Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 201 "Something"

Chapter 201 "Some"

On the one hand, they communicated with Qinya casually.

At the same time, Yano also took a look at the surrounding environment by the way.

Now Yanuo is walking along the road pointed by Qinya, and he should go to another floor now.

Although Yano was very suspicious of Qinya, regarding the current situation, he should listen to Qinya first.

Even if she betrayed, she would not choose to do it at this time.

This kind of artificial intelligence is more rigorous in choosing timing than ordinary humans.

After all, what they are going through now is the logic operation on the core. To choose a suitable place, they will definitely calculate various possibilities.

If you just do it directly, there are too many variables and it is too rough.

Therefore, Yanuo is not worried that Qinya will attack him at this time.

Of course, if Yanuo was thinking too much about all this, in fact, Qinya didn't know anything and didn't betray her, then that would be a great thing.

It's just that Yano doesn't really believe that such a good thing will happen to him. After all, in his whole life, no, it should be said that since he entered this building, he has never encountered any good things.

"...Where are we going now?"

Although he didn't have much doubt about Qinya, Yanuo would still ask about the things that should be asked.

[About this matter, you don't have to worry, just follow what I said. 】

【I've already arranged everything. There's no problem. You should be safe when you get there. Now it's a race against time. There's no time to pick and choose. 】

Qinya did not answer Yanuo's question directly, but said this to Yano.

Her tone may have changed, or it may be the same tone, appearing very indifferent.

This kind of indifference seems to be the same as before, and there seems to be some faint difference, anyway, Yano can't feel anything for the time being.

Since Qinya didn't want to say anything, Yanuo didn't ask any more questions.

He just hoped that the "arranged" in Qinya's mouth was not about his own destiny.

If that time comes, Yano's evaluation of artificial intelligence will become lower.

The large net laid out after precise calculations must not be so simple to see, and it must be seen until the last moment.

If artificial intelligence can't even do this, then what face does it have to call itself "intelligent"?
...Of course, if the artificial intelligence is really so stupid, what awaits Yano is really an ambush by a large number of soldiers.

Well, Yano also has a solution.

As long as the identity card is replaced, everything can be easily solved.

As for exposure?As long as everyone is killed and Qinya's server cloud is destroyed, won't it be exposed?

As for the terminal that is synchronized to the empire, Qinya is an artificial intelligence of an independent department, not the central artificial intelligence of the empire. If it wants to synchronize, it must go through various verifications.

With that time, it was enough for Jarno to set the server on fire.

Therefore, Yano is not panicking at all now.

Although he felt very tired at this time, it didn't mean that Yano didn't have the slightest ability to resist.

The reason why he looks weak now is because Arno doesn't want to expose it.

As long as the face is torn apart, there are many things that Yano can do.

At that time, Yano doesn't need to have any worries.


Speechless all the way.

In Yanuo's thoughts, and in Qinya's silence.

The two got on the elevator, and Qinya asked Yanuo to press the button on the top floor.

"What do you mean? What are we doing on the top floor?"

After the intense exercise, Yano was still blushing and breathless, which made Qinya look sideways at Yano slightly.

【That is our temporary destination, someone is waiting for you there. 】

[There is no need to ask too much, I have already arranged everything, you just need to get there to be safe. 】

Qin Ya said so.

Yano's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Qinya's words.

Listening to Qinya's current words, it doesn't seem like an artificial intelligence whose role is to serve human beings.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is an uncle.

Yanuo felt that Qinya's personality must be the worst among artificial intelligence.

But this point, Yanuo will not say it, otherwise, he will be choked by Qinya again, if that happens, things will become more troublesome.

Yano Ke is not free enough to have time to line up with an artificial intelligence.


With a soft bang, the elevator door slowly opened.

Yano looked back at the elevator with thoughtful eyes.

【What are you thinking? 】

Yano was obviously not allowed to ask, but Qinya herself called Huan for asking.

"I was just wondering why such a backward device is used in this place."

"Shouldn't there be a better substitute for the elevator or something?"

Yanuo answered Qinya's question.

Anyway, it's not a big deal, and it doesn't matter.

[This elevator was not prepared by the security department, but the building itself. When the security department came in, they only made some necessary repairs to the elevator. 】

[Maybe they think that there is no need to use an overly efficient device. After all, in the group task, the groups do not communicate frequently, and it is more in line with the wishes of the security department. 】

Qin Ya replied lightly.

Arno nodded knowingly.

In the final analysis, it is just to limit the scope of people's activities.

People nowadays are used to that kind of high-speed life, facing this slow elevator, I am afraid no one would be willing to take it.

【Follow the direction I said. 】

Qinya said softly to Yano at this time.

[Although the surrounding area looks very ordinary, it is also filled with all kinds of establishments. If you go wrong, your life may have to be accounted for in this place. 】

When Yano heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

In this place, it is clear that there is no one coming and going, and no group has a task here, yet a mechanism is still arranged.

I don't know if the people in the security department are full.

It's not their own money that is spent on feelings, is it?

So it's such a waste, just arrange organs everywhere on the first floor and forget it!
" should I go?"

Although he was upset, Yanuo had no choice but to follow what Qinya said at this time.

[First, move forward, and after about five steps, you will come to the sixth brick. There is a flower carved on the brick, which is very recognizable. You step on the flower three times, and then take two steps to the left. 】

[After that, there are still some steps. 】

Qinya spoke calmly.

Listening to her words, Yano felt that his cognition had been refreshed.

"You really redefine the word 'some'."

That is no longer some level, the complexity is beyond the table.

(End of this chapter)

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