Chapter 90 First Battle
After the group left the dormitory, they walked towards their respective classrooms.

Nangong Yi is still very interested in today's lesson.

Because in addition to the actual combat course today, there will also be a combat agility taught.

When Nangong Yi came to the classroom, the classroom was already full of people.

When they came, Nangong Yi and the others took advantage of their free time to have breakfast, so although they were not late, they were a bit late.

The class that Nangong Yi is in is the No. 20 class of the Outer Sect, and it is also a newly opened class. There are 56 students in the class including Nangong Yi.

Since everyone is a disciple promoted from the inner gate of the outer courtyard, the cultivation base is the same, and they are all in the early stage of the solid alchemy state.

A disciple like Nangong Yi, who didn't even reach the Alchemy Realm, seemed particularly abrupt here!

Everyone has their own guesses, but without exception, they generally don't have a good impression of Nangong Yi, but there are also many people who think that he has a big relationship behind him and want to curry favor with him.

Since everyone didn't know the basics, it had been more than a week, but no one came to trouble Nangong Yi.

When he came to his seat and sat down, Nangong Yi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Huh, you made a breakthrough again?" Although Nangong Yi didn't speak, a burly fat man not far from his seat said in surprise.

Hearing this, Nangong Yi turned his head to look at the person who spoke. This person Nangong Yi didn't have any bad feelings towards him. Hearing his words, he responded, "Well, I made a breakthrough in the training room yesterday."

"Wow, your breakthrough speed is really fast!" The burly fat man said in surprise, but his voice was deliberately lowered a lot.

"Well, the teacher is here!" Nangong Yi hummed lightly and reminded.

Accompanied by the sound of a bell, a lean middle-aged man in a light blue robe walked in, as if from far away.
He is about 35 years old, his sideburns are slightly bald, his eyebrows are thick and neat, and his dark eyes flash a bright light from time to time, which cannot be ignored.

Although he looked as if he was weak, no one would think that he was a weak person due to the icy aura emanating from him.

This person is the teacher of Nangong Yi's class, Qing Yang, a monk in the early stage of Transforming God Realm.

The moment Qing Yang walked to the lecture hall and stood up, the whole class stood up almost at the same time, and said respectfully.

"Hello teacher!"

Qing Yang nodded when he heard the words, looked around for a week with eyes full of wisdom, finally stopped on Nangong Yi, and said lightly: "That's right, we have broken through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment so quickly."

"Thank you Master Qing for your concern!" Nangong Yi heard that he stood up again, leaning slightly and said.

"Well, all of you have to work hard to practice. After half a year, you will have a college assessment. I hope you can all achieve a satisfactory result by then!" Qing Yang said lightly.

"What I'm going to talk about today is very simple, but it's also very important to you, so listen carefully!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

"I think you should all know what I'm going to teach you today." Qing Yang looked at the students in the audience and asked.

"I know, what I'm going to teach us today is the Star Breaking Footwork!"

"That's right, what I'm going to teach you today is the Star Breaking Footwork." Qing Yang formally began to give them a lecture, "The Star Breaking Footwork is a mysterious advanced skill. After practicing it to the extreme, it is invisible and invisible, as fast as a shooting star , besides being able to quickly dodge through bursts in battle, this body technique also has a very strong lethality!"

At this moment, Qing Yang suddenly paused for a while, and then continued to speak: "Of course, while having a fast burst, it consumes a lot of energy compared to you who are weak in cultivation. But if you are kicked by Xing Sui If the opponent is a cultivator who specializes in defense, then in the same realm, if he is kicked by Xing Sui, he will lose most of his combat power in an instant."

"What questions do you have now?" Qing Yang looked at the crowd with yearning faces, and asked calmly.

"Teacher Qing, I don't understand something very well, and I have doubts!" ​​At this time, an outstanding-looking woman in the class raised her hand and said softly.

Her voice was nice and cold, as if it contained no emotion.

Qing Yang looked up, nodded, and said slowly: "Well, it's because of the last sentence?"

Without hesitation, the woman nodded and said, "Yes."

"Because when Xingshai attacked the enemy, he did not use brute force, but internal force! What he brought to the enemy was not external injury, but an irresistible injury from the inside out!" Qing Yang responded to the woman's doubts. Patiently explained.

"Furthermore, Star Shard has an ice-cold attribute. As long as this cold air successfully penetrates into the enemy's body, it can slow down the enemy's speed to a certain extent and increase the chance of winning the battle by one point!"

"Thank you Master Qing for your explanation, Wanyan understands!" Wanyan bowed and thanked.

"Well, let's all come together and go to the martial arts arena!" Qing Yang said leisurely, flicking his sleeves lightly.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Under Qing Yang's leadership, everyone in class 29 followed Qing Yang and walked towards the martial arts arena in an orderly manner.

The training arena for the outer disciples and inner disciples of Tianshui Academy is shared, but to be honest, the martial arts arena is actually for the outer disciples, and the disciples of the inner courtyard basically don't go to the martial arts arena.

When the group of them came to the Martial Arts Field, there were only scattered people from a few classes in the Martial Arts Field.

This martial arts arena is very large, and there is absolutely no problem in accommodating nearly ten thousand people.

The division of local areas is also very clear. There are no less than a dozen arenas on the edge of the martial arts arena for the disciples in the courtyard to challenge each other.

There are also a lot of training equipment on the martial arts field, such as various weapons, wooden dummy piles made of special materials, sandbags, etc.

"You guys organize your formation first." Qing Yang's faint voice sounded, and everyone including Nangong Yi started to move at this moment.

Arrange quickly according to the formation of the previous class.

Due to his height and cultivation, Nangong Yi was the lowest, so the position he was assigned was naturally not that good.

Nangong Yi didn't particularly care about this,

Anyway, he could hear and see all the content, without any loss, but because of his own weak strength, he was often able to get Qing Yang's small talk from time to time.

"Very good. Next, I will tell you about this broken step." Qing Yang's voice was not loud, but everyone in class 29 could hear his words clearly.

"Star Breaking Body Technique, as the name suggests, the method is as its name suggests, according to the records in the exercise, if it is cultivated to a high level, even a star that falls to the ground can be kicked to pieces.

Of course, don't speculate too much, this is just a record, and the real effect will definitely not be achieved. "

(End of this chapter)

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