Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 245 Draw the Sword

Chapter 245 Draw the Sword
What Yano said was of course an excuse.

In fact, Arno never intended to agree to the other party's request, for no other reason than Arno himself could not be the master within the empire.

And Zhao Xueya, who can call the shots, obviously won't help such a small country's rebellion.

Moreover, even if Zhao Xueya intends to interfere in the civil strife in this small country, she still needs to take risks.

In the final analysis, Zhao Xueya is just a leader, a spy. All her things need to see results, and everything she does has a clear goal.

If Zhao Xueya supported this rebellion, then it was Zhao Xueya who wanted to get something from it.

But obviously, Zhao Xueya was not interested in this betrayal at all, otherwise she wouldn't just close her eyes and rest, leaving everything to Yano.

Of course, although Yano's refusal was an excuse, it was not a lie.

That completeness comes from Yano's sincerity.

With such an idiot leader, it would be strange if this traitorous gang could still succeed.

Yano can be sure that if this guy is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger on purpose, then the final result must be defeated by the coalition army of some country.

Not to mention that Yano didn't have the authority to invest in this guy, even if he did, Yano wouldn't just watch his assets disappear.

There is nothing wrong with investing in risks, but not everyone is the kind of gambler who buys while looking at the red.

Yano felt that he was a very stable person.

Therefore, Yano will not do this deal.

Obviously, after hearing Yanuo's reply, the other party was not very curious.

It seems that they were mentally prepared to be rejected from the very beginning.

That's right, if they hadn't been mentally prepared, they wouldn't have ambushed so many people in this place.

It seems that it was planned from the very beginning to force Yanuo and others to agree.

"I am very sorry, friends of the empire, we have no choice."

"Since you don't agree to our request, then we can only force you to agree to our request."

"Don't worry, we will apologize afterwards."

After saying this, the leader waved his hand at Yano and the others.

Immediately, those people who had been staring at Yano from behind rushed towards Yano.

However, quite a few of them went towards Zhao Xueya.

Those people are people who know the power of the empire, so they want to pick a soft persimmon.

But obviously, they found the wrong person.

Among Yanuo and Zhao Xueya, it is obvious that Yano is the weak one.

"Aren't you going to save your companion?"

The leader looked at Yano's calm face and asked curiously.

For this question, Yano shook his head.

"No, I'm not worried about her safety at all."

"It seems that you imperial people are more ruthless than I imagined."

"Should I say cruel? I just have enough confidence in her strength."

"No matter how confident you are, there is no chance of winning in the face of so many people."

"Who knows? Maybe a miracle will happen."

The corner of Yano's lips twitched, avoiding a punch from the side.

Immediately, Yanuo tiptoed, and distanced himself from the crowd besieging him.

"Want to escape?"

The leader looked at Yano's actions and mistook Yano's plan.

"No no no, how come?"

"If I escape at this time, I will really die without a whole body."

"Don't worry so much, I just want to annihilate you."

Arno stretched his hand to his back, and brought the cloth-wrapped sword blade in front of him.

This sword is the one that Qisaki asked Arno to keep. At first, Zhao Xueya wanted to keep it, but obviously Zhao Xueya couldn't touch this sword, and couldn't use space magic to put it away.

So in the end, Yano was still carrying the sword.

Moreover, because the sword was too sharp, Arno had to wrap a cloth strip around the sword.

Faced with the current situation, Arno felt that it was time for this sword to appear.

Although Arno felt that he could probably deal with these people with bare hands, but that would still be too time-consuming, and using a sword would be somewhat faster.

"What can a sword do?"

"Maybe you don't know, because of the lack of resources in this country, we have always used long swords instead of thermal weapons."

"The people standing in front of you are all good swordsmen. If you use a sword in front of them, you will just bring shame on yourself."

The leader kept talking to Arno.

He hasn't let his subordinates die at this time. After all, if Yanuo dies, it is really over.

He just wanted to force Yano to agree to his request, that's why his words were so stinging.

Of course, to Yano, these words were nothing, because he knew in his heart that what the other party said was not true.

"Are you good with swords? Then, I would like to see it."

Arno untied the cloth strip on the hilt, and gently grasped the hilt with his right hand.

Then, instead of continuing to untie the cloth strips of other parts, he directly held the hilt of the sword and waved it lightly.

An inaudible sound.

Under everyone's gaze, the strip of cloth was just broken.

It certainly wasn't torn with brute force, as the smooth section above showed.

It was cut by an extremely sharp blade.

And there is only one sharp blade that can achieve this level in this place, and that is the long sword in Arno's hand.

"What a sharp sword..."

Yano made a slight movement, which made the leader's eyes twitch.

He didn't need to look at the sword body, but just looking at the cloth in front of him, he could imagine how sharp this sword was.

If it acts on a person's body, I'm afraid it doesn't take much effort to cut the whole person in two.

This was a very terrifying thing. The leader felt that he had seen many swords before, but this was the first time he had seen such a sharp long sword like the one in Yano's hand.

"What kind of sword are you?"

"It's just an old friend who entrusted me to keep the sword. It doesn't matter what kind of sword it is."

Arno swung his sword lightly, pointing the tip of the sword at the ground, looking at the leader and the others indifferently.

"There is only one thing you need to know, that is, you will die under this sword."

"There is absolutely no... second possibility."

Yano's eyes are not only cold, but his voice is also extremely cold.

It's like a demon climbing up from the depths of Jiuyou, without the slightest emotion.

"You...what the hell are you?"

At this time, even if he was as stupid as the leader, he felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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