Yanuo has no choice but to capture her without a fight.

It has to be said that there is not much problem with the leader's thinking, the only problem is that the leader does not know Zhao Xueya's strength.

So, his idea was doomed to fail.

Of course, the current leader is not clear about this. He only knows one thing, and that is that this is his only life-saving straw.

As long as he grasps this life-saving straw, then the subsequent development will be as he expected at the beginning.

Yano still had to apply for supplies for himself and others, and everything would not just change like this.

"Yes, as long as I can get rid of that woman, then I can get everything back on track."

The leader's eyes suddenly became full of bloodlust.

He told his subordinates, "Now, don't hold back, and deal with that woman quickly."

"Otherwise, we'll all die here."

The leader's subordinates heard the leader's order, and naturally, Yano also heard the leader's words.

For Yano, this made him feel a little bit surprised, but when he thought that the leader didn't know Zhao Xueya's strength, Yano was relieved.

It has to be said that at this time, this decision is an appropriate one.

It wasn't the best decision, but it wasn't the worst either.

If Zhao Xueya's strength is weaker than Yanuo's, it will be effective to do so.

It's a pity that Zhao Xueya's strength is not weaker than Yanuo, but far stronger than Yanuo.

This is actually not surprising, after all, who would have thought that a woman would be stronger than that man when they were traveling together?

Generally speaking, men will definitely be given priority.

This has nothing to do with thinking and real situations, it's just a simple mindset.

However, Yano didn't care about these things, he just looked at the leader calmly.

This time, the leader was a little confused.

"Are you not worried at all?"

The leader asked Arno.

Yano still looked at the leader calmly.

Of course, although Yano was watching, he wasn't completely watching.

He was talking to the leader, but the long sword in his hand didn't stop.

For Yano, even if he didn't see the opponent, his sword could cut off the opponent's head.

If he couldn't do even this little thing, then Arno himself would feel ashamed of himself.


Arno remained silent, and swiped his sword again to cut off another person's head.

He didn't answer the leader's question, because this question didn't require Arno to answer, and everything would be resolved naturally.


Of course, Yano thinks so, which doesn't mean the leader understands this.

He took Yano's calmness completely as contempt for himself.

"Although I seem to be weaker than you, I'm not something you can completely ignore."

Saying so, the leader's eyes were bloodshot.

(End of this chapter)

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