Chapter 230 Skeletons
It has to be said that Zeng Guang did have some tricks.

While his body is extremely fast, he is also merciless in his strikes. Anyone who can't make a move in his hands will be killed on the spot.

Soon, except for that Ji Honghai and Nangong Yi, no one was spared, and they were all killed by Zeng Guang's iron and blood methods.

Because Ji Honghai, who had been seriously injured by Zeng Guang's blow before, completely lost all his mobility, so he could only watch helplessly as Zeng Guang walked towards him step by step.

"They've already solved it, and it's your turn now!" Zeng Guang said to Ji Honghai with a smile on his face after squinting at Nangong Yi.

Knowing that he was doomed, Ji Honghai did not beg for mercy at this time, but looked at Zeng Guang who was walking towards him step by step with eyes full of killing intent and said coldly.

"My Ji family will never let you go!"

After Ji Honghai finished speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped looking at Zeng Guang.

Zeng Guang completely dismissed Ji Honghai's last threat before his death. With his current strength and talent, how could he be afraid of the Ji family? The whole family, this is not enough!

"Hehe, after I go out, I will let your Ji family be buried with you!"

After finishing speaking, Zeng Guang's profound strength erupted, and Ji Honghai was smashed to pieces with a punch.

After doing all this, he turned around and looked at the calm Nangong Yi jokingly.

To be honest, Nangong Yi's attitude and expression at this time made him feel very uncomfortable, but he was also a little curious, why Nangong Yi was not afraid of himself, and stood there like a fool when he had the opportunity to escape, without thinking at all. Intention to flee.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Zeng Guang suppressed his emotions and asked Nangong Yi curiously.

Hearing the words, Nangong Yi finally took the next step, instead of directly answering Zeng Guang's words, he asked calmly, "Still breaking the restriction?"

When Zeng Guang saw that Nangong Yi ignored his own words again and answered irrelevant questions, his heart became even more angry.

But soon he suppressed his urge to kill Nangong Yi immediately, and asked in a cold voice: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Nangong Yi looked up at Zeng Guang, and said impatiently, "You annoy me!"

"you wanna die!"

Nangong Yi's impatient and indifferent tone completely blew Zeng Guang up this time. With a ferocious face, he was writhing with dark energy all over his body, and the rich dark energy rattled his hair and clothes. There is also a circle of light golden Gang Qi condensed on the ground.

Seeing Zeng Guang let out an angry roar, he rushed towards Nangong Yi's face as soon as he took a step.

The speed is at least twice as fast as before!
It can be seen how much he wanted to kill Nangong Yi!

"Let you pretend for me, smash your face first, and make you an ugly ghost after death!" Zeng Guang's words were full of jealousy and resentment, and when he approached Nangong Yi, the strength in his hands increased again. point.

The lingering wind blows Nangong Yi's silver hair.

Faced with such a powerful blow from Zeng Guang, Nan Gongyi expressed that he could not even arouse any interest in fighting.

Zeng Guang's movements seem to be very fast, and his moves are also very majestic, but in Nangong Yi's eyes, they are full of loopholes, and even without confronting Zeng Guang head-on, Nangong Yi also has dozens of ways to easily deal with him. .

"Star Break!"

Seeing that Nangong Yi's legs gathered profound strength in an instant, he disappeared and appeared on the left side of Zeng Guang, and kicked Zeng Guang away viciously.

"It's a waste of time. After waiting for so long, I finally have to do it myself."

Nangong Yi appeared next to Zeng Guang again in a flash, and kicked him down to the ground, creating a huge deep hole.

Then he kept moving, and his kick fell from the sky and fell straight towards Zeng Guang's chest.

There was an explosion, sand and stones flew around, and waves of air swept from the place where the two were.

"Still crazy?"

As the dust cleared, Nangong Yi looked at Zeng Guang at his feet and said calmly.

At this time, Zeng Guang was severely injured by Nangong Yi's three strokes.

Nangong Yi's first kick directly broke Zeng Guang's spine, and the second kick broke all the ribs on his chest, especially the last kick, which directly shattered his internal organs.

At this time, Zeng Guang stopped talking, and even breathing had completely become a luxury.

The eyeballs are turned outward, and the face is full of fear and pain.

In any case, he never expected that Nangong Yi's strength would be so perverted. Even he who had already broken through to the Fusion Realm was directly crushed into a pulp in Nangong Yi's hands without any power to fight back.

Until the moment Nangong Yi's voice sounded, Zeng Guang was still unable to say a word, and the vitality began to dissipate rapidly.

When he noticed that Zeng Guang's vitality began to dissipate, Nangong Yi waved his hand and put away the three storage rings in Zeng Guang's hand.

However, Nangong Yi did not go to check what was inside the storage ring, but activated his profound power, sucking all the storage rings scattered around him to him, throwing them into the only one in his hand without even looking at them. In a storage ring with plenty of room.

After finishing the finishing work, Nangong Yi showed a look of relief on his face: "I have gained a lot, and I don't want to take your things for nothing."

Nangong Yi jumped high into the air, stayed in the air for a while, and made frequent movements with his hands, cracking the ground ten miles away in Fangyuan and turning it over.

"Take it as the body collection fee from you!"

After speaking, Nangong Yi used all his strength, broke the restriction with a palm, and walked into the palace.

It has to be said that the palace is dilapidated both outside and inside.

Residues are everywhere, obviously a long time ago, there have been several battles in the palace.

After discovering this situation, Nangong Yi stopped searching one by one, and walked quickly towards the main hall.

In general, important or valuable things will be placed in the best place.

Nangong Yi came to the main hall in a short while, he was dumbfounded by the emptiness of the hall.

There is simply nothing here!
The only thing that exists in the entire hall is a chair that seems to be made of some kind of... well, loess.

Sitting on the chair was a skeleton with a hair on its head.

When Nangong Yi saw the poor appearance inside, the few expectations in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he walked towards the skeleton with a face full of indifference.

Not for anything else, just because Nangong Yi found that the only valuable thing here might be the storage ring hanging on the index finger of the skeleton.

The further he walked, the more certain Nangong Yi was about the guess in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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