I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 266 Yao Ming is Injured

Chapter 266 Yao Ming is Injured
The Rockets unexpectedly won the first game of the second round of the playoffs.

Unexpectedly, it was because the strength of the Rockets was much inferior to the opponents in the sky. In the regular season, they were swept by the Lakers 4-0, and they were playing away. Before the game, no one thought that the Rockets would have a chance.

Reasonably, it is because the Rockets played rare unity, hardness and bloodiness. Battier's blood-stained robes and Yao Ming were injured and unable to leave the line of fire. Their mental strength has surpassed their combat effectiveness. With such spirit, they can win any victory. None of the opponents should be surprised.

Getting off to a good start, the Rockets are of course very happy, but there is a little worry in addition to the joy - that is Yao Ming's injury.

Yao Ming is so important to this Rockets team. He is the team's "Pillar of Bodhisattvas, and Zijin Liang of the Sea". Without him, the first game would never have been won.

After this season, a long-standing problem that has plagued the Rockets -- "Who is the boss of Yao Mai?" finally has an answer.

Yao Ming's cohesion, leadership, and charisma have conquered the team from top to bottom. He is the team's well-deserved leader!
However, at this critical moment, if the leader falls, the inner pillar of the team will also fall, and the team will inevitably collapse.

Dorsey knows the importance of Yao Ming better than anyone else, because he still remembers how miserable the Rockets were in his previous life after Yao Ming fell.

Dorsey felt that Dayao's knee injury this time seemed to be more serious than in his previous life.Because Dayao participated in the next competition in his previous life.But this time his knee was completely swollen into a big purple bun, no need for a doctor's diagnosis, anyone can come to the conclusion that he won't be able to fight in the next game!
On the second day of the game, Yao Ming had a lower limb MRI examination at the local hospital.

After everyone in the Rockets waited anxiously, the inspection results came out, and there was good news and bad news.

The good news is: Dayao's knee bones and ligaments are fine, but his legs are swollen and he needs to rest for 4-5 days. Therefore, Dayao may miss the next two games.

But this is not bad news. The real bad news is that during the examination, the doctor found that Dayao's left foot seemed to have signs of a slight fracture.

The reason why it is said to be suspected is because the scope of the bone fracture is very, very small. If the hospital's equipment is not the most advanced in the world, and the doctor is also an authoritative expert in related fields, it would not be possible to detect it at all.

According to experts' feedback, such a small bone fracture does not require surgery, and it only needs to rest for a month to recover, and it does not even affect normal life and activities.

However, Yao Ming is an athlete, and he is participating in the highest level basketball league in the world, and it is also the most intense playoffs.In such a fierce competition, experts dare not guarantee whether the bone fracture will aggravate.

The Rockets notified Yao Ming of the news and let him make his own decision.

Dayao was silent.Of course he knew that for the sake of his career, he should take a break and directly announce his reimbursement for the season.After all, he is only 29 years old, and his career is in the golden period. At this age, Olajuwon has not yet won the championship.

However, he has already broken through the curse of the first round of the playoffs, and encountered the strongest Lakers in the league in the Western Conference Final Four!And he also led the team to win the first game!What a good opportunity this is, how eager he is to continue to move forward and see where the limits of himself and the Rockets are!

With a difficult choice, Dayao couldn't make a decision for a while.

After discussing with the Rockets' management and coaching staff, the three parties temporarily made a decision.

Let Dayao rest for two games first, anyway, he has to rest no matter what happens to his knee injury.After two games, the Rockets will decide whether to participate in the next game based on the Rockets' results and performance in the two games. His bone fracture is kept secret for the time being, and it will be announced if it is wrong.

Although Dayao can move on crutches, the Rockets still equipped him with a huge wheelchair just in case.And Dorsey took the initiative to take on the important task of pushing the wheelchair for Dayao.

In the past two days, the Los Angeles media reporters took an interesting photo.

The tall Dorsey pushed a huge wheelchair, and the even bigger Yao Ming sat in the wheelchair.

"Joy, do you think I should continue to finish this series?" Sitting in a wheelchair, Dayao asked Dorsey.

Dorsey, who was always eloquent, remained silent this time, not because he didn't know what would happen, on the contrary, it was precisely because he was a time traveler and knew what would happen next that he couldn't answer.

According to the development trajectory of his previous life, Dayao's knee injury was not as serious as this time. He participated in the next game, but during the third game, he sprained his ankle three times in a row, and he couldn't hold on at noon and left the game. With a fractured left foot, he was reimbursed for the season, and the Rockets without Yao and Mai were also eliminated by the Lakers.

If it's just reimbursement for the season, Dorsey will not hesitate to persuade Dayao not to play, and put his body and sports career first, so that he can stay in Qingshan and heal his injuries to fight again next season.

But things are not that simple.

After Dayao was injured, he never completely recovered!The injury that ordinary people can recover after 8-12 weeks of recuperation not only failed to recover, but became more serious, from a bone fracture that was almost invisible to the naked eye to the size of a hair.

Dayao had to undergo another operation and was reimbursed directly for the season.

And when Dayao returned to the game a year later, he barely played, was injured again, and completely retired.

I am not a doctor, I don't know the similarities and differences between this injury and the previous life, and I can't persuade Dayao to go for surgery directly, what if it gets worse?Besides, no one will believe what you say.

If it is the same as the previous life, then this is Dayao's last playoffs.If he knew that things would develop like this, with his character, even if he died, he would die on the court.

Dayao is a true warrior, and the best destination for a warrior is to die in battle!

Seeing that Dorsey hadn't spoken for a long time, Dayao smiled and comforted Dorsey: "Haha, don't be so sad, it's common for me to be injured! In the worst case, I'll go for surgery. I'm used to it. But this time it's hard to get in." In the second round, it would be a pity if we stop here, I also want to stand at the top of the league and see the scenery!"

Dorsey made up his mind and asked Yao Ming a question: "Brother Ming, if... I mean, if this is your last season, will you choose to play with an injury and fight to the end?"

Dayao didn't hesitate at all, and he replied cheerfully: "Of course, I will definitely cherish every second of the opportunity to play, even if I will always be in a wheelchair in the future, I will finish the game!"

Dorsey smiled, "Then why are you hesitating, who knows what will happen tomorrow, maybe the earth will be destroyed tomorrow, just take this as your last season, your last chance to compete!"

After hearing this, Dayao thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "Joy, you are so right! Who knows what will happen tomorrow! The most important thing is to grasp the present! Maybe the earth will really be destroyed soon. , but I won’t have any regrets at that time, because I finished the playoffs! Haha”

Dorsey added: "Maybe we can still fight for a championship!"

"Yes, maybe we can compete for a championship!"

"Ha ha"

"By the way, Joey, if I become lame in the future, I can only sit in a wheelchair. You have to come and push my wheelchair every day!"

"Don't worry, you can treat yourself as Guan Erye, the wheelchair is your red rabbit horse, and I am Zhou Cang, leading the horse and pedaling for you!"

"Haha, okay, Zhou Cang, let's go horse racing now, and go to Bingfasi training ground!"


At the same time, in Adelman's room.

McGrady was here alone and asked Adelman: "Coach, Yao is injured, the team needs support and help, please give me a chance to contribute to the team."

Adelman looked at the superstar in front of him and felt a little strange. McGrady was so lonely in the past, and he would never bother to ask himself for a chance to play.

However, I couldn't agree to him, because that would destroy the team's hard-won chemical reaction!

"Tracey, I understand your feelings. Our coaching staff will also consider the current situation and your requirements comprehensively. Take your time and don't rush. For you, getting well from your injuries is the first priority! "

(End of this chapter)

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