Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 241 Relaxation

Chapter 241 Relaxation
Yano shook his head, temporarily putting aside the messy thoughts in his heart.

For the current situation, all the things that Arnold just thought about are meaningless.

This is not the time to care about height and the like.

What Yanuo mainly wanted to know was what exactly Zhao Xueya was going to do.

Is it really just a simple walk in?Arno was a little curious about this.

However, no matter how curious it is, it is Zhao Xueya herself who has the initiative at this time.

Yanuo is not a roundworm in Zhao Xueya's stomach, so all he can do is follow what Zhao Xueya said.

Since Zhao Xueya said that she wanted to go in directly, Yanuo would only do so.

"If you're ready, then let's go."

At this moment, Zhao Xueya turned her head to look at Yano, and said calmly.

This is not because Zhao Xueya took good care of Yanuo, but if Yanuo made mistakes due to psychological problems at this time, Zhao Xueya will be the one who will be in trouble in the end.

Therefore, before acting, it is the preparation of this point.

Anyway, the night is still a little long, Zhao Xueya is not short of such a little time.

Yano was very clear about this, so, facing Zhao Xueya's eyes, Yano just nodded lightly.

"...I am ready and can act directly now."

"Are you sure? If something goes wrong, I won't take care of you."

"no problem."

Yano said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Yano's smile, Zhao Xueya froze for a moment, then nodded.

Immediately, without further conversation, Zhao Xueya walked directly in front of Yano, and walked towards the destination first.

During this process, Yano was always vigilant about his surroundings.

Because, what Zhao Xueya did at this time was simply to move forward, without any other arrangements.

Although he believed in Zhao Xueya, it was inevitable that Yano would feel a little uneasy in his heart. Therefore, being vigilant about his surroundings and paying attention to other movements was what Yano had to do.

However, to Yano's disbelief,

Just like what Zhao Xueya said, they really walked into the facility simply.

During this process, they passed some places where the enemy was hiding, but Zhao Xueya didn't stop at all except for slightly softening the sound of her footsteps.

To be honest, it's just that the footsteps are lightened, and Arno doesn't think it can't be found.

But the fact is that they really haven't been discovered, and the other party hasn't even moved at all.

At first, Yano thought it was a good show to invite you into the urn, but until they entered the facility, no one recognized them to stop them.

This made Yano feel completely at a loss.

No matter what, he couldn't figure out why he and Zhao Xueya walked in with such tight defense.

Are all those people blind?Or because of something else?
Suddenly, Yanuo's mind flashed, and he thought of Zhao Xueya's identity.

Now that the leader has been active in this country for many years, the top and bottom of this country have been infiltrated into a sieve.

So is there a possibility that there is Zhao Xueya's internal response in this facility?

It doesn't have to be a person from the leader's headquarters, or it may be a downline that has developed over the years.

So, after thinking for a while, Yano directly asked this question.

"This place...has your internal response?"

Zhao Xueya stopped walking when she heard the words.

At this time, the two of them had reached the third floor of the entire facility.

According to Zhao Xueya, the ultra-high-speed aircraft should be on the eleventh floor of the top floor.

Obviously, during this process, the two are not allowed to use mobile devices such as elevators, and can only take the stairs.

"Why do you think so?"

After Zhao Xueya stopped her footsteps, she turned to Yano and asked.

"No, it's only natural for me to think so. After all, with such a tight defense, we actually walked in ostentatiously. No matter how I think about it, I can only think of internal responses."

Arno replied.

Zhao Xueya took a deep look at Yanuo, and she didn't look away until she saw that Yano was a little hairy.

And, once again, Zhao Xueya took her own steps and walked upwards.

While advancing, Zhao Xueya did not forget to answer Yanuo's questions.

"Your guess is very reasonable. No matter who it is, as long as it is a normal person, it will think so?"

Zhao Xueya said lightly.

"However, in this regard, you are wrong. I have not placed any internal support in this place."

"Then why can we walk in so openly?"

Being denied by Zhao Xueya, Yanuo frowned slightly, and then continued to ask.

"The problem is simply because of peace."


Zhao Xueya's words made Yanuo very confused.

What does this have to do with peace?
"Peace makes people slack, and there are no strict punishments, so people in this place are lazy."

Zhao Xueya continued.

"From the outside, this place is indeed well-defended. Whether it's manpower or defensive equipment, everything that this small country can do has been done."

"However, this is only on the surface. In fact, simply accumulating manpower and equipment does not have any effect."

"Because of years of peace, people in this country have long lost any sense of vigilance, and there is no punishment system, so this country, whether it is people or soldiers, is very lax."

"Pile up a bunch of slack people, and it's just a bunch of slack people. Quantitative changes can't produce any qualitative changes."

When Zhao Xueya mentioned this place, she changed her voice and asked Yanuo.

"What time is it now?"

Yano didn't answer, but after hearing Zhao Xueya's words, he immediately understood.

"Is it... sleepy?"

"Yes, it's because of sleepiness. At this time, even night owls will feel a little sleepy, let alone these slack people."

Zhao Xueya said calmly.

"We don't need to think about any tactics or methods at all, because they have already fallen into sleep at this time, even those outside are the same. How could they expect someone to sneak in after being at peace for so long? come in?"

"Even in the empire, apart from those on the border, the soldiers stationed inside the empire have already lost most of their vigilance. Therefore, we will formulate a strict punishment policy. The vigilance is back, but at least when danger comes, their bodies can respond."

(End of this chapter)

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