Chapter 33
With the swing of the long sword in Ji Dong's hand.

After a while, a deep pit with a width of two meters and a depth of about five meters appeared on the ground.

The neat stones were shattered by the storm above Ji Yi's long sword, and drifted to the periphery of the deep pit in an orderly manner.

At Ji Dong's level, fetching objects from space couldn't be easier, especially after learning to suck palms, such things as fetching objects from space can be said to be more handy.

Originally, sucking palm was just a high-level mysterious-level fighting skill, but after Ji Yi combined the skills rewarded by the system with the characteristics of sucking palm, the new fighting skill "Ice Wind Traction" was obtained, and the rank directly broke through the mysterious level. , reached the elementary level.

Ji Dong controlled the stone chair and the dead bones on it, keeping them motionless and moving them into the deep pit.

Immediately, the rocks and sand around the deep pit were all filled into the deep pit as if they were being pulled.

But it filled most of the deep hole in an instant.

Looking at the result in front of him, Ji Dong nodded, and led the little doctor to the outside of the cave.

When he walked out of the cave, Ji Dong slammed his palm on the ceiling of the cave.

With a bang, the cave quickly collapsed under Ji Dong's blow.

At the same time, Ji Dong and Xiao Yixian appeared outside the cave in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi hugged the little fairy doctor and stood in the air.

Facing the collapsed cave, he slammed down again with his palm, and then said: "Now no one will disturb him to clean up. I guess it's according to his wish."

The little fairy doctor hugged Ji Dong with a ruddy complexion, buried her face on Ji Dong's chest, sniffed with her little nose, and a faint scent of flowers was inhaled by the little doctor fairy, making her face even more rosy up.

Ji Dong hugged the little fairy doctor, and quickly flew towards the sky.

Because the stand is very high, the view is relatively far.

Ji Dong unexpectedly saw two simple thatched huts on an inaccessible mountain, very close to the top of the mountain.

With the idea of ​​taking a look, Lin Yi hugged the little doctor and disappeared at the place where the cliff was.

Soon they came to the edge of the cliff with two thatched huts.

The little fairy doctor had already recovered his senses at this time, looked at the place where the two of them were, and the familiar thatched cottage, and couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

Some curiously said: "How do you know this place?"

Lin Yi: "I just discovered it when I was flying.

what happened?
Is there something wrong here? "

The little fairy doctor hesitated for three seconds, then quickly said: "This is where I live."

Lin Yi: "."

He looked at the little fairy doctor as if looking at a fool, and said speechlessly: "Even if you don't know where this is, you wouldn't fool me like a fool, right?
Besides, do I look so silly?
So much so that you actually think that such a lie can deceive me? "

The little fairy doctor blushed a little when Lin Yi saw it, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, I mean, this is the place where I lived when I mixed the poison.

Because there are so many ear wires in Wan Yao Zhai, it is inconvenient for me to mix these poisons there.

That's why I built two simple thatched huts on the edge of the cliff of this mountain. "

Ji Dong raised his eyebrows after listening to Xiao Yixian's explanation. Is there such a thing?

Maybe it is in the original book, but I probably just skipped this big paragraph when I read it.

Lin Yi: "It's so far away from Qingshan Town, and it's in the Warcraft Mountain Range, don't you find it troublesome and dangerous?"

Little Fairy Doctor: "No, I have a friend who can fly!"

This Ji Yi knew that the Little Doctor Fairy in the original book did have such a first-order flying monster friend.

It seems to be called an eagle.

"In that case, it would be great. Let's live here these days, and I'll teach you how to practice." Lin Yi looked at the surrounding scenery and said with satisfaction.

Because this place is on the edge of a cliff, but because the little doctor often lives here, he brought back a lot of flowers and plants from outside and planted it here.

The neat and orderly flowers, as well as a small pool, among the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, make the scenery here extraordinarily beautiful.

"That. That's fine." The little fairy doctor hesitated at first when he heard the words, but when he saw Ji Yi's handsome face, the words that he wanted to refuse disappeared instantly without a trace.

The little fairy doctor: "Then let me tidy up the room first, it's a bit messy."

Lin Yi: "Mmm, good!"

After the little fairy doctor left, a white soul body appeared beside Lin Yi, looked at the back of the little doctor fairy, smiled at Lin Yi and said, "Yi'er, didn't you say you want to go back to the cloud?" Lan Zong, why did you return to the Warcraft Mountains, who is the little girl there, she is actually Enanpoison!"

Lin Yi was not surprised when he saw Yao Lao came out, and he replied casually: "I met her on the way back to the sect. She was in some danger at that time, so I helped her solve it.

Then he found out that the other party was actually an Enandu body, so he thought a little bit carefully.

If it is cultivated, it will definitely become a great help to me in the future! "

Yao Lao said with a heavy expression on his face, "This Enan poisonous body is not a joke, every time the poison erupts, even the strongest fighters can hardly resist it!

And after the outbreak, the coverage area is extremely wide, and a little carelessness will cause a large number of casualties. "

Ji Dong nodded and said: "I know this, I happen to have a Poison Sutra that can be practiced by the Enan Poison Body, since I can't completely solve the Enan Poison Body on the other party, then I will control it through constant contact.

I believe she can do it! "

Yao Lao was a little surprised when he heard the words. The surprise was not because Ji Dong actually had a poison scripture for Ernan Duti to practice, but why Ji Yi had such confidence in a little girl whom he had known not long ago.

"By the way, master, besides the Enandu body, the little doctor is also a pharmacist. If you are interested, you can also teach her some pharmacist knowledge!" A famous ninth-grade pharmacist must know the knowledge of pharmacists like the back of his hand.

If he could teach the little fairy doctor some medicinal principles, the damage caused by the little doctor's cultivation of the Poison Sutra will definitely be even higher.

At least it doesn't have to be like the original book, Xiao Yan is about to become an emperor, and the little doctor is just a poisonous venerable who has just stepped into the Dou Zun.

As for the nickname of the poisonous girl, it was too ugly. Lin Yi said that he couldn't remember such an ugly and awkward title.

Yao Lao nodded and replied, "Okay! As long as she is willing to learn, she will study hard and study hard to become a teacher, and she will not be stingy with this little knowledge."

(End of this chapter)

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