Chapter 222 People from Li Zong
Zhong Yurou was shy and lowered her head to look at Nangong Yi shyly, but after hearing Nangong Yi say that he was married, something seemed to shatter deep inside her heart.

Crisp and heart-wrenching!
The blush on his cheeks gradually faded, and there was a strong disappointment in his eyes.

But fortunately, Zhong Yurou is not a particularly fragile woman, and she will not really have a complete emotional breakdown because of such a thing. After all, she was ready to be rejected when she came here, and Nangong Yi was married. psychological preparation.

Therefore, although she felt very uncomfortable at this time, it was not out of control. She just felt that it was a pity that she had no destiny with Nangong Yi.

Now that the emotions have been ruthlessly hit, the next step is to invite the team to form a group.

Zhong Yurou quickly adjusted her inner emotions, a sincere and beautiful smile reappeared on her face, looked at Nangong Yi expectantly with her eyes, and said in an extremely gentle tone: "My lord, I see that you came here alone , entering the secret realm of stars alone is a very dangerous thing. The secret realm is full of ubiquitous crises. If you are not careful, you may hang your life by a thread or even be buried in the secret realm.

One more person means more power!
We have already formed a team of six people, and we will enter the secret realm together when the Star Secret Realm opens. Little girl sees that you happen to be alone, why don't you join our team too!
What do you think son?
Entering in a team will also provide more protection, and the harvest may be much more. "

When Nangong Yi heard that the other party wanted to form a team, he had completely lost all interest.

He just wanted to go in by himself, and he didn't think about forming a team at all.

With his current talent for cultivation, he can already walk sideways among those monks who are qualified to enter the secret realm of the stars!

Even if he has not yet entered the secret realm of stars, as far as he is concerned, he is an invincible existence among all people, and it is no problem to single them all out.

In a word.

To kill everyone, only one sword is needed!
Besides, judging from the fact that the woman's own strength is only at the late stage of the Solid Core Realm, the other five members of the team she said are estimated to be similar in strength to her, and it is impossible to exceed the Golden Core Realm at the highest.

If Nangong Yi joined their team, he would simply be causing trouble for himself, not to mention adding a few extra oil bottles for no reason, and taking care of their safety at all times.

Thinking of this, Nangong Yi didn't have any thoughts to continue thinking.

"Girl, I appreciate your kindness, you can try to find other people, I have no idea of ​​forming a team, sorry!"

Being rejected by Nangong Yi without hesitation, Zhong Yurou did not expect this.

In her mind, Nan Gongyi came here alone without anyone to accompany him, nor did he bring any entourage, and he presumably was similar to them, either they were the children of some small powers, or some casual cultivators.

Under the condition of being able to be safer, someone who is willing to come to form a team invitation should be willing to accept it. After all, one more person means more security, isn't it?

Although she doesn't know the strength of Nangong Yi for the time being, but relying on Nangong Yi's ability to come here alone, she can see that Nangong Yi's personal strength is definitely not weak.

Maybe even stronger than the six people in their team!

This is also one of the reasons why Zhong Yurou came to invite Nangong Yi!

But being rejected, Zhong Yurou hadn't thought about it before Nangong Yi refused.

At this time, she didn't know what to say to ease the gradually awkward atmosphere.

"Since you don't have the idea of ​​forming a team, my lord, then don't bother me too much. If you change your mind before the opening of the Star Secret Realm, you can come to me at any time. My name is Zhong Yurou. How dare you ask me your name?"

"Nangong Yi, Yi who is so leisurely, I will come to you if necessary." Nangong Yi nodded lightly, looked directly at Zhong Yurou and said softly.

When Zhong Yurou heard this, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a happy smile.

Stand up and salute.

"Young Master Yi, Yurou will take his leave first."

"it is good."

After Zhong Yurou left, Nangong Yi's side became quiet again.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Star Secret Realm could not be opened so quickly, Nangong Yi slowly closed his eyes, meditating, and his thoughts entered the system space.

Familiar blank, as well as the towering palaces.

There are also rice cakes that rest on their stomachs in the open area.

But Nangong Yi didn't stay in the system space for long before he was woken up by outside voices.

"Host, someone is approaching you outside!" Nian Gao was still lying there, as if he didn't care, very casually reminding Nangong Yidao who was practicing swordsmanship.

Nangong Yi stopped what he was doing when he heard the words, and put away the transformed long sword, with a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

"It seems that before the opening of the Star Secret Realm, I need to temporarily find a place where there is no one to settle down, otherwise I will be disturbed by these people all the time, which will be troublesome enough!"

"Thanks, Rice Cake!"

Nangong Yi said softly to Nian Gao and then exited the system space.

After hearing Nangong Yi's thanks, Nian Gao finally changed his movements, looked up at Nangong Yi who was disappearing, and continued to doze off.

"What are you being polite about?"

After Nangong Yi exited the system space, the first time he opened his eyes, he saw three people walking towards him.

These three people are all men, good-looking, and good-looking, at least they didn't make Nangong Yi feel bored at first glance.

From their undisguised cultivation, Nangong Yi could clearly know their strength.

Without exception, these three men are all monks in the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm, and judging from the identical jade pendants hanging around their waists.

If the three of them are not the children of the same family, then they must be the disciples of a certain sect.

After all, only people from the same place will have something in common in more delicate places such as accessories.

When Nangong Yi looked at the three of them, the eyes of the three of them were always on Nangong Yi. Seeing that Nangong Yi opened his closed eyes, a sincere look appeared on their faces at the same time. smile.

Perhaps because he could feel the sincere emotion in their smiles, Nangong Yi, who was inexplicably disturbed, did not plan to settle accounts with them.

After all, reaching out doesn't make a smile.

For a really polite person, Nangong Yi's senses are quite good.

Politeness is about upbringing.

A well-educated person's character is not too bad in most cases.

(End of this chapter)

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