Chapter 220

What was the reason for the demise of that ancient empire?
According to the analysis of Noah's words, Yanuo thinks that even if the country survives until now, it is not surprising.

However, it is obvious which country still perishes.

"Can't you guess?"

"Actually, this is quite normal."

Noah looked at Yano's face and smiled slightly.

Then, again, Noah began to speak slowly.

"Actually, there is no unearthed document to answer this matter."

"However, in addition to the literature, there are some others, which seem to be some rumors from the end of that country have been studied."

"Among those rumors, it seems to have revealed the truth about the demise of that country."

"Although, it's just a very unbelievable truth. Although, it's very unacceptable."

"But that's the only answer we know that might be the answer."

Noah looked at Yano, and calmly spoke shocking words.

"According to rumors, the demise of that country was neither a man-made disaster nor a natural disaster."

"Because, judging by its national strength, there are no factors that can cause its demise."

"Whether it's nature, or rebellion, or famine, none of this can happen."

"Because it has completely controlled nature, and the development of technology has made famine impossible, and rebellion has never been possible. It is just a vocabulary that exists in history."

"No matter from which point of view, that country cannot perish. It is a heaven on earth, a world of great harmony that everyone yearns for. No one would like to see it perish."

"So, from a human point of view, it cannot perish, it is completely eternal."

Hearing this, Yano's eyes twitched, and he knew that the next thing was where the turning point would begin.

Sure enough, when Nuoya mentioned this place, he paused for a while before continuing.

"However, even if people expected so much, the nightmare still happened, and what should come still came."

"It perished. In a mere night, when everyone was almost asleep, that giant collapsed."

"The whole continent, just overnight, became torn apart."

"The various races that lost their leadership began to split. Because of the differences in civilization and spirit, people began to kill, and the war that had been completely gone was revived."

"Eventually, a myriad of countries, large and small, emerged and then disappeared."

"After that, after a long period of time, the few big countries left behind are the countries headed by our empire."

When Nuoya said this, the voice changed again.

"Speaking of it, I don't seem to have mentioned the most critical part, because this is in the middle of a historical gap, there are no correct historical records, only some rumors."

"So if you want to insert that rumor into this, it's a bit difficult, so I'll put this at the end."

Arno understands this.

Rather, he is just waiting for what Noah has to say.

Seeing Yano's expression, Noah smiled and continued talking.

"It's actually a bit long to talk about that rumor, so I'll start from the beginning and talk about it directly."

After clearing his voice, Noah's voice seemed a little far away, as if it brought people back to that era.

"Legend, a long time ago, the gods established a rule."

"This rule is not used to restrict the gods, but to restrict the world."

Hearing Noah's first words, the corner of Yano's mouth twitched.

He finally knew why this was a rumor.

The gods have appeared, if it is not a rumor, then it is a legend.

Although there are things like magic in this world, Arno has never seen the existence of gods.

Although there are indeed various beliefs in the empire, Yano has never heard of that god appearing.

What's more, according to Arno's understanding, although there are many beliefs in the empire, there is not a single fanatic.

People believe in gods, probably just to find a spiritual sustenance, it has nothing to do with believing in the existence of gods.

So Arno judged before that there should be no gods in this world.

Otherwise, if there is a slight miracle, it is impossible that there will not be a fanatic believer.

As long as there is a small miracle, no matter it is an empire or any country, there will definitely be a large number of fanatical believers.

But, no.

Therefore, Arno made the judgment that there are no gods in this world.

That's why Yano's mouth twitched when he heard Noah's first words were gods.

Of course, although Yanuo felt that the rumor was outrageous, he didn't interrupt it.

Because there are many outrageous things in this world, if you don't hear the last words, you can't judge whether that outrageous thing is true or not.

Fortunately, this outrageous story is described with Noah's beautiful voice, so it is not unacceptable.


"The gods agreed with each other that among the creatures in the lower realm, no government is allowed to exist for more than 1000 years."

"If there is any, it must be erased by the gods."

Noah said slowly.

"In addition to this agreement, the gods also made an agreement with each other afterwards. Each of them promised that they would never interfere with the lower realm and let the lower realm develop freely."

"At that time, human beings had already appeared, and, like today, it was a world where large and small countries coexisted."

"Wars of all sizes have never stopped, and people are dying every day."

"So even the gods have never expected a unified force in the lower realm."

"Until a person appears."

"The name of this person and the country he founded are also untestable. Obviously they should be recorded in the annals of history, but they did not leave any names."

"Moreover, there is nothing about the start-up country at that time, so I will skip this point."

"All in all, the prototype of the heaven on earth was born."

"At the beginning, it was just a small place, and then slowly and gradually expanded, and finally, in just ten years, the entire continent was integrated."

"Then, after several years of internal adjustments, it became the historical facts I told you before."

"So, now back to the question, how did it die?"

Noah didn't wait for Yano's answer, and said directly.

"It's very simple. On that night, the gods took action."

"Then, as a matter of course, human beings did not expect it at all, so they were unable to defend themselves."

"That's what's been rumored about what history calls a disastrous night."

Noah said.

(End of this chapter)

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