Chapter 162

Although the surrounding enemies are incomplete and incomplete.

However, this does not mean that they are completely non-threatening to Yano.

Under normal circumstances, Yano should also be alert to the attacks of these people. After all, there are too many ants and elephants can be killed. Arrogance is the shortest shortcut to death.

Therefore, even during the attack, he did not put all his energy on the attack, but reserved this part of his energy for defense.

The purpose is to avoid accidents from happening.

Originally, this was just a precautionary move, but at this time, it played a role.


Almost at the moment when Arno lost his vision, he heard waves of whistling wind coming from his ears.

It was the sound of weapons piercing the air.With intuition, Yano could understand that those weapons were coming towards him.

If Yano hadn't made any defensive preparations, he must be helpless at this time, and there is no other way but to be beaten passively.

But, fortunately, he was prepared.

The moment the sound of piercing sounded, Yano raised his arm.

Then, there was the sound of metal clashing.

Even if he defended, after all, Yano was still in the current state, so he was inevitably at a disadvantage.

Under the opponent's attack, Yano felt a huge force reaching his arm.

With a slight sound, Yano knew that there should be a gap in his arm.

"Fortunately, it's just a gap, not a direct interruption."

"Otherwise, under this identity, I have nothing else to do."

"Is this a blessing among misfortunes?"

At this moment, Yano was still teasing himself in his heart.

However, after all, Yano quickly calmed down.

Then, he began to think about a question.

"Although these corpses are not complete, they are not as powerful as the previous monsters."

"However, they know how to use weapons, which is a little troublesome."

If it was under the normal situation before, this would naturally be nothing to Yano.

But obviously, this is not a normal situation.

His vision hadn't recovered much, but his arm was injured, and his combat effectiveness was partially weakened.

Under such circumstances, Yano had to try to fight back while avoiding the attack of the weapon, which was a bit too embarrassing.

"This body is too weak, and what I can do is very limited."

Yano once again dodged the attack of a corpse relying on his intuition, thinking silently in his heart.

"It's not okay to be like this. If I continue like this, I'm finished."

Of course, there is no way to escape, as long as Yano changes his identity card at this time, all problems will be solved.

However, Yanuo really didn't want to change his identity in front of Qinya. If he looked like that, no matter how stupid the artificial intelligence was, he would find that his identity was wrong.

At this point, Yano should still avoid it.

Although Qinya has helped Yanuo a lot, she is still the artificial intelligence of this place, and all authority is controlled by these people.

Yanuo's trust in her has always been non-existent.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Yano to be willing to just expose himself if he is not in a situation where he must die.

"It's still early, I still have a lot of opportunities."

"Only in a truly desperate situation can I reveal my own identity."

Arno thought to himself.

However, even though he thought so, facing the current situation, Arnold still didn't have a good solution.

To be honest, at this time, Arno had already spent a lot of energy just trying to dodge the continuous attacks, and he didn't have much energy to fight back.

"If it goes on like this for a while, I'm going to burn out sooner or later."

Rao is Arno, in terms of physical strength, he can't compare with these monsters who can never run out of energy.

These people are like perpetual motion machines that never know how to get tired. As long as their heads are not cut off, they can continue to run.


Arnold sighed involuntarily.

In the past, he had a lot of smooth sailing, but he couldn't play against the wind.

"Since entering this building, it seems that I have not been going well."

Arno thought to himself.

[You seem to have encountered some troubles. 】

At this moment, Qinya's voice rang in Yano's ear.

Of course, it's not because Yanuo's voice reached Qinya, after all, Rao is an artificial intelligence, and it doesn't have such advanced functions.

The reason why Qinya knew Yanuo was troubled was because she could see it.

She is not living in Yano's heart, but on his shoulders, so she is naturally visible.

"Thank you for your kind reminder."

"With this time, can I trouble you to think of a way?"

The corner of Yanmo's mouth twitched, and he said to Qinya speechlessly.

Is there anyone now who understands his troubles better than himself?
[Don't worry, leave everything to me. 】

[When you were fighting, I didn't think of any solutions. 】

Qinya replied like this.

Of course, even though she said that, she didn't reveal anything about her previous thinking.

"Oh, I'm so glad you said that, so can you tell me directly what is the solution to the current predicament?"

"After all, you have seen it too. I really don't have time to chat with you in my current situation."

While speaking, Yano lowered his head and once again dodged an attack.

However, although he escaped this attack, Yano lost some of his hair.

Fortunately, these are not his hair.

As long as he regains his true identity, his hair will grow back on its own.

[About this, it's easy to handle. 】

[I have searched, and in this laboratory, there is something that can solve the current situation. 】

Qinya said.

"So, if you have anything, you can say it directly, don't keep it up!"

"Now is not the time for guessing lantern riddles. I want you to solve my current situation quickly."

"It's not good for your artificial intelligence to sell it!"

Yano gritted his teeth and said.

Now he clearly knows how ugly his own voice is now.

After all, it was almost like a sound squeezed out of teeth.

However, at this time, Yano couldn't take care of so much anymore.

Now he could clearly feel that his physical strength was rapidly draining.

If the current situation is not resolved quickly, Arno will become a fish on the cutting board.

he doesn't want this

"If I have a chance to meet Laiya later, I must ask her to change this useless artificial intelligence from beginning to end."

"I was an idiot when I thought she wouldn't mess up at critical times."

Yano made complaints frantically in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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