Chapter 295
"Hahaha, regret it? Don't worry, I, Ye Feng, will never regret it!" Ye Feng laughed when he heard this, regretting it is impossible to regret it, and if he really regrets it, then killing him is the same.

"After you recover, I welcome you to challenge at any time, as long as I have time!" Ye Feng looked down at Qin Tian and said sincerely.

After Qin Tian heard the words for a while, his complicated emotions gradually calmed down. Looking at Ye Feng's confident young face, he said slowly: "Since you are so confident, well, after my body recovers, I will be sure when we meet again. Ask you for advice!"

When Qin Tian said this sentence, he felt a little bitter in his heart.

I don't know why, but he always has a feeling that maybe he may not be able to keep up with Ye Feng's progress in the future, and whether he is still qualified to fight Ye Feng in the future has become an unknown.

Then Yu Huatian came out.

Now the top ten candidates have been completely determined.

"The competition for Tianjiao's ranking in the last part of Beiming Secret Realm is officially over!"

"Congratulations to the following Tianjiao for receiving ranking rewards!"

No.1 Ye Feng on the Tianjiao list: reward 10000 points

No. 2 Qin Tian in the Tianjiao list: 8000 points

No.3 Zhu Zhishan in Tianjiao list: 7000 points

No.4 Li Yunlong in Tianjiao list: 5000 points

No.5 Qi Dasheng: 4000 points

No.6 Sun Xiaotian: 2000 points

No.7 Liu Yihua on the Tianjiao List: 2000 points

No.8 Zhang Moming: 2000 points

No.9 Xiao Baitian on the Tianjiao List: 2000 points

No.10 on the Tianjiao list Zeng 2000st floor: [-] points

Although it is true that Qin Tian lost to Ye Feng, it also shows Qin Tian's strength from the side!

So after confirming that Ye Feng is number one, if Qin Tian is not dead, he will automatically be the undisputed number two.

Ranking down is absolutely fair!

There is no dispute!

As the names of Ye Feng, Qin Tian and others rang in everyone's ears, the battle for the ranking of Tianjiao was officially over.

"Next, Young Master Yi, please come and talk to everyone. Listen carefully!" After Yu Huatian finished announcing, he knew that some professional matters still needed Nangong Yi to explain to everyone in person, so he signaled.

Nangong Yi already knew about this link yesterday, so he didn't feel any surprise after hearing Yu Huatian's words at this moment, so he stood up, and under the adoring gaze of everyone, he jumped lightly and came to the final stage. above the senior steps.

"Young Master Yi!"

"Young Master Yi!"

"Young Master Yi!"

Nangong Yi suppressed everyone's welcome, and went directly to the topic and said: "I believe everyone also wants to know about the hidden world sect. The marginal ones can also come closer so that they can hear more clearly."

As Nangong Yi's voice fell, many people quickly came to the place closest to Nangong Yi except for the top ten talents, and prepared to listen carefully to Nangong Yi's next speech.

Nangong Yi saw that the surroundings were already full of people, so he nodded and started.

"First of all, I want to talk about the hidden world sect I belong to."

"The hidden world sect I belong to is called Tianmen. I believe everyone has never heard of it, because our Tianmen has never appeared in front of outsiders, and has never even contacted the outside world."

"I believe you are also curious. Since Tianmen has never been in contact with the outside world, where is Tiantianmen located?"

"If you have read very old ancient books, you should have seen news about the Hidden World Sect, but there are no detailed records, and some are just such insignificant and inconspicuous short paragraphs, so many people don't know Pay attention to this matter, thinking that the hidden world sect is long gone!"

"Actually, your thinking is wrong. The Hidden World Sect has always existed. The reason why you have never seen or even heard of it is because the overall strength of our Hidden World Sect has long surpassed what the world can achieve. The limit, and found a brand new world that is safer and more abundant in profound strength, back then the ancestors of the sect used their strong strength as the foundation to open up a brand new living space."

"The reason why you haven't seen us is because the members of our Hidden World Sect all lived in the new world created by our ancestors and were never born, so it is naturally impossible for you to have heard of our existence!"

"Now, the restrictions set by the ancestors are about to be lifted, so our hidden sects will also join the world one after another, and get in touch with the sect forces in the mainland."

"All the sects of the hidden world have immortals sitting in the town. I don't need to say more about what an immortal is, right? An invincible existence standing at the top of the world!"

"I believe you all know my strength, but I'm just an ordinary outer disciple of Tianmen. This time I joined the WTO first to understand the outside world."

"I have to say that the resources of the outside world are really poor. The profound energy contained in the air is actually less than two-tenths of the secret books developed by our ancestors. It is really difficult for you."

"Furthermore, as far as I know, the highest-level exercises you practice are all earth-level exercises, and the sky-level exercises are probably only in the top power or the family power of Shenzhou, and the children of the direct line are eligible to practice. Bar?"

"In our Tianmen, the exercises practiced by the ordinary disciples who have just joined are the middle-level exercises of the heavens!"

"There are countless training resources!"

"Now according to our plan, our Tianmen will probably be the first hidden sect to be born!"

"At present, Tianmen is going to take the lead in spreading the influence of Zongmen all over the continent, so that there are Tianmen in all places on the mainland, so my mission here is also to recruit disciples for Tianmen."

"Next, let's talk about some practical things. If you are interested, you can listen to it."

"First of all, Tianmen recruits no matter who they are, as long as they pass the assessment, they can successfully become Tianmen's registered disciples.

Above the registered disciples are the outer disciples, followed by the inner disciples, core disciples, personal disciples and heavenly disciples!
The elders of Tianmen are all selected from the core disciples and direct disciples. Everyone has a chance, and the way of election is not based on connections, but only on strength. As long as you have strength, you meet the standards and meet the requirements, then you are eligible to apply Become the elder of Tianmen.

However, it is not that simple to be promoted from a named disciple to an outer disciple. You must first complete the entrance examination before you can become a named disciple.

Registered disciples are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Glory, King, and God-killing grades. Only after the title reaches the diamond level, can you be promoted to an outer disciple and enjoy the heaven-level exercises given by Tianmen for free One book, then there will be hundreds of celestial exercises for you to choose from!

At present, we will select some powerful Tianjiao in the mainland, and establish Tianmen halls in various parts of the mainland, so as to facilitate the connection of Tianmen's entry into the WTO in the future!

And if you are present here and won the top ten today, if you join our Tianmen, you will directly obtain the status of hall master and deputy hall master. This will be a great opportunity for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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