Chapter 7 Apprenticeship
"How about this, you worship me as your teacher, and I will teach you skills!" Yao Chen looked at Lin Yi and asked tentatively.

Regarding accepting apprentices, although Yao Chen had some resistance in his heart.

But for Ji Dong, apart from his own alchemy and some exercises, there is really nothing that can match Ji Dong's request.

Although he doesn't have the Heaven-level exercises, he still knows a little about the Earth-level exercises.

To teach Ji Dong, a young genius who is only a small town in the northwest mainland, Yao Chen thinks that there is no problem.

It's his own alchemy technique, which Ji Yi probably won't be able to learn, after all, judging from the fighting spirit emitted by the other party just now.

It is estimated that the spiritual roots contained in the body are ice-attributed spiritual roots, and the most basic requirement for becoming a pharmacist is fire-attributed spiritual roots with a trace of wood-attributed spiritual roots.

Obviously, Ji Dong didn't meet the most basic requirements, so he had no chance to become a pharmacist.

"I don't want it, you are too weak, and you have nothing, and you don't know anything!
You are like this, you have no skills, why should I ask you to be my teacher?
Learning how to coax little ones? "For Yao Chen's proposal, Lin Yi was happy in his heart, but on the surface he dismissed it, curling his lips in disgust.

"You know what a fart, but this old man comes from the Zhongzhou Continent, where there are so many strong people, and he has many years of experience and experience in life.

Just because of my status as a ninth-grade pharmacist, even an ordinary Dou Sheng would respectfully call me Yao Lao when he saw me!
Why should I know nothing?

Why can't I be your master! "Yao Chen was so angry by Ji Dong that he almost beat him to death, pointing at his own face with an angry face, and said word by word.

Seeing this, Lin Yi stopped procrastinating, and immediately went down the donkey, reluctantly said: "Hey, for the sake of being so pitiful, I will be merciful and reluctantly agree to let you be my registered master!"

Yao Chen automatically ignored the words "reluctant" and "registered name" in Lin Yi's words, and said calmly with black lines on his face, "Let's do the apprentice ceremony now!"

Although a man has gold under his knees, is this considered a problem for Lin Yi who has traveled through the 21st century?Besides, it is still a matter of apprenticeship and study.

Without further ado, Lin Yi clasped his hands into fists on the spot, bowed at a [-]-degree angle and said, "Master, please be respected by disciples!"

Regarding the matter of Lin Yi's wrong salute, Yao Chen didn't intend to get too deep into it.

Since Ji Dong has such an attitude, it's no wonder that he never faxed it when he taught it.

"Well, get up, from now on you will be my Yaochen's disciple.

I hope you will study hard in the future, and strive to step into the Zhongzhou Continent as soon as possible and make a name for yourself.

If there is anything you don't understand about cultivation, you can ask the old man. "

Lin Yi got up when he heard the words, rubbed his eyes and said, "Good master, it's getting late today and I'm a little sleepy. Let's have a rest early. We'll talk about things tomorrow."

Speaking of which, Ji Dong put the ring on the table beside the bed, jumped on the bed, lay down and pulled it, and was ready to sleep.

Seeing Ji Dong's appearance, Yao Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and reluctantly went back into the ring.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Yi was woken up early by a knock on the door.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, and muttered indistinctly: "Who, do you want to live in the morning?"

The sound of knocking on the door cautiously stopped immediately after Ji Dong's voice fell.

After Lin Yi half-closed his eyes and opened the door, he saw the trembling maid standing outside the door with a pale face.

Tears flashed in his eyes, as if he was about to cry.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Lin Yi didn't have much emotion, and said in a flat tone.

"Young Patriarch, Madam Madam asked you to have breakfast." Although she was afraid, the maid finished speaking tremblingly as if stuttering.

She didn't beg for mercy, because almost everyone in the Lin family knew about it all these years.

In front of Ji Dong, it's best not to ask for mercy when you do something wrong, because if you don't ask for mercy, you will be beaten at most, but if you cry endlessly and beg for mercy.

Then those who greet them will lose their lives!

Lin Yi frowned and stared at the maid for about a minute. Just when the maid was about to collapse, he withdrew his gaze, turned around and said, "Understood, step back, pass later!"

The maid bowed gratefully as if she had received the words of amnesty, and said, "Thank you, young patriarch, this servant will leave now."

After speaking, the maid quickly left here as if fleeing without looking back.

At this time, Yao Lao couldn't help but came out, teasingly said: "I can't see it, the majesty is quite high, it seems to scare the little girl."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at Yao Lao, and said speechlessly: "No rules, no rules. In the Lin family, my words are the rules, and there is one rule in my rules. If there is nothing urgent in the early morning, don't knock on my door.

After all, as the only handsome man in the Douqi Continent, it is very important to pay attention to sleep, and it is very important to wake up naturally after sleeping.

With Master being as handsome as you are, you should know about it, right? "

Yao Lao was speechless when he heard the words, and expressed contempt for Ji Dong's shameless behavior in his heart, but he had to follow his words, otherwise he would admit that he was ugly!

"Hehe, apprentice, what you said is indeed somewhat reasonable."

Regarding Yao Lao's words, Lin Yi was delighted. This was just a frightening remark. He didn't expect Yao Lao to be as thick-skinned as himself.

But one thing is true, Yao Lao's current appearance is still the same as when he was young, he is indeed very handsome!
But compared to Ji Dong, it is much worse.

Although Lin Fan, Lin Yi's father, looks ordinary, but Lin Yi's mother is extremely beautiful, just like the fairy who descended from the palace that day.

Whenever Ji Dong thought of this, he would feel sorry for his mother.

How come it's cheaper than my father, a toad.

Thinking of his good looks, it's a good thing Liu Hanyan is casual, otherwise the days to come will be gloomy.

In fact, Lin Fan's looks are not bad, but standing with Liu Hanyan, it's not good, the difference is too big.

"What's your plan for today? If you don't have one, I'll teach you a set of kung fu with no upper limit." Yao Lao straightened his mind, stroked his beard and thought.

Although Yao Lao decided to keep his hand, it is impossible to teach Ji Dong some unknown skills, which will only lose his own face.

So he was going to teach Jiong Yi a set of rankless skills that he got in a ruin when he was young.

There is no upper limit to the rank of this set of exercises, and the rank of the exercises can be improved by devouring different fires.

In fact, it just enables the cultivator to smelt more different fires.

If it is really like what is recorded in the exercise, then as long as the absorbed and refined abnormal fire is stronger and the quantity is larger, the damage that will erupt when the exercise is performed will be greater, and the damage is not limited by the rank at all. .

Therefore, as long as the luck is strong enough, the stronger and more fire seeds you get, and all of them are successfully integrated, absolutely, its future achievements are limitless.

(End of this chapter)

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