Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 24 Whoever Controls the Past Controls the Future

Chapter 24 Whoever Controls the Past Controls the Future

"Then, let me ask again."

"My husband, why do you want to betray the empire?"

"You once clearly swore to give your life to the empire."

She looked at Yano with an imperceptible gloom in her expression.

Yano didn't answer immediately, but picked up the cup of coffee she brewed by herself, and took a sip.

In his mind, information about the woman in front of him slowly emerged.

Estelle Lowe.

Wife of Momo Novain.

But apart from this, the most important thing for Yano is her other identity.

A high-level leader of a certain spy agency of the Empire——Guide.

If the error corrector is likened to an intelligence agency, then the word "espionage" is the most appropriate word to describe the leader.

The goals, or tasks, that the error correctors generally aim at are all within the empire.

Such as high-level, nobles, certain important officials, or gathered civilians, etc.

The leader is mainly responsible for the external affairs of the empire, such as spying, undercover, assassination and so on.

This is an important and dangerous department, more mysterious and darker than Correctors.

And precisely because of the particularity of the leader, what is needed to join this department is not ability, but loyalty.

In other words, the temporary wife in front of Arno, as a high-level leader, is a loyal citizen of the empire who cannot be more loyal.

For a person like her, compared to love and family affection, the enthusiasm for the empire is truly irreplaceable in her life.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Yano asked her the question.

He was also prepared for this.

The biographical investigation of Yanmo Novain is just for this moment.

"People change, my love."

Yano imitated the tone of disgust, and said softly.

"It's like the coffee you make, it's more bitter than before."

"It's also like the desserts you made, which are a little sweeter and greasy than what I remember."

"Nothing lasts forever."

Arno stared at Estier, with a little helplessness in his eyes.

"So, did you really betray the empire?"

This was the only thing Estier noticed.

She looked at Yano in disbelief, as if she didn't know the man in front of her.

The tenderness and tenderness that happened to the two of them just now seemed to be just an illusion.

"What do you think?"

"Even if coffee gets bitter, it's still coffee."

"No matter how sweet desserts become, they will always be desserts."

"Whether their nature has changed or not is a matter of opinion."

Yano spoke vague words, as if he was affirmative, but also seemed to be negative.

It's a speaking skill that produces different responses depending on who listens to it.

For Estier, who was already engaged in a special job, Arno's words were full of hints.

"My essence has not changed, but my inherent way of living has changed."

Estier felt that this was the "truth" that Arno wanted to convey to herself.

For a moment, something about the work of error correctors and guides flashed through her mind,

So, under Yanuo's vague words, he added his subconscious disbelief and current speculation,
Estier decided that her husband should have accepted a special task that forced him to change his way of life.

After thinking this way, her gloom disappeared.

Yano watched the change in her expression and smiled softly.

"People are always so good at deceiving themselves."

"Under the influence of emotions, there will always be fantasies that are beneficial to oneself because of the unclear words of the other party, and they will affirm them on their own."

"In the final analysis, no matter how cruel, as long as there is such a thing as emotion, no matter how smart a person is, he will become stupid."

He just thought about it silently, looking at Estelle's much more relaxed face.

Beautiful and intelligent people will always be stupid at some point.

This is also the reason why I don't use my original face, but the tired face.

Using emotions is a convenient and fast thing.

"It seems that you have figured it out."

Yano spoke.

Estier noticed the vague smile on the corner of Arno's mouth, so she became more sure of her thoughts.

She nodded, her long golden hair gliding smoothly over the fair skin of her face.

"In this case, I hope you can help me."

"I need the assistance of the guide."


leave home,

Or to be precise, he left Yanmo Novain's house.

With a strawberry hanging around his neck, Arno turned the corner.

As soon as he walked into the corner, his figure began to change rapidly.

Fortunately, the place where he is now is relatively remote, and there are not many people, otherwise it will be another big news the next day.

"Fortunately, get stuck."

Arno touched his transformed face, felt the smooth touch of his hands, and smiled.

"In short, for the time being, a nail has been planted inside the guide."

"Just wait for the outbreak to catch those reformers by surprise."

Arnold is very clear about the current situation,

The conservative faction is at an absolute disadvantage to the reformist faction.

Even if he mastered the error corrector in the capital, he only got back [-]%, and it has not had an absolute impact on the overall situation.

What's more, because of her eagerness for success, Evie's identity was exposed.

The error corrector, the Royal Capital Department, will definitely be closely watched by those dark guys in the future.

"However, it's different now."

"The leaders are absolute reformers, and they have a lot of voice among the reformers. In some cases, they will bring me great help."

"Who would doubt that there is a nail inside such a loyal guide?"

What's more, the power of the error corrector plus the leader is not simply one plus one equals two.

With the imperial intelligence agency and the network of the imperial intelligence agency, Arnold indirectly possesses all the information control rights of the empire.

Although not all of these permissions belong to him, even if he can only borrow some of them, that's enough.

"Society is built on public opinion."

"Common sense is rooted in history."

"And whoever controls the sovereignty of the information has the right to edit it."

Arno put on his robe and walked in one direction.

"Whoever controls the past controls the future; whoever controls the present controls the past."

"Since ancient times, it has always been like this."

People don't need to think,

Because what they want to know, there is not an iota of truth.

Or, the thing itself doesn't exist at all.

However, it is also because of this.

If properly guided,
Their strength is a valuable boost that can overcome everything.

(End of this chapter)

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