Chapter 205

In fact, Zhao Xueya's relationship with Laiya was not bad before.

No, it shouldn't be said that it's not bad, it should be said that the relationship between the two is very good.

When they were in the academy, Zhao Xueya and Laiya stayed together most of the time.

No matter who it is, their relationship is very good-unless the person is blind.

However, all this changed on the day of graduation.

It was also on that day that Zhao Xueya chose to break with Laiya.

Until now, Zhao Xueya still remembers Laiya's reaction at that time.

"Oh, so be it."

At that time, Laiya nodded calmly as if she was speaking a common saying, then turned and left without the slightest hesitation.

Zhao Xueya will never forget that scene.

This is not betrayal, but one that is more unbearable than betrayal - ignoring.

So, after that, Zhao Xueya hardly met Laiya a few times.

Except for meeting on some necessary occasions, Zhao Xueya and Laiya are strangers.

Even if it was this meeting, it was already a long time ago.

The last time we met was a year ago.

However, even Zhao Xueya did not expect that when they met again, conflicts would break out between herself and Laiya.

Although in Laiya's eyes, this may still be nothing, but in Zhao Xueya's eyes, this is an undoubted conflict, and Laiya is preventing her from working.

"Leia, I'll say it one last time."

Zhao Xueya opened her mouth, and was about to speak again.

However, before Zhao Xueya could speak this time, Laiya reached out and interrupted Zhao Xueya.

"You've said once that it's the last, after the last, not the last."

"Besides, I know what you want to say, and my answer is still the same. If you want to know the details, just ask me."

"Or is it that your arrogance as a nobleman makes you unwilling to talk to such a lowly person?"

Laiya looked at Zhao Xueya and said very calmly.

Although it seems a bit rushed, in fact, Laiya has already made concessions at this time.

Because this time, she didn't tell Zhao Xueya to leave directly, but asked Zhao Xueya to ask Yanuo.

If that's not a concession, then what is.

Of course, from Zhao Xueya's point of view, it is different.

It's now obvious that Raya is humiliating herself.

What made Zhao Xueya feel even more humiliated was that she had no way to refute Laiya's words.

Zhao Xueya didn't want to have direct communication with Yanuo, it wasn't because of Laiya's reason, since Zhao Xueya was engaged in such a special job, it was inevitable to communicate with all kinds of people.

If she cared so much about her identity, Zhao Xueya would not be able to do this job.

There was only one reason why she didn't have a conversation with Yano - crossing the line.

Zhao Xueya is a veteran nobleman, so she has various rules.

In the place where he is now, it would be an act of crossing the line to directly ask Yanuo without going through Laiya, an officer.

Although in Zhao Xueya's capacity, even if she crossed the line, not many people would pursue it.

But cross-border behavior is cross-border behavior after all, and rules are rules, even if it is a rule that not many people follow, it is still a rule.

Zhao Xueya is a person who values ​​rules very much.

In fact, most of the great nobles who are similar to Zhao Xueya are people who abide by the rules.

Therefore, according to the rules of the empire, if you want to exchange information with other departments, you must first communicate with people at the same level.

As for Zhao Xueya's question to Yano before, it was just blurted out because she was too surprised, it was not Zhao Xueya's original intention.

After all, this incident is of great importance, and Zhao Xueya has been investigating this incident for a long time. It is not surprising that Zhao Xueya got some clues this time, and she blurted out uncontrollably.

" old-fashioned."

Laiya looked at Zhao Xueya in this state, and immediately knew what Zhao Xueya was thinking about at this moment.

Laiya shook her head, and said to Zhao Xueya.

"Compared to your pointless insistence, would you rather give up your mission?"

"Isn't this task important?"

Two questions in a row made Zhao Xueya's face even uglier.

To Zhao Xueya, this was a great humiliation.

If it were someone else, Zhao Xueya would have already made a move at this time.

However, Laiya is not someone else, not just because of her status, but also related to the things Laiya is responsible for this time.

Even if the guide is not aimed at domestic intelligence agencies, it is still an intelligence agency after all, and there are some people in the country.

Therefore, Zhao Xueya also has a little understanding of domestic trends.

Zhao Xueya also knows something about the project that Laiya is currently in charge of.

It is precisely because she knows that she can't touch Laiya. If something goes wrong with Laiya at this time.

Not to mention Zhao Xueya alone, even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu has to face the emperor's thunderous wrath.

Although Zhao Xueya was not happy with the emperor, after all, the empire was an imperial state, and she could not disobey the emperor no matter what.

Otherwise, the result is clear at a glance.


Zhao Xueya didn't go to see Laiya, she fell into silence.

In the end, Zhao Xueya looked up at Laiya, and asked with a heavy voice.

"Sorry, Laiya Chris, I need to ask one of your subordinates something, I wonder if you can agree to my request."

After much deliberation, Zhao Xueya made this choice.

As long as it is approved by Laiya, the leader, then Zhao Xueya is not considered to have crossed the line.

However, making this decision was a bit uncomfortable for Zhao Xueya, after all, Zhao Xueya knew clearly how unwilling she was to bow to Laiya.

However, there is no way.

She is no longer a child, and she can't let her temper run wild at this time.

If the mission failed this time, the only clue that was rarely found would be broken.

Then, Zhao Xueya is not the only one who will be punished.

Her whole family had to face the emperor's monstrous wrath.

Zhao Xueya may not care what happens to herself, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care what happens to her family.

So, in the end Zhao Xueya chose to bow her head.

Not only Zhao Xueya didn't expect this choice at first, even Laiya didn't expect it either.

After being stunned for a moment, Laiya looked at Zhao Xueya with a very sad look.

Her old well was empty and broken.

(End of this chapter)

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