I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 98 Sell Yourself

Chapter 98 Sell Yourself
Eastern Guangdong Province, Huizhou City Basketball Stadium.

The third game of the China-US Men's Basketball Invitational Tournament will start here soon.

On the rostrum, sitting in the middle was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, with a little bald sideburns, and his gestures showed a leadership demeanor.

Anyone who is familiar with Chinese basketball knows this face. He is one of the most powerful figures in Chinese basketball, Luan Jiashi, deputy director of the basketball management center.

Director Luan has worked in the Basketball Association for many years, and has been in charge of administrative management since 1984. As a deputy, he has assisted two directors, Li Yuanwei and Xin Lancheng.It can be called the "evergreen tree" of the leadership of the Basketball Association.

At this moment, on his left is an old foreign man in the same suit and leather shoes. This old man's white hair is carefully groomed, and he looks like an old gentleman.

He is Justin Brown, the chief representative of Star Trail Sports Culture Company and the agent of the "Memphis Iron Triangle".

In the middle of the two, a little behind, squeezed a Chinese youth with black-rimmed glasses, small nose and small eyes, but it was Dorsey's companion, Fan Jian.

During this trip to China, Dorsey specially recruited Fan Jian as a young man to act as a translator and guide for Old Brown.

The reason why Fan Jian was brought in was because he and Director Luan were acquaintances, and he could get in touch with the leaders of the basketball management center and pass on a conversation.

To be precise, Fan Jian's father is quite familiar with Director Luan.Fan Jian's father is a bigwig in the entertainment and service industry in the capital, and he has some friendship with the dignitaries in the capital.

Although Director Luan is only a sports official, because of the enthusiasm of the basketball program and his personality from all over the world, some reception activities are often arranged in Fan Jian's hotel.

After a while, the two became friends.

It was also through Fan Jian's relationship that Xingji Sports Culture Company and the basketball management center got on the line.

Director Luan was very generous and invited Old Brown to watch the battle together on the rostrum.

Old Brown's trip has two purposes. One is to take advantage of the opportunity of Sino-US basketball exchanges and pay a courtesy visit to open up communication channels with the Chinese Basketball Association's senior management and lay the foundation for future business exchanges and cooperation.

To be honest, Old Brown doesn't quite understand why the company has to deal with the Chinese Basketball Association, which is far away in the sky. Is the cake in the US market not enough?

It has been several months since he joined the company, and he has already figured out the company's situation. Apart from the "Memphis Iron Triangle", the company has no contracted clients, and no other substantive business. I really don't know such a shell company. What business cooperation projects can there be in the future?

However, as a responsible employee, the company has the most arrangements, so you can do whatever you want.

The second purpose is somewhat magical.

The son of the owner of Star Trail Company, suspected to be the actual controller of the company, Joey Dorsey, one of the "Memphis Iron Triangle", found Brown in private before going to China with the team, and wanted to sell himself to the leadership of the Chinese Basketball Association.

After Old Brown heard this request, the first thing he suspected was that he was old and frail and deaf.But after repeatedly confirming that he heard correctly, his brain immediately fell into a dead state.

It's not that he doesn't understand, it's that the world is changing too fast!
"You don't want to play in the NBA, you want to play in China?!"

"No, I'm not going to China to play, I mean is it possible to play for the Chinese national team!"

"Are you an American and want to play for the Chinese team?" Old Brown couldn't understand anymore. Do young people in the United States dislike their motherland so much these days?Let the dream team not fight, and become an international mercenary?
"I have 1/8 Chinese blood, I am a Chinese"

"But the remaining 7/8 are of American descent!"

"The United States has only been founded for more than 200 years. How can there be any American blood? After careful calculation, I should also be of African blood!"


"It's not impossible to become a naturalized player, but usually the national team sends an invitation, so there's no reason to rush to become a mercenary! You haven't played in the NBA yet, so you can only be regarded as a little-known player in China." How could the other party send you an invitation!"

"I know, I didn't expect them to put naturalization on the agenda now. I am more familiar with the decision-making and administrative management systems of that country than you are. A seed, constantly taking root and sprouting, quietly waiting for a suitable time in the future, and then becoming a reality. Do you understand what I mean?"

Old Brown thought for a while, then sighed, "I will try my best, but I reserve my opinion. I don't think your idea is correct or feasible!"

With these two inexplicable tasks on his shoulders, Old Brown and Director Luan sat together.

"Director Luan, what do you think of the player Joey Dorsey?"

Before the game, Old Brown took the initiative to bring the topic to Dorsey.

"Well, not bad. He can run and jump, and has good physical fitness. He is a typical American player."

Director Luan also played basketball when he was young, and worked as a coach for several years before engaging in administrative management, so he is not a layman in basketball.

"Then how do you think he compares with the players of the Chinese team?" Old Brown asked.

Director Luan gave the American old man opposite him a strange look, "From the performance of the previous two games, this young man named Joey Dorsey did really well and caused a lot of trouble for the Chinese team's inside line. Especially It is in rebound control and defense, which can be said to be a level higher than other players."

Listening to Fan Jian's translation, Old Brown nodded in relief.

"—However," Director Luan suddenly changed the subject, "At this stage, he can only be said to be good. You must know that the strongest position in the Chinese men's basketball team is inside. We not only have Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian, but also Battelle, now that Big Zhi is back, there are even a few good center forwards in the youth team! Compared with them, this Joey Dorsey does not have an advantage.

Even as far as I know, the insiders of the American men's basketball team are now in a state of withering talent and lack of talent. To be honest, Chinese basketball has unique experience in cultivating insiders. In this regard, we are no worse than any other country! "

Director Luan's words were so reasonable and well-founded that Old Brown choked, and he couldn't say what he had prepared.

Brown couldn't figure it out, but Fan Jian was generous and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Uncle Luan, it is said that Joey Dorsey has Chinese blood. Do you think he will be able to play for the Chinese team one day?"

Director Luan laughed loudly, "Xiao Fan, you foreign students are not down-to-earth in the United States! Can you imagine how the outside world will comment on us if there is a black man in the Chinese team? If that Ross has Chinese blood, maybe Is it worth working on, Dorsey? Haha! Don't translate these words to our foreign friend!"

Fan Jian sighed in his heart: To put it bluntly, Dorsey is still not strong enough, and it is not worth the risk of breaking the rules for bureaucrats in these systems to operate.

On the court, the game has already begun.

Dorsey and Tang Zhengdong jumped the ball and still won.

It's just that few people noticed that Dorsey seemed to jump higher and faster this time.

The University of Memphis got the ball, and Roseben wanted to organize an offense, but Dorsey yelled at him unceremoniously: "Give me the ball!"

Rose froze for a moment, then passed the ball to his elder brother.

There is no way, people who are broken in love can't afford to provoke them!

Kashuai on the sidelines frowned slightly, and thought: Dorsey was really hit hard by the loss of love!It seemed that he was going to fight indiscriminately under the mood swings!Alas, it's not easy for him, let him mess around first, let him vent, and replace him later if it goes too far.

Dorsey took the ball forward unhurriedly, but no one came to stop him.

Tang Zhengdong, the center of the Chinese team, has already pushed back to the basket and waited for him. Although I don't know what the Americans are doing, can you still shoot three-pointers as a center?

But Dorsey really made a three-pointer!
He came to the top of the arc, saw no one was coming to defend, raised his hand and scored a three-pointer.

The ball hits steadily!

Just kidding, who do you look down on?Now Dorsey is not Dorsey, but McGrady possessed!

Although Tracy McGrady was a dunker flying around in high school, it doesn't mean that his long-range shots are inaccurate, let alone shots without any defensive pressure!
This ball shocked everyone!
Joey Dorsey, who had been wreaking havoc at the basket in the first two games and did not show his long-range shooting ability, actually shot a three-pointer as soon as he came up in the third game!
And it's very accurate, it doesn't look like a trick at all!
If the possibility of genetic mutation is ruled out, then this kid was deliberately planning to confuse his opponent in the first two games!
Using the time of two games to plan, this guy is a vicious scheming dog!
Not only the jaws of the entire Chinese team were shocked, but everyone in Chicago, USA was also shocked!
"Joey Dorsey has three-point ability! When did he develop this skill!"

"Isn't his information written to focus on defense and offense at the basket? Why didn't he mention his long-range shooting ability!"

"Didn't the NCAA see him shoot a three-pointer this season?"

"Don't tell me, I remembered that last year in the NCAA quarterfinals, he made a lot of three-pointers in the game against Oden!"

"A rebounding monster with a long-range attack method! Tsk tsk, it's interesting, his draft pick has to be advanced again!"


Not only were the scouts and reporters arguing, but several draft players watching the game in Room 1208 of the Hilton Hotel couldn't believe their eyes.

OJ Mayo: "This Joey Dorsey is a bit interesting! Look at his dribbling and shooting movements very neatly, not like an insider, but like an outside player,"

Lopez: "Is this Joey Dorsey? Why do I feel like he's different than usual?"

Kevin Love: "It seems a little weird"

Westbrook: "What can be seen on a ball, maybe it's blind"

Roy Hibbert: "Maybe"


(End of this chapter)

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