Chapter 102 The Inner Door

"Hahaha, fourth brother, congratulations, I didn't expect you to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm so quickly, you've left me far behind!" Li Buyi saw that Nangong Yi had withdrawn from the state of cultivation, Immediately said with a smile, and made fun of Nangong Yi by the way.

"I still remember back then, when I saw you for the first time, you were only at the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, hahaha, I didn't expect that in less than four years, you would have taken us far away. I was thrown away and entered the Nascent Soul Realm first." Su Luo came to Nangong Yi's side, patted Nangong Yi, and said happily for Nangong Yi.

"With the fourth brother here, we have a backing in the outer gate, hahaha." Fang Xiuran also surrounded Nangong Yi, and said happily.

Seeing them like this, Nangong Yi couldn't help but smile.

"The three of you used to protect me, now let me protect you!" Nan Gongyi's voice was not loud, even very flat, but the other three people in the dormitory laughed out loud.

Obviously, the four of them are in a very good mood at this time.

"Then let's start today's practice?" Nangong Yi suddenly said with a smile at this moment.

As his voice fell, the originally hilarious atmosphere in the dormitory instantly condensed, from hearty laughter to intermittent embarrassing laughter.

"Hahaha, fourth brother, don't worry about it." Fang Xiuran said intermittently, looking at Nangong Yi with a little dodge.

"Ahem, fourth brother, I suddenly remembered that I still have some very urgent things to deal with today, so I won't accompany you to practice, I'll leave first, and I'll talk about it when I come back!" Li Buyi coughed dryly twice, Said with a guilty tone.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Nangong Yi and the others to react, he quickly turned around and walked towards the door.

Nangong Yi looked at Fang Xiuran and Li Buyi speechlessly, and finally set his sights on Su Luo, who was the most aggressive in the dormitory.

Su Luo was terrified by Nangong Yi's gaze, and immediately said loudly to Li Buyi who hadn't left yet: "Boss, I feel that you may not be able to complete this by yourself, so I'll go with you to help You can help me out or something."

Looking at the three people who fled in despair, Nangong Yi rolled his eyes.

"As for it, isn't it just a pair of practice, making it seem like I'm scary."

When Li Buyi and the others went out, there was no one outside their dormitory door, and they were basically dispersed by the law enforcement team.

So it didn't cause much commotion.

Seeing that Li Buyi and the others had gone out, Nangong Yi didn't plan to stay in the dormitory any longer. Since he had broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm, he should go to the teacher and apply to enter the inner door.

"Master Qing, I have already broken through the Nascent Soul." In the office, Nangong Yi stood at the desk of a middle-aged man in a gray robe and said aloud.

"Hahaha, it's indeed the seedling I like, but it broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm in three years!" Qing Yang laughed happily after hearing this.

Over the years, Nangong Yi can be said to be the most satisfying disciple he has taught him.

The existence of Nangong Yi is the greatest treasure to Qing Yang.

Qing Yang stood up and felt the breath in Nangong Yi's body.

"That's right, the breath is very stable, and the foundation is also very solid!" Qing Yang, who looked at Nangong Yi, said very satisfied.

"Are you going to apply for admission to the inner courtyard?"

"Yes!" Nangong Yi clasped his fists and said.

"Okay, I'll help you submit the application right now!" Qing Yang said with a smile without hesitation.

Two years ago, in the Outer Sect Grand Competition, Nangong Yi made a big show of embarrassment for Qing Yang.

I still remember that at that time Nangong Yi's cultivation base had already broken through to the late stage of the solid alchemy state, and his cultivation base was also considered to be an upper-middle existence in the entire outer sect class.

Originally, in Qing Yang's thinking, as long as his class is not at the bottom, it would be fine, and it would be even better if he could move up a few places.

Who would have thought that Nangong Yi in his class happened to be in the first three days of the outer sect competition, and his cultivation had broken through to the late stage of the solid alchemy state.

With the strength of one person, he turned the tide, from No. 20 to No. 9, reached the top eight all the way, and stopped at No. [-].

But Qing Yang believed at the time that if it wasn't for Nangong Yi who was only in the late stage of the Solid Core Realm, but instead of the Golden Core Realm, the top four would definitely be able to compete.

After all, after reaching the quarter-finals, except for Nangong Yi who occupied a spot alone, the cultivation bases of the other eight classes were all in the middle and late stages of the Golden Core Realm, but Nangong Yi's cultivation in the late Gudan Realm was also somewhat challenging. And the feeling of powerlessness is not a crime of war!
But at that time, no one dared to underestimate Nangong Yi, a junior who was only in the late stage of the Solid Core Realm. After all, according to Nangong Yi's battle, although he only had the cultivation base of the late Solid Core Realm, Nangong Yi's strength was equivalent to that of the Golden Core Realm. Early days!
It was also in this outer sect competition that Nangong Yi also entered the eyes of individual teachers from the inner sect.

Although no one has ever looked for Nangong Yi, there is no doubt that as long as Nangong Yi's cultivation base enters the inner courtyard, those teachers who are interested in him will definitely snatch him at the first time!
After all, for a gifted student, his future achievements are absolutely limitless, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes a strong man. After all, a strong man never lacks resources!

And if Nangong Yi becomes famous in Tianxuan at that time, then as teachers, they will definitely be able to become famous along the way, and no matter how bad they are, they can become a strong stroke in their coaching career!
Of course, if Nangong Yi unfortunately died in the process of growing up, it would be another story.

But no matter what, they will have nothing to lose.

"Thank you, Master Qing! Thank you for your careful teaching to Nangong over the past three years, the kindness of your teacher, I will definitely remember it in my heart!" Nangong Yi heard the words and respectfully said Chao Qingyang, who bowed and clapped his hands.

Qingyang kept smiling, stretched out his hand to support Nangongyi, and then said.

"As your teacher, I have the responsibility to be responsible for your cultivation, and it is only natural for the teacher to teach the disciples and students.

I have nothing more to teach you, I just hope that you will never go astray in the future, be careful in everything, and never waste your good intentions in cultivation! "

"Follow Master Qing's teachings, Nangong will definitely devote himself to cultivation and will not go astray." After listening to Qing Yang's words, Nangong Yi felt a little touched in his heart, and assured him with his fists clasped.

"Teacher, I don't know what your past experience is. If such a talent has been well cultivated since childhood, your current cultivation base may be higher than mine.

But fortunately, now your cultivation level can be regarded as catching up, even much stronger than most of the disciples in Tianshui Inner Court, which is a good thing.

That's all for today's chat. Just do what you want to do now. I'll help you write the application for the inner sect. I believe that a notification letter will be sent to you in three days. "Qing Yang looked at Nangong Yi and said with some emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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