Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 195 Calculation

Chapter 195 Calculation
But since the monsters have been handed over to these corpses.

So it's useless to be unhappy in this place now.

Apart from the matter of this monster, it's not that Yano has other things.

The most important thing is that until now, Yano still hasn't got the information about those experimental subjects.

"Since the matter of the monster has been handed over to these corpses, then I don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Time to get busy with the really important things."

Having said that, Arno sighed slightly.

He was getting more and more tired. If he couldn't find any information about those experimental subjects this time, he would have to rest for a while.

However, there is no supply in this place, and I am afraid that it will have little effect on the recovery of physical strength.

However, there is no way to do this. In this situation, Yano has no choice.

If you don't want to rest in this place, you can only pray that you can find that document at this time.

"Bang bang... ping ping pong pong... dang dang dang..."

Walking to the door, such voices came from Arno's ears.

Although it sounds a little messy, Yano can still clearly distinguish that it is the sound of fighting.

Arno may mishear any sound, but it is absolutely impossible for Arno to distinguish the sound of fighting.

This should be those corpses fighting monsters.

They can last for so long, which Yano did not expect.


Yano didn't go in immediately, but continued to listen for a while.He wanted to wait for these corpses to cause more damage to the monster.

At that time, he can easily harvest the monster's head.

Although the monster's injuries recovered quickly, the damage caused by those corpses would not last long.

However, the more relaxed you can be, the more relaxed you are.

Arno didn't dislike this at all.

However, after continuing to listen for a while, Yano frowned.

These voices gradually gave Yano a feeling that something was wrong as he listened to them for more time.

There seemed to be a sense of disobedience among these fighting sounds.

It's as if... restrained.

"……what happened?"

Arno frowned tightly. 1
Whether it is a corpse or those monsters, they are people who cannot keep their hands. How could they give Yano such a feeling of restraint?
There must be something in it that Arno doesn't know.

"Think about it in this place..."

Arno stood still and took a deep breath.

Then, lift your foot and push hard—bang!

With a loud bang, the door of the room was roughly kicked open by Arno.

Instead of thinking too much about this place, it is better to see it with your own eyes, and then the truth of the matter will naturally become clear.

"...This is, what's going on?"

The door opened.

After the thick dust rose and then dispersed, Arno finally saw clearly what happened inside.

Immediately, Yano fell into deep disbelief.

What happened in this room was somewhat different from what Arno had imagined.

There is no fighting between corpses and monsters at all, only corpses and corpses.

The two corpses were responsible for pretending to fight and making some noises, while the other corpse smashed all the jars that originally contained the experimental questions.

A potion of unknown composition flowed on the ground, making the entire floor of the room wet.

"I looked at it before, and there were obviously only two corpses. Where did this one come from?"

Almost as soon as the words came out, Yano understood the truth.

"……I see."

This corpse didn't come in with it, but it was here from the very beginning.

The abnormal noise that Arno heard before was not caused by those monsters, but was deliberately made by this corpse that was originally in this place.

The purpose is to let his companions have legitimate reasons to come in.

Then these fighting sounds are all to cover up the sound of smashing jars.

— was counted.

Arno quickly understood this.

And why the previous Qinya scan didn't find this corpse, it's also very simple.

At that time, besides the monster, wasn't there something else that was scanned out?
That is the extra corpse.

And this corpse was resurrected from the laboratory along with the crystal monster, not from Qisaki.

However, it doesn't matter.

Most likely, this corpse was also controlled by Nanasaki.

In this laboratory, whether it is hidden or appeared, as long as it is a corpse, it can be manipulated by Nanasaki.

As for that monster, Nanasaki specially came to kill it in order not to disturb her plan.

"...That makes sense."

Arno murmured.

And the reason why the corpse didn't smash the jars directly from the beginning was because Arno was very sensitive to these sounds at that time.

If Arno heard the sound of the jar being smashed, he would rush in desperately.

At that point, they're exposed.

"...This is really an incomparably wonderful calculation."

Arno murmured.

But, he still couldn't figure it out a little bit.

Why did Nanasaki break these jars?

"...Could it be..."

A possibility flashed through my mind for a moment.

Yano's pupils shrank suddenly.

If that's the case, it's over.

These corpses must be killed, no matter whether Yano's guess is correct or not, these corpses must be killed directly.

He couldn't afford the loss of speculation becoming fact.


With the sound of the sword, the silver light flashed in the air like a silver dragon.

Yano's sword is very fast, especially at this time, his sword is even faster.

However, no matter how fast the sword is, there are things it cannot do.

No matter how sharp a sword is, it cannot take time.

And time, at this time, is not on Arno's side, but on the other side.

The moment Yano drew his sword, a corpse threw something at the potion on the ground below.

It was a small pill, and Arno knew exactly what it was.

His blade immediately turned around and slashed towards that place, but there was still a distance between the opponent and Arno.

His sword is fast, but the blade is too short.

It will take time for the sword to see the corpse.

And at this time, it was obvious that Arnold had no extra time.

——The sword fell to nothing.

This is the first time Yano's sword failed.

...and the last time.

It's just that the failure at this time made Yano very angry.

Angrier than ever.


A loud bang.

Flames bloomed from the experimental subject's room.

The potion all over the floor was used as a combustion aid by the flames.

The entire laboratory was instantly dazzling like daylight.

(End of this chapter)

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